FiveStarRoomService, 22
hey! I have something to teach YOU. if you are betwin 18 and 50 years old, You are a very hot TOP. You do not know that yet. all You have to do is lie down on me & let go of yourself. if You ar Younger than 25 years old you will get 50% Off if You show me your student credencial.
Dicksize L, Cut
Position Versatile
Kissing No
Fucking Bottom only
Oral Versatile
Dirty WS only
Fisting No
S&M No
Fetish -
Client age 18 to 50 years
Rate hour 80 Euros
Rate night 300 Euros
MoneyAndFame, 25
Szczecin, Poland
I may not be gifted with awesome and beautiful face but I am afar from the beast from a tale.
You may have the looks...the pretty face..but never underestimate the importance of the BODY LANGUAGE.
GOD allows us to become imperfect,for us to realize how much we need him.
The world is like a mansion. It has ample rooms to accommodate people of all kinds & I'm pretty sure there's one room good enough for me.
Dicksize L, Cut
Position Versatile
Fucking Versatile
Oral Versatile
Dirty Yes
Fisting Active / passive
Fetish Sportsgear, Skater, Underwear, Skins & Punks, Uniform, Formal dress, Techno & Raver, Sneakers & Socks, Jeans, Drag, Worker
Client age No restrictions
Rate hour 50 Dollars
Rate night 200 Dollars
Djeiix, 21
Words are useless, especically sentences, they don't stand for anything. How could they explain how I feel. It's no good when you're misunderstood.
I'm here for a sequence of physical collisions and money. Don't treat me as a call boy. I'm your friend.
Dicksize XL, Uncut
Position Versatile
Kissing Consent
Fucking Versatile
Oral Versatile
Dirty No
Fisting No
S&M No
Client age No restrictions
Rate hour ask
Rate night ask
CallMeJohn, 21
Contact me if you are interested in meeting someone who knows exactly what he does not want and is open-minded about all honourable activities. What you should not expect is sexual contact.
For this service I take an expense allowance. As the gentleman you are, you will contact me by sending me a message. In that message be respectful and if possible charming.
Elitist thinking will not be tolerated. Please note that I am neither a babysitter nor a geriatric nurse. Ideally you are between 20 and 55. I know how to paint. I can sing.
Dicksize M, Uncut
Position No
Kissing No
Fucking No
Oral No
Dirty No
Fisting No
S&M No
Fetish No
Client age 20 to 50 years
Rate hour ask
Rate night ask
tomasstar, 19
i want to broke your ass with my big cock and be with you and do all you want my life
Dicksize XL, Cut
Position Versatile
Kissing Consent
Fucking Versatile
Oral Versatile
Dirty WS only
Fisting Active
S&M Soft SM only
Fetish Leather, Sportsgear, Underwear, Uniform, Sneakers & Socks, Jeans, Worker
Client age No restrictions
Rate hour 70 Euros
Rate night 90 Euros
David, 20
Brno, Czech Republic
I'm new here so i don't know yet how to do it. I need someone who can comfort me right now. I'd like to visit restaurants and beauty salons Together Redeemed sex shops. We need to be more closer ...so please! You do not ask. I'm not here for those who are looking for a quickie for a few pennies, I could stand at the main train station.
Fucking active / passive
Oral active / passive
Watersports -
Fisting -
SM -
Bondage -
Dirty -
Kissing no
Massage active / passive
Safer Sex sometimes
Rate / Hour 70
Rate / Night 155
Rate / 24h 255
PaidGuy, 19
Hi I am Love the Paid Guy and quite the shorty (I can fit in your pocket yo!) and I am new here in Spazin I mean Spain and Horny and I want a little Peace for the world and I love to Fuck Fuck Fuck Fuck and Fuck!
Dicksize M, Uncut
Position More bottom
Kissing No entry
Fucking Versatile
Oral Versatile
Dirty No
Fisting Active / passive
S&M No
Fetish Underwear, Jeans
Client age above 50 years
Rate hour ask
Rate night ask
Alpha-dream, 21
Are you disappointed with the many teenagers with their games that promise you everything from the sky? Are you disappointed now? You have enough of it?
I am small but teribble. Ill be pleased to own you brain for a few hours. Once you taste youll never forget for the rest of your life.
We can start with gentle caresses, kisses and massage, and end up in the emergency sex. Trust me you don't be loose.
(Despite the many announcements nohow with the fact I guarantee its part visible on the photography equipment protruding and ready for action.)
Dicksize L, Cut
Position Versatile
Kissing Consent
Fucking Versatile
Oral No entry
Dirty No entry
Fisting No entry
S&M No entry
Fetish Leather, Sportsgear, Underwear, Uniform, Formal dress, Worker
Client age No restrictions
Rate hour ask
Rate night ask
Jamal19, 19
Brăila, Romania
say me and u see
able to trip
Fucking active
Oral active / passive
Watersports active
CBT no
Fisting no
SM active
Bondage active
Dirty no
Kissing yes
Massage active / passive
Safer Sex sometimes
Rate / Hour 100
Rate / Night 400
Rate / 24h 700
TheVeryVeryLastDiamond, 22
I'm a guy of andalusia very fun, I like when I hurt you.
I want to be clear, if you want bareback, you can masturbate you in you home.
I have 2 toys for you, I can do a lot of damage and I like it.
It is possible for me to make a recording of my dick raping your ass hard and deep and to fprward this to you, i charge an extra 50 for this.
I'm pretty intelligent too.
Dicksize L, Cut
Position More top
Kissing Yes
Oral Versatile
Dirty No
Fisting Active / passive
Fetish Leather, Sportsgear, Skater, Underwear, Uniform, Formal dress, Jeans
Client age No restrictions
Rate hour 500
Rate night 500
kitty_cute111, 19
Tel Aviv
Very special proposition for you. I'll KISS your Lips and tickle your SPOTS with the lick of my tongue, while thrusting my tool INSIDE_OUT your holes.
Dicksize XL, Uncut
Position Versatile
Kissing Consent
Fucking Versatile
Oral Versatile
Dirty No
Fisting No
S&M Soft SM only
Fetish Sportsgear, Underwear, Uniform, Jeans
Client age Users between 18 and 50
Rate hour ask
Rate night ask
vortecjohnny, 21
The name is Johnny. What is there to say about me? I'm a pretty chill guy to have sex with, mostly, but it's safe to say I can be a bit of a sarcastic prick. But that's just in my nature, and if you can't handle that, then you can't handle me. And I'm just fine with that.
I love all things supernatural, like ghosts, Magick, monsters, etc, and happen to be a ghost hunter. I also love the Harry Potter series and HATE the Twilight series. Therefore, if I don't know you and you happen to be vice versa, I will taunt you to no end and will probably hate you, you fucking Twitard.
I'm a whore, and a damn good one at that, so I dare you to challenge me to a fuck off. I will blow your ass to the sewer where it probably belongs. Additionally, I am a major cumwhore. If you don't or hate to feed whores your cum, I am going to assume you are some sort of a dumb ass.
Yes, I am highly intelligent, so I do love a good debate or deep discussion. I'd be happy to have a discussion with you (if you're not a stupid fucking idiot). Please feel free to message me. Oh, I have a habit of being contemplative or just easily bored, so if we fuck and I'm not speaking, it doesn't nescessarily mean there's soemthing wrong. Well, that's all for now.
Sexual Orientation : gay
Dick Size : 8 or 9 inches
Circumsized : No
Kisses : Yes
Oral : both
Anal : both
Dresses Appropriately? : Yes
Good Conversationalist? : Yes
Hygiene? : very clean
Rates :
