Belden Village Mall, Canton, Ohio

Dixie Square Mall, Harvey, Illinois

Muscatine Mall, Muscatine, Iowa

Hawthorne Plaza Mall, San Diego

Felicita Mall, Porto
Marketplace Mall, Syracuse, NY

Columbus City Center, Columbus

Rolling Acres Mall, Akron

Crestwood Mall, Missouri

New World Mall, Bangkok

Westminster Mall, Westminster, Colorado

Westgate Mall, Nairobi
Granite Run Mall, Middletown Township

Old White Gold Mall, Cebu City

Richland Mall, Ontario, Ohio

Wilderness Mall, Reading, UK

Omega Plaza, Novosibirsk, Russia
Tri-State Mall, Clayton, Delaware
Capitano Mall, Vancouver

Arkadia Mall, Nile Front

Hawthorne Mall, Hawthorne, California

Fiesta Shopping Center, Sonoma

Undercliff Mall, Meridien

Windsor Mall, Louisville

Cloverleaf Mall, Chesterfield

Northland Mall, Detroit

El Con Mall, Tuscon
Rehoboth Mall, Rehoboth

Cumbernauld Town Centre, Cumbernauld, UK

Eastgate Shopping Center, Indianapolis

Randall Park Mall, North Randall, Ohio

Crestwood Plaza, Seattle
Seminole Mall, Seminole, Florida
Archamps Mall, Archamps, France

Weifang Mall, Weifang, China

White Flint Mall, North Bethesda

Red Bird Mall, Dallas

Penhorn Mall, Dartmouth

Bannister Mall, Kansas City

Apollo Plaza Mall, Monticello, NY

Duck Creek Plaza, Bettendorf, Alabama
White Flint Mall, North Bethesda
Capital Hill Mall, Helena, Montana

Battle Mall, Santa Barbara

The Quad, Whittier

Jefferson Square Mall, Joliet

Jamestown Mall, St. Louis

Westridge Mall, Fergus Falls, Minnesota
p.s. Hey. Someone who describes themselves as an avid but very shy reader of this blog, and who would like to be known hereabouts as Periwinkle, noted my recent complaints about the back problems I was going through and correctly guessed that a guest-post would really help me and this place out, and they very kindly sent in the beautiful and spooky post you see today. I'm not sure if it will coax Periwinkle out of their shyness, but please give them some of your thanks and feedback today if you don't mind, because I know they will be monitoring how things go today with hope in their hearts. Thank you, and very mighty thanks to you, Periwinkle! ** David Ehrenstein, Yes, how about dem apples! ** James, Oops, sorry for the slow load. Yeah, she must have corrected me in that way thousands of times, and it still didn't work! ** Steevee, Hi. Ah, shame about 'The Wave', but thanks for forewarning me not to waste my time. Ooh, I haven't seen 'Mekong Hotel'. How and what was it? Absolutely agree with you about the mediating, celebratized shape that things take on FB. I don't understand why people seem so addicted to speaking and even seemingly thinking about serious things via the lowest common denominating metaphors. I doesn't seem even thoughtfully enough done to be explained as a method of self-defense. Weird. ** Nick Toti, Hi, Nick! Really good to see you here, man! A Mimsy Farmer post ... that's an excellent idea. Let me go check if there's enough material out there, which there no doubt is, and, if there is, watch for it sometime next week. Thanks a billion for the great suggestion! You good? ** Dóra Grőber, Hi! Almost finished. Just have to a do final polish of the texts today, and then we're done, or, rather, half-done because then we need to have the texts translated into French because it's going to be a French film and the people and organizations we need to schmooze for money are French. But, speaking and understanding French very poorly as I do, Zac, who'sFrench or rather half-French, half-American, will either have to do that himself, or, quite likely, we'll need to find translator with a little time on their hands. Thanks about the post. No, I've only seen maybe, oh, a third of those films. But I love LSD movies, obviously, and, well, LSD aka psychedelic literature and music too. Back when I was doings drugs, I was a hallucinogens kind of guy, and acid was always my drug of top choice. Impedimental is nice. Do you ever use a Thesaurus when you write? I love consulting with a Thesaurus, so much so that I have to try not to. Yep, we got done what absolutely needed to get done. There's lots to do, but I'll have to mostly do it on my own for a few weeks, which is fine. Oh, this is weird. Guess what? Long story very short: yesterday I was out buying stuff, and I got into a friendly conversation with someone at one store's check-out stand. Just like, 'where are you from', 'LA', 'me too', 'don't you love Paris', 'yes', etc. Then she asked me what I did, and I said I was a writer. Then I asked her what she did, and she gave me this funny look, and, as she gave me that look, and as she said, 'I make music', I looked at her more closely and realized she was Britney Spears! Who is very nice, it turns out. ** _Black_Acrylic, Hi, Ben. It's my second favorite Anger after 'Inauguration ...'. How's it going? ** Chilly Jay Chill, Hey, Jeff. I've only seen as much the O'Leary Diaries as was in that clip, but I'm keeping my eyes out now for a more generous opportunity. In my opinion, Reed started reining in the really daring aspect of his work after 'Mumbo Jumbo'. There's still a terrific sparkle in the writing sometimes, but it's kind of overly moored in the onset of conventions. I remembering think 'The Terrible Twos' was maybe my favorite of the later ones. I can imagine the early Kundera does hold up, yeah. Dude could write, that's for sure. Maybe I'll flip through them in a store and see. I know people in the French lit world who have encountered him over the years, but usually at events. He's pretty reclusive, as I understand, and I think his health isn't so hot these days. Yeah, I think the election has super-charged some the worst tendencies among those who treat FB like a second home, and I would guess, based on how everything has always evolved there as far as I can tell, that when the election is either over or settled to a degree that the details don't seem so ripe to the easily pissed off and loud-mouthed, a very good number the people who are into acting like their chosen candidates' jihadists will choose sides in another thing that's hot in the media, and the reason why they only seem to think about politics with their emotions will be obvious. ** Sypha, Hi, James. Well, yeah, I totally hear you about FB, of late at least if not longer. I just keep trying to master a technique whereby I can pan through all that stuff to find the people sharing interesting books or music or films or life-stories or even political views/information that I wouldn't necessarily discover otherwise. Well, you don't make art for Facebook, right? And Facebook's toxicity is a condition of Facebook. It's just a catch-all form of celebrity. Oh, no offense taken. As you can guess, I'm totally happy, honored, and so on to have been deemed okay enough to share the company of those writers. ** Liquoredgoat, Hey, D! Top of the morning! Glad you're alive! If you trip on weed, yeah, maybe think twice re: LSD. LSD ruined weed for me. I had two severe LSD freak-outs, and, after that, practically even getting a whiff of weed in my nostrils feels like it's threatening to restart them. Awesome that you ended up liking the Ducornet so much! My fingers are so crossed for you re: Irvine that they could bring down the gavel at Christies for millions. ** Right. Please continue enjoying Periwinkle's show today, thank you very much. This place and I will be back with you tomorrow.