Randomly organized stack of me-related stuff (top to bottom): (1) me reading 'Dear Todd' on the Poetry Spots TV series in the early '90s. (2) me interviewed for Hilda Magazine about 'Little Caesar Magazine'. (3) promo video for 'Them'. (4) me reading 'Container' at the New Museum. (5) Lux's sound/visual collage re: Period. (6) Harper Perennial's trailer for Ugly Man. (7) 'Dennis Cooper and friends, San Francisco 11-16-11' by Michael Karo. (8) My sequence from The United States of Poetry series on PBS. (9) Promo video for 'Teenage Hallucination'. (10) me talking about Ugly Man on Olive TV. (11) Video feature about me and interview on the Laura Palmer site. (12) Excerpts from 'Jerk', the theater work. (13) Japanese promo video for 'This Is How You Will Disappear'. (14) Frank Jaffe reading works of mine. (15) Promo video for 'Read Into My Black Holes'. (16) me reading my stuff at the Soft Targets Magazine launch event. (17) 'Frisk (An Adapted Scene)' by danielisuploading. (18) Brief excerpt from 'Kindertotenlieder'. (19) Sveinum's 'Horror Hospital Unplugged' - Pt. I - English Subs. (20) Video about 'Last Spring: A Prequel' at the Whitney Biennial. (21) Trailer for Dan Faltz's Weak Species. (22) Italian book trailer for Frisk. (23) Excerpt from Everett Lewis' film Luster feat. a poem by me. (24) Trailer for David White's Oliver Twink. (25) Spanish promo video for 'I Apologize'. (26) 'IDOLS d'après Period de Dennis Cooper'. Mise en scène: Raphaël Defour (27) Excerpt from David Bobee's Dedans dehors David. (28) Trailer for Christophe Honore's Homme au bain. (29) me reading 'Dear Secret Diary,' at the New Museum. (31) My video greeting from Paris for my father's 90th birthday in 2006 feat. The Recollets, Yury, Emmelene Landon, Canal St. Martin parts. 1 & 2
Randomly organized stack of musical things that make me happy today: (1) Cheap Trick 'He's a Whore' live. (2) Wire 'Mr. Marx's Table' live. (3) Superchunk 'Slack Motherfucker' live. (4) Drive Like Jehu 'Here Come the Rome Plows'. (5) The Melvins 'Queen' live. (6) The Contortions 'Flip Your Face'. (7) Pinback 'Talby' live. (8) Sebadoh 'Got It' live. (9) Robert Pollard 'Subspace Biographies' live. (10) Captain Beefheart & the Magic Band 'Big Eyed Beans from Venus'. (11) Iceage 'You're Blessed' live. (12) Fugazi 'Rend It' live. (13) Spirit 'Aren't You Glad'. (14) Guided by Voices 'Little Whirl'. (15) New Pornographers 'Letter from an Occupant'. (16) Wall of Voodoo 'Factory' live. (17) Gary Numan 'My Shadow in Vain' live. (18) Alexander O'Neal 'Criticize'. (19) Tricky 'Diss Never' live. (20) Ride 'Vapour Trail' live. (21) The Quick 'Teacher's Pet'. (22) AC Newman 'Secretarial' live. (23) Sparks 'My Baby's Taking Me Home' live. (24) Death Grips 'Get Got'. (25) Glenn Branca 'The Spectacular Commodity'. (26) Eno 'The True Wheel'. (27) ABBA 'Elaine' live. (28) Dwight Twilley Band 'Looking for the Magic'. (29) Pink Floyd 'Corporal Clegg'. (30) Tobin Sprout 'The Last Man Well Known to Kingpin'. (31) Cheap Trick 'Auf Wiedersehen' live.
