in no order
Casey Hannan Mother Ghost(Tiny Hardcore Press, January)

Matthew Simmons Happy Rock(Dark Coast Press, May)

Thomas Moore A Certain Kind of Light (Rebel Satori Press, ?)

Alysia Abbott Fairyland: A Memoir of My Father (WW Norton, June)

Stephen Boyer Parasite(Publication Studio, January)

Walter Mackey i want to die (Plain Wrap Press, ?)

Matt Bell In the House upon the Dirt between the Lake and the Woods(Soho Press, June)

Robert Coover The Brunist Day of Wrath(Dzanc, September)

Cassandra Troyen Throne of Blood(Solar Luxuriance, February)

Cassandra Troyen THE THINGS WE EMBODY ARE THE THINGS WE DESTROY(Tiny Hardcore Press, fall)

Jacques Jouet My Beautiful Bus(Dalkey Archive, January)

Jordaan Mason The Skin Team(Magic Helicopter press, ?)

Alain Robbe-Grillet Sentimental Novel(Dalkey Archive Press, ?)

Alex Dimitrov Begging for it (Four Way, March)

Matthew Suss & Ben Kopel Shut Up & Bloom(iO Books, spring)

Tao Lin Taipei(Vintage, June)

Ken Baumann Solip(Tyrant Books, May)

Ken Baumann Say, Cut, Map(Blue Square Press, ?)

Georges Perec La Boutique Obscure(Melville House, February)

Daniel Bailey Gather Me(Scrambler Books, spring)

Alana Noel Voth Fall(Tiny Hardcore Press, ?)

Johannes Göransson Haute Surveillance(Tarpaulin Sky, ?)

Michael Seidlinger My Pet Serial Killer(Enigmatic Ink, January 21)

Sam Pink Rontel(Lazy Fascist Press, February 14)

Mira Gonzalez I will never be beautiful enough to make us beautiful together(Sorry House, February)

Kristina Marie Darling Compendium and Correspondence(Scrambler Books, ?)

William Gass Middle C(Knopf, March)

Dodie Bellamy Cunt Norton(Les Figues Press, ?)

Kevin Killian Shy (Rebel Satori Press, ?)

Jordan Castro Young Americans(Civil Coping Mechanisms, February)

Scott McClanahan Crapalachis(Two Dollar Radio, March)

Scott McClanahan Hill William(Tyrant Books, August)

Tim Jones Yelvington This is a Dance Movie!(Tiny Hardcore Press, ?)

Joyelle McSweeney Salamandrine: 8 Gothics(Tarpaulin Sky, April)

Eugene Marten Layman's Report(Dzanc, August)

William Gaddis Letters of William Gaddis(Dalkey Archive, February)

Daniel Bailey #ohso(Scrambler Books, ?)

Marie Calloway what purpose did i serve in your life(Tyrant Books, June)

Gabby Gabby Alone with Other People(Civil Coping Mechanisms, July)

Anne Carson Red Doc(Knopf, March)

Gabe Durham Fun Camp(Mud Luscious Press, spring)

J.A. Tyler The Zoo: a Going (Dzanc, March)
Robert Vaughn Microtones (Cervena Barva Press, ?)

Tosh Berman Sparks-Tastic: Twenty-One Nights with Sparks in London (Barnacle Books, May)

Ron & Russell Mael In the Words of Sparks(TamTam Books, June)

Kris Saknussemm The Humble Assessment(Lazy Fascist Press, February)

Noah Cicero Go to work and do your job. Care for your children. Pay your bills. Obey the law. Buy products.(Lazy Fascist Press, ?)

Kenneth Koch The Banquet: The Collected Plays, Films, and Opera Librettos (Coffee House Press, August)

in no order
Iceage You’re Nothing(Matador, February)

Vår Title TK(Sacred Bones, spring)

Wire Change Becomes Us(Pink Flag, March)

Deerhunter Title TK(4AD, ?)