Currency : U.S. Dollar
Out : $200.00
I can be a straight guy who fucks you the brain out and let you feel like a fucking bitch!
I fuck and if you wish i beat and kick out your soul and brain! You will scream for more! I am like a drug!
I have the best feet in world! You will serve them good! Than i treat your ass like nobody before!
As a real straight guy i can treat you soft too! I know that some bottoms need a soft program! I am a gentelman too and you will be happy too!
Read my guestbook and see what you exspect!
Anonymous - 24.Nov.2012
He is the KING!
Anonymous - 28.Sep.2012
Anonymous - 04.Sep.2012
You are my god!
Anonymous - 02.Sep.2012
Die geilsten Füße und die beste Pisse in der Stadt!
The hottest feet and best piss in the city!
Anonymous - 02.Sep.2012
To serve him was the biggest honor of my life! Thánk you for a amazing day!
Anonymous - 24.Aug.2011
he is a realy hard man
Dicksize XL, Uncut
Position Top only
Kissing No
Fucking Top only
Oral No
Dirty WS only
Fisting Active
S&M Yes
Fetish Sportsgear, Jeans
Client age Users older than 30
Rate hour ask
Rate night ask
Stop_and_stare, 23
hello i m a DYING BOY i have no time for any one
Dicksize XL, Cut
Position Versatile
Kissing Consent
Fucking Versatile
Oral Versatile
Dirty No
Fisting Active / passive
Fetish Leather, Sportsgear, Skater, Rubber, Underwear, Boots, Formal dress, Jeans
Client age No restrictions
Rate hour 100 Euros
Rate night 600 Euros
PerfectNight, 22
Dunedin, New Zealand
Please contact me if you want to use this TOILET!
I swallow hard, medium or wet soft shit.
I am available only for feeders! Eating only and no smearing please.
There is not so much to tell about me.
Position Bottom only
Kissing No
Fucking No
Oral No
Dirty Yes
Fisting No
S&M Yes
Client age No restrictions
Rate hour 2500 Dollars
Rate night 7000 Dollars
Alex;), 19
hi hello its me so young sweet juicy and yummy wanna come to me and party (Pper, kk, MDA, etc) and have a good time at the beach with some deep troaths and slide your fingers up my whole and cumm together well you neeed to
Dicksize L, Uncut
Position Versatile
Kissing Yes
Fucking Versatile
Oral Versatile
Dirty WS only
Fisting Active
S&M Soft SM only
Fetish Leather, Sportsgear, Skater, Underwear, Lycra, Sneakers & Socks
Client age No restrictions
Rate hour ask
Rate night ask
W/O, 22
Ever wondered how does it feel to fuck a real eastern european natural straight ass/mouth? Would he like it up in his eastern european virgin tight ass? I can give you my answer with or without my girlfriend.
Dicksize L, Cut
Position Bottom only
Fucking Bottom only
Oral Versatile
Dirty WS only
Fisting No
S&M Soft SM only
Fetish Leather, Sportsgear, Skater, Rubber, Underwear, Skins & Punks, Boots, Lycra, Uniform, Formal dress, Techno & Raver, Sneakers & Socks, Jeans, Drag, Worker
Client age No restrictions
Rate hour 90 Pounds
Rate night 90 Pounds
Xmas_Boy, 19
Mexico City
Five little bells hanging in a row.
The first one said, "Suck me slow."
The second one said, "Jerk me fast."
The third one said, "Rim me last."
The fourth one said, "I'm a chime."
The fifth one said, "Bang me at Christmas time."
The sixth one said, "Fuck me with the others."
The seventh one said, "Jazz me for the brothers."
The eighth one said, "Screw me with a song."
The ninth one said, "Book me all day long."
Don´t hesitate, call me now,
let me be your X-mas Boy and let your miracle journey begin.
Dicksize L, Cut
Position Versatile
Kissing Consent
Fucking Versatile
Oral Versatile
Dirty WS only
Fisting Active
S&M Soft SM only
Fetish Leather, Sportsgear, Skater, Underwear, Skins & Punks, Uniform, Formal dress, Techno & Raver, Jeans, Worker
Client age No restrictions
Rate hour ask
Rate night ask
p.s. Hey. Greetings from rainy, pokey Tarbes. ** Misanthrope, I wish I could give you my football stadium seats retroactively. I don't even remember what teams were playing. The seeming joy was wasted on me, clearly. I don't think my politics have moved left or right since I was a teen. Finding anarchism in the 70s just kind of focused and clarified what I'd always thought. I'll never understand why people get more conservative as they get older. I guess it's probably connected to how people start lionizing their pasts and pooh-poohing the present and future because they're no longer whatever they thought they were when they were younger, which I'll never understand either. Weird stuff. ** Scunnard, I would have been surprised if the route to UK citizenship was red-carpeted. Unless that red was blood stains, I guess, ha ha. Thanks about my trips. The first starts officially in a few minutes. ** MMR, Hi! Oh, yes, I got your email, and I'll be writing back to you soon. It's just been a bit crazed pre-work trip. It sounds really interesting, and I hope I can do it too. In fact, I'll be asking Gisele what our upcoming theater work schedule is today because that's the main issue. Thanks about the quote day, and, yeah, you'll hear from really pronto, and, of course, thank you for the opportunity no matter what. ** Changeling, Hi, man! Great to see you! Wowzer, that's a French traveling story if there ever was one. I'll be careful re: men in trucks when I get to Poitiers, just in case. I've read enough bad trucker-infused porn novels, not to mention 'Hogg', to get my guard up. How are you nowadays? What's going on? ** Wolf, Hi. Creepy, interesting. Maybe it's those low dulcet tones in his voice? I think of myself as kind of a lazy ass maybe, but I get lag-whomped, so I don't know. Maybe my ass is differently lazy? I want to go to Lourdes and look at the cave and all that stuff kind of badly, but I have a feeling we'll be too busy. I think your Christian youth is a most charming factoid, don't worry. Poitiers is beautiful? Cool. I won't get to see much since I get there in the evening, do my thing, crash, and split the next morning, but I'll scout what I can, and I definitely am interested in the Futuroscope. ** Cobaltfram, Hi, John. That's super great about you guys going to Austin. Very nice. Um, 'Amour' is pretty emotionally intense. I didn't cry, but I fought it off a little, and I think most people either cry or feel very dark inside for hours after. So, yeah, coin toss on going alone or not. I don't know Natsuo Kirino's 'Out'. I'll check for it. It does seem like dark and bleak is more allowable and acceptable and popular when it's a work in translation, if that's a work in translation, I mean. You can try to convince me, sure, thank you, but I swear to God it's not going to happen with this book, and, really, I wouldn't know what to do with crossover success anyway. Hope your yesterday and today are awesome. My today should be all right, I think, maybe. ** Sypha, It'll eventually pass. Everything eventually passes, I guess. It is nice that 'Lincoln' didn't win much, not that I've seen it or ever plan to. I have a feeling that it's going to clean up at the Oscars though. I'm, like, 20 minutes by car from Lourdes, but I don't think I'm going to get there. Still, if I do, I'll give you a full report. ** David Ehrenstein, Ayers, yes! Whoa, was that a photo of Jodie Foster with Claude Francois? How in the world did that ever happen? Weird. ** Tosh, Hi, Tosh! 