Randomly organized stack of miscellaneous things that create happiness: (1) How to make cold sesame noodle. (2) Pierre Clementi in Partner. (3) The scary sheep. (4) Charles Ray 'Ink Line'. (5) Greg The Hammer Valentine wishes Dennis Happy Birthday. (6) Vincent Kartheiser montage. (7) Robert Bresson Le Diable Probablement excerpt. (8) Pacific Ocean Park. (9) Bill Murray in Kingpin. (10) Fujiko Nakaya 'Cloud Parking'. (11) Eric Rohmer Perceval le Gallois excerpt. (12) Sunrise in Los Feliz. (13) Samsung Optical Illusion Printer. (14) How to make a liberty spike Mohawk. (15) Matthew Barry in La Luna. (16) Helen Adam 'Fearless Junkie Song'. (17) Peter O'Toole's scream in The Ruling Class. (18) Pierre Guyotat. (19) Snowing in Paris. (20) Michel & Sven 'Der Tischdeckentrick'. (21) The Winchester Mystery House. (22) The Clearest Ghost EVP's Ever Recorded. (23) Eddo Stern 'Emoticon'. (24) Jacques Tati Mon Oncle excerpt. (25) Samu l'Italiano (26) Frightening Scary Zombie Chinese Knock Off 'It's a Small World' Dark Ride (27) Smack Nightclub, Leamington Spa 2010 - LED Room (28) Terrence Malick The Thin Red Line excerpt. (29) Charles Ray 'Boy With Frog'. (30) Redrum vsTornado Mer. (31) Orson Welles The Magnificent Ambersons excerpt.

p.s. Hey. So, I thought I would celebrate my birthday by making this page load agonizingly slowly for you. Enjoy! No, actually, I forgot about that part until it was too late, sorry. But, now that the page is in place and we're together, party! ** Jax, Hi, Jack! Wow, that class sounds fascinating. I have this image of your body being like a sentence in which you're trying to wring every possible nuance out of every word. Probably a weird comparison, and it doesn't take the ouches into account, but, yeah. It sounds amazing. And, yes, thank you so much for the pressie! I've got it set up and set to launch here on Saturday, the 26th, if that's okay. It's lovely and most informative and all sorts of other things too, so thank you very kindly, my pal! Love, me. ** Alan, Hey. Oh, well, I guess we hear the song differently then. ** Cobaltfram, Hi. It's true, I only saw one episode of The Wire. I just remember it seeming smart/gritty. I've seen a few French dubbed episodes of 'Breaking Bad', and I do not get what the big deal is supposed to be with that show at all so far. Mm, I might have talked about Mark's book to you, I can't remember. Yeah, there was an article by a supposed close ally/friend of Bowie's that claimed he would never make music again, but perhaps it was a plant. Hm, I don't remember 'S,M' well enough to recall the possible inertness thing, but I definitely didn't feel that about 'Lolita' or the novels of his that I read. You might try a novel. My novel is maybe reawakening, but, again, I'm hesitant to declare victory yet. In any case, ha ha, whatever this book will be if it ends up existing, it will so, so not be a break-out hit, trust me. You'll see what I mean, hopefully. (Part 2 below) ** David Ehrenstein, Morning. I haven't had personal contact with James in quite a while, but I did read that he has a new novel coming out, but I can't remember who's publishing it. I'll see what I can find out about his current goings on. ** Rewritedept, Hi. Larry, that's it. Yeah, I'm not letting myself even begin to get excited for a new MBV album yet. Too many years of wolf-crying boys on that baby. ABBA is genius. There's a lot of interference around them that you have to get through, but, yeah, I think they're pretty sublime. Oh, man, thank you a ton for the KITH post! It's fantastic! I've got it set up and ready to launch on Tuesday, the 22nd, so mark your calendar. Yeah, thanks, man. Best of the best of luck getting your book done. Remember humanity. We need it. ** Empty Frame, Whoa, my old pal Empty Frame! Thank you so much, man. How the heck are you? What's going on? I would really love a catch up, if you have the time and don't mind. In any case, lots of love to you! ** Heliotrope, Hi, Mark! Yeah, adding some variety to your usual soreness is an ouch in the right direction, right? But the guitar holding limitations really suck. That has to be fixed, or maybe you can start playing one of those keyboard guitars like Edgar Winter or whoever. Dead car in LA is just about the worst. Take it to the Swede. Bite the bullet. Swedes know of what they do. Love in a swirling, holographic hailstorm back in your and J's direction. ** Scunnard, It's weird that sunniness should be expensive, but it is, isn't it? Even the tanning salon knock off version. Portugal