Guided by Voices English Little League(GbV, April)

Earl Sweatshirt Doris(Tan Cressida/Columbia, ?)

Autechre Exai(Warp, March)

Owen Pallett In Conflict(Domino, ?)

The Knife Shaking the Habitual(Mute, April)

in no order
Terrence Malick To the Wonder

Harmony Korine Spring Breakers

Bruno Dumont Camille Claudel, 1915

Alejandro Jodorowsky La Danza de la Realidad

Jean-Luc Godard Goodbye to Language 3D

Pedro Almodovar I'm So Excited

Hayao Miyazaki The Wind Rises

Errol Morris Freezing People is Easy

Ulrich Seidel Paradies: Glaube

Philippe Grandieux White Epilepsy

Nicolas Winding Refn Only God Forgives

Wong Kar-Wai The Grandmasters

p.s. Hey. If anybody out there/here wants to share some of the 2013 things they're looking forward to particularly, that would be awesome because one can't possibly look forward to too many things, you know? ** Scunnard, Hey. Wow, the post struck your gold again. This is getting spooky. I was into Butoh for a while, I guess back when Butoh was 'hot' in the States in the, mm, early 90s, I think, and the best stuff I saw was completely mindblowing, for sure. I should do a Butoh post, in fact and obviously. Cool, will do. If you have any Butoh tips/faves, pass them on, please? Thanks, J. ** David Ehrenstein, Morning. Yeah, it is amazing, right? 'FPoR', I mean. I saw that about the new Pynchon. Exciting to me. Crazy and cool how he and Malick are finally revving it up in their later years. My antipathy about Michael Pitt has nothing to do with my encounter with him. I never let the personal interfere with my take on an artist's work, I don't think. For instance, and relevantly because it was during the same encounter, I liked Danny Elfman personally a lot, but I still think Oingo Boingo is probably the worst band in the history of rock. ** Rewritedept, Hey. Hope your sickness has abated or is getting there by now. Oh, man, thank you a ton about 'MLT'. Super nice of you say all that. The admiration is mutual. A 'Kids in the Hall' post sounds fantastic and fresh, actually, so that's exciting. Your mom could be right. My parents were Texans too, and it's weird how many Texans I've met over the years whom, it turns out, I was/am distantly related to. Strange place. Okay, so the bass player is history after all. What can you do? Preserving the friendship is important, and the rest is showbiz. It doesn't seem weird to me that you've been into Riot Grrrl forever, no. That Penguin stuff does look preppy. But preppy is edgy now, right? No, I don't recognize that quote. It does sound 'MLT'-ish, but, yeah, I don't think there's a sentence in the book that's quite that explicit? ** Cobaltfram, Hi, John. 'House' is crazy good. I have seen 'Branded to Kill', yeah, also very cool. Very, very interesting re: what happened in that sex encounter. I would write the shit out of that. Those kinds of things/moments are just the kind of thing that gets me writing and trying furiously. That 'Twin Peaks' rumor has been debunked. Seemed very implausible, and, sure enough, it was. ** Allesfliesst, Hi, Kai. I saw an email from Bill Dietz in my mailbox this morning, and I'll be opening it very shortly. Thank you so, so much for your help. I really appreciate that a lot. They want you to know 'the system' in the US? Hm. I mean, how hard would it be to figure it out enough to fit in and work within it, or, I don't know? That sounds strange, but I don't know about these things. Here's hoping re: that possible Japan gig. Sounds tricky. The UK would be a good fit, I think, I don't know. I guess you'd have to be perfect-ish at speakinh French to teach here? What about in Holland? I've met a bunch of profs in Holland who don't speak more than a few words of Dutch. I read about that panda invasion of Paris at the time, but I hadn't seen a trace of evidence until now. Hunh. ** Steevee, Hi. No, I didn't know about that MoMA retrospective until after the post was made. I think I might have gotten the initial kernel from another imminent museum film series at MoCA in LA called 'Breaking the Plane' where they're showing a Takahiko Iimura film called 'On Eye Rape' that I've always wanted to see. Lucky, lucky you to get to see Benning's 'Easy Rider' film. I guess it'll get to France in some form, since he's very respected here. Actually, that