'Joy of a Toy' is quite good and almost pretty consistently so, which is kind of rare, because, yeah, Ayers is a pretty special artist, but he is very uneven. The first Soft Machine when he was in the band is great, but you surely know that. Ventura Blvd, the Champs Elysee of the Valley! Aw, thanks for telling me that my stuff's relationship with Book Soup. That's obviously really heartening to hear. Bon day to your from the land of Bon. ** Alan, Hi. Meta is always good for me. You know me. Cool. I haven't seen 'The Master', no. I missed its theater run here. I think I was in LA when it happened, but I'll watch via download or DVD soon. What did you think of it? ** Empty Frame, Hi! Things don't swing in Tarbes, as far as I can tell. Or they swing in a way that it is invisible to the eyes of big city folks. I did a quick check the other day about the cherries boy, and I found a little that I bookmarked for future consumption. Hm, I'll see if I can find out if Manet's studio is still there. Manet being Manet, they might have known enough to preserve it even back then. I'll let you know. I'm seriously working against being elegiac. I'd rather toss it in the trash icon than subject George to that crap. What you say about acknowledging the impossibility and all of that is very true to my intentions, and it's so awesome that you felt that and, more, thought that, and, more, shared that. Huge gulch under me and this book. Huge. Scary huge, but, yeah, if you never try, you'll never know. I'll try to do Tarbes up in some fashion, thank you, man. Hope you got your coffee. I need some of that shit bad myself. ** Allesfliesst, Hey, Kai. That's interesting: in our original line-up of events at the 'Teenage Hallucination' festival, we had a performance of Eva Meyer-Keller's 'Death is Certain' scheduled, but it was one of the things that got cut for financial reasons. I've only seen a video of it. I will be back in Paris, and I'll try to see that. Thanks! I hope the hypno center gets back to you today. ** 5STRINGS, Ah, nice, I see. Quite a shooter there. Yeah, thanks about 'TMS', but there's so much more that could be done with Emo plus horror. Hm. Fun non-travels to you! ** Steevee, Maybe it was the vague allusions I was thinking of. Best of luck with the psychiatrist/Klonopin thing, man. I'll send you Roger's email via FB message. In fact, hold on ... done. ** JoeM, Hi. There was this live album by/of Eno, Kevin Ayers, Nico, and John Cale, and maybe it was titled something like '801'? That might be what you're thinking of. I hadn't heard those Bowie rumors either, just the stuff about him being a recluse in NYC and the few paparazzi photos him walking his dog and so on. ** _Black_Acrylic, Hi, Ben. Thanks for the alert about the Nico piece. Everyone, or you Nico fans at the very least, _B_A recommends this brand spanking new article about her that's lodged on the reliably excellent site The Quietus. Yeah, by plane is a totally fine option. If you have a choice, it's easier to fly into CDG airport than into Orly, in terms of the easiness of the airport-to-Paris train option, but either will work. I'll set my mind to hotels near the Pompidou, and, if you find possibilities on your own first and think it would helpful to run them by me for a second opinion, feel very free. Anyway, I'll check on that in my downtime today, and all very great news! ** Chilly Jay Chill, Thanks, all credit for the existence of the Ayers gig to your lightbulb mention. And it got me to go back and re-explore/parse his oeuvre, which was great, so thank you! My text is written and being translated now, but there'll be tweaking and discussions in the next two days. This is the first time that I'll be seeing all the choreography Gisele has made, and it's also the first time where we'll be hearing and working with the score that Stephen O'Malley and Peter Rehberg have come up with. There's a new idea for me to do these kind of voice-over introductions to the different parts of the piece -- there are three, the third being the book with my text, which, as I think I explained, the audience will take away and read at their leisure, thereby completing the work. So, we'll be working on that and recording my voice first thing this morning. Great that you're off to NYC soon. Really excited to hear how the new projects develops, yeah, fantastic. ** Postitbreakup, Hi. Aw, thanks about the tenses thing, I don't know, thanks! And for thinking I'm charismatic, I don't know, ha ha, thank you! ** Chris Dankland, Hi, Chris. Cool. Yeah, I think it's pretty acid myself. I mean, this is obviously true about music and films and everything, but, for some reason, I think especially with books, it's about forming a deep individual connection and collaborative, intimate writer-reader experience that's just, by the nature of things, not going to happen in an intense way very often at all, and, with the occasional exception, books and writers aren't going to end up with the kind of fame that can dawn on people who work in mediums that are conducive to representation in the media, i.e. image and/or sound-based work, so the size of the number of people that books reach doesn't seem so important, although, obviously, you always want your work to find as many people as it can. Maybe not entirely apropos, but last night at dinner we were talking about theater's reach. The French government puts money into 'bringing culture to the masses', so to speak, so, for instance, fairly experimental theater works will get to play in quite small French towns because the government funds and encourages that. This city where we're working, Tarbes, is quite a small and provincial French town or city, but some pretty wild theater plays here regularly. On the one hand, that seems absurd or like a waste of money because the shows don't draw big audiences and/or get a lot of disgruntled walk outs. But Jonathan Capedeveille, who's a brilliant performer on his own and is the star of most of our works, grew up here, and he said that seeing experimental theater when he was very young changed his whole life, and, in a way, it's really about the three or four people who get to see the work and are influenced to become daring artists themselves. With books, it's so amazing how books can reach anyone anywhere and do that, and books don't even need government funding and pressure to do that. To me, and I'm sure to a lot of writers, the ultimate 'success' is hearing that your books helped encourage someone to become an artist themselves. There's no greater reward than that, and that's not about the size of the audience that your work reaches, it's about the work having found people here and there who needed it somehow. I don't know. Sorry to ramble. Oh, thank you for the link to that video about Houston. That does sound really interesting, and I will watch it when I get back from the work session tonight. Yeah, thank you a lot! I still live in that building in the video, yeah, and still in the very same room, although it's rearranged and so stuffed with books and accrued things now that it's almost recognizable. It is a great place to live, and Paris is beautiful. You should come over and visit sometime, Chris. I think you'd find Paris very inspiring, and, of course, I would be more than happy to show you some of its wonders. Take care, man. ** Okay. I'm off to work. You're off to escorts and wherever else. See you tomorrow.