is nice. Don't know about Spain, but surely it is. And then there's LA! Need I say more. Me and sunniness? I want to get back to LA as soon as the theater-making schedule gives me a decent time break. And it gets kind of sunny here in the big P between rainstorms. Yeah, the eBook is actually turning out to be quite an adventurous form to work in. It's exciting. ** Cobaltfram, Those daguerreotypes are something else! Everyone, as per Cobaltfram's mysterious suggestion: w/o comment. Click. ** Tomkendall, Saturday, nice. Hectic is definitely better than invisible. The wedding! Sweet, funny, tragic-ish dialogue there. A world with a poor Thomas in it is only a shadow of an acceptable world. Yeah, join me in maybe having found a way back into the novel. The water's maybe kind of fine. ** 5STRINGS, It does suck that they tore down the Bastille Prison. Their excuse is that it 'burned down', but it was made out of rocks and cement or whatever, which any school boy knows can not 'burn down', so that excuse is bullshit. Did I already tell you or did you know that the the awesome little Magic Museum here in Paris/the Marais is housed in what was once the dungeon of Sade's Paris house? Cool hotel with a tower thing in it. Thanks for birthday words, man. ** Will, Hi, Will. Thank you, kind sir. Interesting possibilities? Like what? You probably can't say, right? The only Pizza Hut in Paris is just a handful of blocks from me. Should I see if they're hiring? ** Steevee, Thank you, Steve. No, I think Tony gets really fed up with the internet sometimes. He has in the past. I think it's a bohemian thing or something maybe. Great about the interview. Too bad about phone. I was going to suggest a FaceTime or Skype/vid interview, but, actually, I personally find that mode more distracting and stressful than anything else. ** _Black_Acrylic, Hi, Ben. Well, I would certainly like it if you wrote more art reviews for The Skinny just so long as you hooked me up when they run. ** Grant Scicluna, Hi, Grant! Yeah, Yury saves up his pennies and indulges in CdlM when he can. He doesn't share because he says it's too late for me, so I would just be a waste of its preciousness, ha ha, which is undoubtedly true. I like your pickpocket method. If you ever make a full-out comedy feature, that would make for a cool character development moment maybe. Thanks for your birthday good thoughts. Thanks for answering my East Coast question. Why is the East Coast the most habitable area? Are there more, like, rivers and stuff on that side of the continent? Maybe that's a question for a scientist. Happy day! ** Flit, Thanks, Flit old buddy. It's true. And your birthday rah rah hit me right where I live. xoxo. ** Pilgarlic, Thank you very much, my friend! You turn the big, ugh, 60, urgh, in September. I will say that, speaking at 11 hours into to the 60 thing, it doesn't seem too apocalyptic so far. Man, your year was not a good year. Jesus, that's an understatement. Momentous, yes, but good in any definition of that word, no. That shared heart thing among your brothers and you is very spooky. Man, I don't know. 2013 has to be a breakthrough, uplifting year for you no matter what. Hugs, P. And since it's my birthday today, maybe the hugs have some extra special something powerful in them by default? No can of worms opened. I don't think Michael Pitt had or has a problem with me. The only time I met him, it was more that I wasn't so into him, and I think he just thought I was some unimportant body in his presence. That was before he hooked up with Laura Albert. Back when I was still being totally duped by her, and when she was calling me incessantly day and night in the guise of JT, Michael Pitt was one of the centerpiece topics of her/'his' lying for while, i.e. that he and JT were having a wild affair and blah blah. I never knew how much LA and MP were actually connected or 'friends' or whatever. She remains a non-stop pathological liar to this day, so who knows what was truth or not. So, yeah, I don't know. If anybody deserves a really great day today, it's you, man. ** Oscar B., Hey! I wish you were here too! I think I'm going to have fun, though, surprisingly enough. Nachos! Is it really as scary hot down there as the news is making out up here? Love love love to you! ** Bill P. in Chicago, Hi, Bill. Yeah, Seedman's work is very interesting. I'm very glad you enjoyed it and the post. Thank you for the birthday wish. I appreciate your cats' and your raised coffee. And thank you for the kind words, man, and very