should be in my 'excited post' today, but I totally spaced. It sounds truly fascinating. Thank you so very much for passing your thoughts along. ** Hyrule Dungeon, Hi, Jose! I did get it, and thank you so, so much. It's awesome, and I've been happily further investigating the three artists. I think it'll launch either at the end of next week or the beginning of the week thereafter. I do some traveling around then, and I'm waiting to find out how that will or won't impair the blog, and then I'l let you know the exact launch date. Well, yes, for sure and of course you can finish your novel by the end of 2013. That's a long time, and, well, enough time, no? A year is a lot of time as long as the novel stays paramount. So, yes, that's quite exciting! ** Thomas Moronic, Hi, T. Exciting that your book is in my excited list. Do you have any idea yet about when either precisely or generally they'll release it? Loved your Fanzine piece, naturally. Sweetness to see you. Are things good? What's going on? ** 5STRINGS, French TV has its poz and neg sides, and, ultimately, I'm also glad I'm not really into TV 'cos I think the neg could get itchy. Only saw one 'Twilight' movie. I was more meh than yuck. Haven't seen 'Cosmopolis'. Americans seem to like it more than the French do. Get de-bored pronto. I bet you're way past de-bored by now. Weekends are huge. ** Sypha, Eight day vacation, very nice. That's, like, serious vacationing. Max it out. Right, I need to see the 48 frame/3D 'Hobbit' before it leaves the theaters. ** Grant Scicluna, Hi, Grant! Oh, gun for hire, right, I see. I like your idea a lot. I got a little tingly. Yeah, the found footage thing must be hard since it feels like found footage fatigue is kind really setting in. Or fatigue with how standardized all the treatments of it have mostly been. It's like the notions of usage re: found footage haven't advanced very far beyond 'The Ring' and 'Blair Witch' and 'Ghost Hunters'. But, obviously, it's a much richer idea and prospect than the horror filmmakers thus far have been giving it credit for, and I really like your idea about how to use it in a meta way a lot. Wow, yeah, that could be really amazing, if you can figure out the way to do that. The found footage device is inherently really appealing, and now that it has become a kind of standard, to work with it structurally could be a real attention grabber, audience-wise, in addition to the artistic possibilities. Anyway, yeah, you got me kind of quite excited with your thoughts about the approach, for whatever that's worth. Cool. Did waking up yesterday or today come with added fuel? ** Postitbreakup, Thanks a bunch, Josh. How is your Monday? ** Un Cœur Blanc, Hi! Really nice to see you! Your peace sounds so, so nice. I hope it's holding steady. I'm doing better as of the last couple of days, so, yes, I'm doing okay for now, thank you. ** Flit, Check you out indeed. Wow, transfiguration of the home front. I dig. Your prose is explosive. The good kind that turns the blog into a sheet of bullet-proof glass. Are you putting your new work up somewhere for prying eyes yet? I'll go check post-this. MANCY-influence is a miracle just waiting to happen. Post-waiting now, I guess. 'House' is crazed. Oh, weird, I realize now that I saw that 'Funky Forrest' footage, like, two days ago? But I didn't have a clue what it was. I think maybe it was linked to on FB with the message 'check out this guy's nipples'. How strange that thing looks. Yeah, God knows. Awesome. ** Bill, Hi, Bill! I just googled 'proboscis monkeys'. Holy shit, right, the nosey ones, I can imagine. So, kind of adventurous at least. And you made it out with your wits about you. Enjoy your remaining pre-jetlag days and how precious they are. ** Billy Lloyd, Hi, Billy. Nick away. I've never read the 'Harry Potter' books, but I do love the films. Except for their painfully never-enough employment of the Snape character. That's my only complaint. I want a Snape spin-off franchise badly, but only if what's-his-name is the star. Alan what's-his-name. Shit, hold on. Alan Rickman. I want badly to go to that sound studio Happy Potter theme park thing. Badly. I even watched the opening ceremonies via live stream. You must tell me all about it. The next time I Eurostar to London, I'm