FiveStarRoomService, 22
hey! I have something to teach YOU. if you are betwin 18 and 50 years old, You are a very hot TOP. You do not know that yet. all You have to do is lie down on me & let go of yourself. if You ar Younger than 25 years old you will get 50% Off if You show me your student credencial.
Dicksize L, Cut
Position Versatile
Kissing No
Fucking Bottom only
Oral Versatile
Dirty WS only
Fisting No
S&M No
Fetish -
Client age 18 to 50 years
Rate hour 80 Euros
Rate night 300 Euros

MoneyAndFame, 25
Szczecin, Poland
I may not be gifted with awesome and beautiful face but I am afar from the beast from a tale.
You may have the looks...the pretty face..but never underestimate the importance of the BODY LANGUAGE.
GOD allows us to become imperfect,for us to realize how much we need him.
The world is like a mansion. It has ample rooms to accommodate people of all kinds & I'm pretty sure there's one room good enough for me.
Dicksize L, Cut
Position Versatile
Fucking Versatile
Oral Versatile
Dirty Yes
Fisting Active / passive
Fetish Sportsgear, Skater, Underwear, Skins & Punks, Uniform, Formal dress, Techno & Raver, Sneakers & Socks, Jeans, Drag, Worker
Client age No restrictions
Rate hour 50 Dollars
Rate night 200 Dollars