especially for joining this gang of also awesome people. Getting to know you has been a really great thing. ** Sypha, I'm looking forward to it, it being 'Django'. Try to enjoy your last three days, my friend. And thank you a lot for the birthday wish. ** Ken Baumann, Ken! Ha ha, thank you. My shoulder feels like a cloud this morning. I'll eat some cold sesame noodle and probably some cake for you, you betcha. ** Andrew, Thank you kindly, Andrew! ** Billy Lloyd, Hi. I would be totally okay and more with that sequel you just thought up. Maybe you should get word to Ms. Rowling somehow before it's too late. Really, really good luck with your 7 day exam. You think you'll be fine? Great, sigh of relief. Of course I totally understand if it's all-consuming. Do work on the new stuff. I mean, yeah, duh, that's all kinds of important. Ha ha, as a semi-former druggie, I'm with you 100% on the advice. Take good care until I get to see you next! ** Misanthrope, It does seem to be my birthday. I think I rock better when my cock's not out, but the day is young. I think I objectified you, yeah. Now you know how it feels. It feels so sad, right? I hope your fingerprints make an enormously upbeat impression. No doubt. ** Trees, Hi, man. Thank you, thank you, you're a great friend and person too, buddy. Not to mention a hell of an artist, let's not forget. Ouch, I don't think I've had an ingrown hair. Tweezers? Cool, yeah, CDO's stuff is great, right? Nice. And thanks for those Nu Sensae links. I'll use them to upgrade my birthday later. Mike Kitchell put out a Dan Hoy book? Shit, I missed that. I'll go see if there are any left. And, yes, yes to your book coming out! I'm very excited about that. With only 250 copies, it'll probably get swept up in a sec, but I'd be way into introducing/ celebrating its birth and existence on the blog, if you want to give me a timely heads up. And cool that you're reading with Leopoldine. I really like her. That'll be powerhouse. Oh, no, you didn't come too anything about the Dimitrov thing. It was nothing but interesting and informative and thought-provoking, so thank you for that. You enjoy your Mellis, and I'll enjoy whatever this anniversary has in store for me. Love to you, T! ** Un Cœur Blanc, Hi! Today is my birthday, yes. It's true, just getting to have another one is the thing I should be appreciating. That's okay about the card. It's so sweet of you to have thought of me. I hope your day goes very splendidly! ** Alistair McCartney, Hi, Alistair! Thank you my pal, and thank you so greatly for all three of those major things of yours that I so luckily get to experience. Very glad you're getting into the swing of the transition. Ever and ever more excited for your new novel. Love, me. ** Creative Massacre, Yeah, ultimately, it's just kind of meh. Thank you for thinking of me on my birthday! ** Postitbreakup, Hi, Josh. I will dig myself into that porn in a bit. Nice of you. Interesting porn is a good thing. Thank you, my friend. Right, that Lynch book pre-dates the best stuff of his, doesn't it? Still ... Happy day! ** Schlix, Thank you a lot, Uli! ** Paradigm, Hi, Scott. Oh, my email is dcooperweb@gmail.com. Thank you so much for that, man! Today, as part of my birthday plans, we're going to the Archives to see what we can find about the tunnel. Fingers crossed. Thanks bunches for the birthday good thoughts. Take care. ** Bollo, Hi, J. Thanks! I do indeed have tasty things to munch on scheduled for today, yes! Great about the unexpected show! That's a lot more like it! Ha ha, I peeked at the video. My day is totally made, and it's all because of you, sir. Take a bow. ** Paul Curran, Thank you a lot, Paul! ** Jheorgge, Hey, old pal, old buddy! So wonderful to see you! I saw an email from you this morning, but I haven't opened yet, but, nonetheless, may I say that the email's subject line has made a very happy fella already? Holy fuck, man! Jesus, I'm so sorry to hear that. I don't know what to say. I mean, I don't know, if you want to talk or anything, let's Skype or something. Anything I can do on any level, just let me know, okay? Yeah, extreme love to you, my dear friend. I really hope I'll get to see you or talk to you asap. ** Unknown/Pascal, Thanks! No, I haven't read that Aaron Shurin book. I really should, though. I'll go look for it. XOXO. ** Jeff, Thanks a lot, Jeff! I hope you're doing well, and love to you, man. ** Okay. I guess that stuff up there is sort of like party favors or something, I don't know. Whatever you like. See you tomorrow.