tubing straight from Pancras station to that Harry Potter thing. Weird, or not (?), I actually know Perfume and like them already. They're like ... -- okay, no one who lives in the UK whom I've ever talked to can stand Jedward for reasons that I totally understand, but, living in France where they're nothing and unknown, I have a perverse fondness or anti-fondness or something for them and their junk, or for 'Lipstick' at least -- ... the Japanese Jedward kind of, except without the identical twin thing, which I guess makes them nothing like Jedward. Anyway, sorry, blah blah, I like Perfume too. High five. Hugs about the separation from your mom, but, yeah, the recharged and back to business part is great news. ** Paul Curran, Hi, Paul. Thank you, man. I owe it all to the slaves. How's the early thinking and doing on your new masterpiece going? ** James, Hi, James. My health is pretty normal again, yes, finally, thank you. It's your birthday ... today? Wait, when did you post your comment. Hold on. Yes, today! Happy birthday, man! The 40s are cool. You've seen that and you will continue to. Everyone, it's d.l. James aka James Nulick's birthday today! Wish him a HBD or at least privately think and feel a HBD or something to make this occasion worthy, okay? How did you celebrate? ** Kiddiepunk, You come from the land down under! When the women ... something ... and the ... something something ... thunder! No, holy shit, I haven't watched the Grandieux doc yet, and, fucking hell, I didn't even put two and two together about Masao Adachi! Holy shit! I'll watch that today! My day is made! Grandieux has a new film coming out this year, as you see above, the one co-starring Anya from Gisele's and my work. In fact, if I wasn't going to Tarbes next week, there's a screening that I could have gone to. I'm better now that I'm not sick anymore. It's a really mild winter here so far. You'd like it. It's not even really cold. It's weird. I'm going down to the office later this morning where I'm going to beg and plead and use my puppy dog eyes to try to convince Chrystel to show me where the tunnel to the Bastille is for my birthday. Wish me luck. I miss you too. Come back, come back! ** Misanthrope, Hi, G. Nice sounding weekend there, yeah. What did I do? Hm. Oh, yeah, on Saturday I met with Gisele 'cos next week we start the heavy work getting 'The Pyre' ready for its premiere, and I have to go to this tiny French town Tarbes for the rehearsals and stuff next week, so we met about that. And I started trying a new method to get back into my novel, and we'll see if that works. Yesterday ... oh, I hung out with my friend Zac. I can't remember if I mentioned this, but I met this guy Zac about a month ago, and it was one of those rare things where, within five minutes, you feel like you've known each other all your lives but you also get the new friend buzz/crush, so he's my new best friend, and yesterday we went to the wax museum and ate nachos and talked about this collaboration we're going to do -- he's a visual artist -- that'll be a kind of narrative or sequence made of animated gifs. So, that was really fun. So, I had a nice weekend too. And what's the story on your Monday? Is you health back to normal and at least goodish again? ** Chris Dankland, Hi, Chris! I know, totally, about that scene in 'Hausu'. Glad the post was useful. Adachi is a really interesting guy, yeah. As Kiddiepunk just reminded me, there's a new documentary about him by the amazing French film director Philippe Grandieux that I have right here in my sweaty palms and am about to watch. I'll let you know how it is. Maybe it can be downloaded from somewhere. I would think the 'landscape theory' might be spelled out in the documentary, but we'll see. I too find it very interesting and mysterious so far, of course. I didn't know that about the Sam Pink stories upload. I'll go read that straight away. Excited for 'Rontel'. Your eBook is amazing, man. Really inspiring. The writing and also the use of form is very invigorating and provoking. Gave me a lot of percolating ideas. Great! You have a very fine Monday too. ** Okay. Yeah, highly anticipated stuff is on show today, and, like I said, I'd love to have more things to jones for if you have any tips or anything. See you tomorrow.