Djeiix, 21
Words are useless, especically sentences, they don't stand for anything. How could they explain how I feel. It's no good when you're misunderstood.
I'm here for a sequence of physical collisions and money. Don't treat me as a call boy. I'm your friend.
Dicksize XL, Uncut
Position Versatile
Kissing Consent
Fucking Versatile
Oral Versatile
Dirty No
Fisting No
S&M No
Client age No restrictions
Rate hour ask
Rate night ask

CallMeJohn, 21
Contact me if you are interested in meeting someone who knows exactly what he does not want and is open-minded about all honourable activities. What you should not expect is sexual contact.
For this service I take an expense allowance. As the gentleman you are, you will contact me by sending me a message. In that message be respectful and if possible charming.
Elitist thinking will not be tolerated. Please note that I am neither a babysitter nor a geriatric nurse. Ideally you are between 20 and 55. I know how to paint. I can sing.
Dicksize M, Uncut
Position No
Kissing No
Fucking No
Oral No
Dirty No
Fisting No
S&M No
Fetish No
Client age 20 to 50 years
Rate hour ask
Rate night ask

tomasstar, 19
i want to broke your ass with my big cock and be with you and do all you want my life
Dicksize XL, Cut
Position Versatile
Kissing Consent
Fucking Versatile
Oral Versatile
Dirty WS only
Fisting Active
S&M Soft SM only
Fetish Leather, Sportsgear, Underwear, Uniform, Sneakers & Socks, Jeans, Worker
Client age No restrictions
Rate hour 70 Euros
Rate night 90 Euros

David, 20
Brno, Czech Republic
I'm new here so i don't know yet how to do it. I need someone who can comfort me right now. I'd like to visit restaurants and beauty salons Together Redeemed sex shops. We need to be more closer ...so please! You do not ask. I'm not here for those who are looking for a quickie for a few pennies, I could stand at the main train station.
Fucking active / passive
Oral active / passive
Watersports -
Fisting -
SM -
Bondage -
Dirty -
Kissing no
Massage active / passive
Safer Sex sometimes
Rate / Hour 70
Rate / Night 155
Rate / 24h 255

PaidGuy, 19
Hi I am Love the Paid Guy and quite the shorty (I can fit in your pocket yo!) and I am new here in Spazin I mean Spain and Horny and I want a little Peace for the world and I love to Fuck Fuck Fuck Fuck and Fuck!
Dicksize M, Uncut
Position More bottom
Kissing No entry
Fucking Versatile
Oral Versatile
Dirty No
Fisting Active / passive
S&M No
Fetish Underwear, Jeans
Client age above 50 years
Rate hour ask
Rate night ask

Alpha-dream, 21
Are you disappointed with the many teenagers with their games that promise you everything from the sky? Are you disappointed now? You have enough of it?
I am small but teribble. Ill be pleased to own you brain for a few hours. Once you taste youll never forget for the rest of your life.
We can start with gentle caresses, kisses and massage, and end up in the emergency sex. Trust me you don't be loose.
(Despite the many announcements nohow with the fact I guarantee its part visible on the photography equipment protruding and ready for action.)
Dicksize L, Cut
Position Versatile
Kissing Consent
Fucking Versatile
Oral No entry
Dirty No entry
Fisting No entry
S&M No entry
Fetish Leather, Sportsgear, Underwear, Uniform, Formal dress, Worker
Client age No restrictions
Rate hour ask
Rate night ask

Jamal19, 19
Brăila, Romania
say me and u see
able to trip
Fucking active
Oral active / passive
Watersports active
CBT no
Fisting no
SM active
Bondage active
Dirty no
Kissing yes
Massage active / passive
Safer Sex sometimes
Rate / Hour 100
Rate / Night 400
Rate / 24h 700

TheVeryVeryLastDiamond, 22
I'm a guy of andalusia very fun, I like when I hurt you.
I want to be clear, if you want bareback, you can masturbate you in you home.
I have 2 toys for you, I can do a lot of damage and I like it.
It is possible for me to make a recording of my dick raping your ass hard and deep and to fprward this to you, i charge an extra 50 for this.
I'm pretty intelligent too.
Dicksize L, Cut
Position More top
Kissing Yes
Oral Versatile
Dirty No
Fisting Active / passive
Fetish Leather, Sportsgear, Skater, Underwear, Uniform, Formal dress, Jeans
Client age No restrictions
Rate hour 500
Rate night 500

kitty_cute111, 19
Tel Aviv
Very special proposition for you. I'll KISS your Lips and tickle your SPOTS with the lick of my tongue, while thrusting my tool INSIDE_OUT your holes.
Dicksize XL, Uncut
Position Versatile
Kissing Consent
Fucking Versatile
Oral Versatile
Dirty No
Fisting No
S&M Soft SM only
Fetish Sportsgear, Underwear, Uniform, Jeans
Client age Users between 18 and 50
Rate hour ask
Rate night ask

vortecjohnny, 21
The name is Johnny. What is there to say about me? I'm a pretty chill guy to have sex with, mostly, but it's safe to say I can be a bit of a sarcastic prick. But that's just in my nature, and if you can't handle that, then you can't handle me. And I'm just fine with that.
I love all things supernatural, like ghosts, Magick, monsters, etc, and happen to be a ghost hunter. I also love the Harry Potter series and HATE the Twilight series. Therefore, if I don't know you and you happen to be vice versa, I will taunt you to no end and will probably hate you, you fucking Twitard.
I'm a whore, and a damn good one at that, so I dare you to challenge me to a fuck off. I will blow your ass to the sewer where it probably belongs. Additionally, I am a major cumwhore. If you don't or hate to feed whores your cum, I am going to assume you are some sort of a dumb ass.
Yes, I am highly intelligent, so I do love a good debate or deep discussion. I'd be happy to have a discussion with you (if you're not a stupid fucking idiot). Please feel free to message me. Oh, I have a habit of being contemplative or just easily bored, so if we fuck and I'm not speaking, it doesn't nescessarily mean there's soemthing wrong. Well, that's all for now.
Sexual Orientation : gay
Dick Size : 8 or 9 inches
Circumsized : No
Kisses : Yes
Oral : both
Anal : both
Dresses Appropriately? : Yes
Good Conversationalist? : Yes
Hygiene? : very clean
Rates :
Currency : U.S. Dollar
Out : $200.00

I can be a straight guy who fucks you the brain out and let you feel like a fucking bitch!
I fuck and if you wish i beat and kick out your soul and brain! You will scream for more! I am like a drug!
I have the best feet in world! You will serve them good! Than i treat your ass like nobody before!
As a real straight guy i can treat you soft too! I know that some bottoms need a soft program! I am a gentelman too and you will be happy too!
Read my guestbook and see what you exspect!
Anonymous - 24.Nov.2012
He is the KING!
Anonymous - 28.Sep.2012
Anonymous - 04.Sep.2012
You are my god!
Anonymous - 02.Sep.2012
Die geilsten Füße und die beste Pisse in der Stadt!
The hottest feet and best piss in the city!
Anonymous - 02.Sep.2012
To serve him was the biggest honor of my life! Thánk you for a amazing day!
Anonymous - 24.Aug.2011
he is a realy hard man
Dicksize XL, Uncut
Position Top only
Kissing No
Fucking Top only
Oral No
Dirty WS only
Fisting Active
S&M Yes
Fetish Sportsgear, Jeans
Client age Users older than 30
Rate hour ask
Rate night ask

Stop_and_stare, 23
hello i m a DYING BOY i have no time for any one
Dicksize XL, Cut
Position Versatile
Kissing Consent
Fucking Versatile
Oral Versatile
Dirty No
Fisting Active / passive
Fetish Leather, Sportsgear, Skater, Rubber, Underwear, Boots, Formal dress, Jeans
Client age No restrictions
Rate hour 100 Euros
Rate night 600 Euros

PerfectNight, 22
Dunedin, New Zealand
Please contact me if you want to use this TOILET!
I swallow hard, medium or wet soft shit.
I am available only for feeders! Eating only and no smearing please.
There is not so much to tell about me.
Position Bottom only
Kissing No
Fucking No
Oral No
Dirty Yes
Fisting No
S&M Yes
Client age No restrictions
Rate hour 2500 Dollars
Rate night 7000 Dollars

Alex;), 19
hi hello its me so young sweet juicy and yummy wanna come to me and party (Pper, kk, MDA, etc) and have a good time at the beach with some deep troaths and slide your fingers up my whole and cumm together well you neeed to
Dicksize L, Uncut
Position Versatile
Kissing Yes
Fucking Versatile
Oral Versatile
Dirty WS only
Fisting Active
S&M Soft SM only
Fetish Leather, Sportsgear, Skater, Underwear, Lycra, Sneakers & Socks
Client age No restrictions
Rate hour ask
Rate night ask

W/O, 22
Ever wondered how does it feel to fuck a real eastern european natural straight ass/mouth? Would he like it up in his eastern european virgin tight ass? I can give you my answer with or without my girlfriend.
Dicksize L, Cut
Position Bottom only
Fucking Bottom only
Oral Versatile
Dirty WS only
Fisting No
S&M Soft SM only
Fetish Leather, Sportsgear, Skater, Rubber, Underwear, Skins & Punks, Boots, Lycra, Uniform, Formal dress, Techno & Raver, Sneakers & Socks, Jeans, Drag, Worker
Client age No restrictions
Rate hour 90 Pounds
Rate night 90 Pounds

Xmas_Boy, 19
Mexico City
Five little bells hanging in a row.
The first one said, "Suck me slow."
The second one said, "Jerk me fast."
The third one said, "Rim me last."
The fourth one said, "I'm a chime."
The fifth one said, "Bang me at Christmas time."
The sixth one said, "Fuck me with the others."
The seventh one said, "Jazz me for the brothers."
The eighth one said, "Screw me with a song."
The ninth one said, "Book me all day long."
Don´t hesitate, call me now,
let me be your X-mas Boy and let your miracle journey begin.
Dicksize L, Cut
Position Versatile
Kissing Consent
Fucking Versatile
Oral Versatile
Dirty WS only
Fisting Active
S&M Soft SM only
Fetish Leather, Sportsgear, Skater, Underwear, Skins & Punks, Uniform, Formal dress, Techno & Raver, Jeans, Worker
Client age No restrictions
Rate hour ask
Rate night ask
p.s. Hey. Greetings from rainy, pokey Tarbes. ** Misanthrope, I wish I could give you my football stadium seats retroactively. I don't even remember what teams were playing. The seeming joy was wasted on me, clearly. I don't think my politics have moved left or right since I was a teen. Finding anarchism in the 70s just kind of focused and clarified what I'd always thought. I'll never understand why people get more conservative as they get older. I guess it's probably connected to how people start lionizing their pasts and pooh-poohing the present and future because they're no longer whatever they thought they were when they were younger, which I'll never understand either. Weird stuff. ** Scunnard, I would have been surprised if the route to UK citizenship was red-carpeted. Unless that red was blood stains, I guess, ha ha. Thanks about my trips. The first starts officially in a few minutes. ** MMR, Hi! Oh, yes, I got your email, and I'll be writing back to you soon. It's just been a bit crazed pre-work trip. It sounds really interesting, and I hope I can do it too. In fact, I'll be asking Gisele what our upcoming theater work schedule is today because that's the main issue. Thanks about the quote day, and, yeah, you'll hear from really pronto, and, of course, thank you for the opportunity no matter what. ** Changeling, Hi, man! Great to see you! Wowzer, that's a French traveling story if there ever was one. I'll be careful re: men in trucks when I get to Poitiers, just in case. I've read enough bad trucker-infused porn novels, not to mention 'Hogg', to get my guard up. How are you nowadays? What's going on? ** Wolf, Hi. Creepy, interesting. Maybe it's those low dulcet tones in his voice? I think of myself as kind of a lazy ass maybe, but I get lag-whomped, so I don't know. Maybe my ass is differently lazy? I want to go to Lourdes and look at the cave and all that stuff kind of badly, but I have a feeling we'll be too busy. I think your Christian youth is a most charming factoid, don't worry. Poitiers is beautiful? Cool. I won't get to see much since I get there in the evening, do my thing, crash, and split the next morning, but I'll scout what I can, and I definitely am interested in the Futuroscope. ** Cobaltfram, Hi, John. That's super great about you guys going to Austin. Very nice. Um, 'Amour' is pretty emotionally intense. I didn't cry, but I fought it off a little, and I think most people either cry or feel very dark inside for hours after. So, yeah, coin toss on going alone or not. I don't know Natsuo Kirino's 'Out'. I'll check for it. It does seem like dark and bleak is more allowable and acceptable and popular when it's a work in translation, if that's a work in translation, I mean. You can try to convince me, sure, thank you, but I swear to God it's not going to happen with this book, and, really, I wouldn't know what to do with crossover success anyway. Hope your yesterday and today are awesome. My today should be all right, I think, maybe. ** Sypha, It'll eventually pass. Everything eventually passes, I guess. It is nice that 'Lincoln' didn't win much, not that I've seen it or ever plan to. I have a feeling that it's going to clean up at the Oscars though. I'm, like, 20 minutes by car from Lourdes, but I don't think I'm going to get there. Still, if I do, I'll give you a full report. ** David Ehrenstein, Ayers, yes! Whoa, was that a photo of Jodie Foster with Claude Francois? How in the world did that ever happen? Weird. ** Tosh, Hi, Tosh! 'Joy of a Toy' is quite good and almost pretty consistently so, which is kind of rare, because, yeah, Ayers is a pretty special artist, but he is very uneven. The first Soft Machine when he was in the band is great, but you surely know that. Ventura Blvd, the Champs Elysee of the Valley! Aw, thanks for telling me that my stuff's relationship with Book Soup. That's obviously really heartening to hear. Bon day to your from the land of Bon. ** Alan, Hi. Meta is always good for me. You know me. Cool. I haven't seen 'The Master', no. I missed its theater run here. I think I was in LA when it happened, but I'll watch via download or DVD soon. What did you think of it? ** Empty Frame, Hi! Things don't swing in Tarbes, as far as I can tell. Or they swing in a way that it is invisible to the eyes of big city folks. I did a quick check the other day about the cherries boy, and I found a little that I bookmarked for future consumption. Hm, I'll see if I can find out if Manet's studio is still there. Manet being Manet, they might have known enough to preserve it even back then. I'll let you know. I'm seriously working against being elegiac. I'd rather toss it in the trash icon than subject George to that crap. What you say about acknowledging the impossibility and all of that is very true to my intentions, and it's so awesome that you felt that and, more, thought that, and, more, shared that. Huge gulch under me and this book. Huge. Scary huge, but, yeah, if you never try, you'll never know. I'll try to do Tarbes up in some fashion, thank you, man. Hope you got your coffee. I need some of that shit bad myself. ** Allesfliesst, Hey, Kai. That's interesting: in our original line-up of events at the 'Teenage Hallucination' festival, we had a performance of Eva Meyer-Keller's 'Death is Certain' scheduled, but it was one of the things that got cut for financial reasons. I've only seen a video of it. I will be back in Paris, and I'll try to see that. Thanks! I hope the hypno center gets back to you today. ** 5STRINGS, Ah, nice, I see. Quite a shooter there. Yeah, thanks about 'TMS', but there's so much more that could be done with Emo plus horror. Hm. Fun non-travels to you! ** Steevee, Maybe it was the vague allusions I was thinking of. Best of luck with the psychiatrist/Klonopin thing, man. I'll send you Roger's email via FB message. In fact, hold on ... done. ** JoeM, Hi. There was this live album by/of Eno, Kevin Ayers, Nico, and John Cale, and maybe it was titled something like '801'? That might be what you're thinking of. I hadn't heard those Bowie rumors either, just the stuff about him being a recluse in NYC and the few paparazzi photos him walking his dog and so on. ** _Black_Acrylic, Hi, Ben. Thanks for the alert about the Nico piece. Everyone, or you Nico fans at the very least, _B_A recommends this brand spanking new article about her that's lodged on the reliably excellent site The Quietus. Yeah, by plane is a totally fine option. If you have a choice, it's easier to fly into CDG airport than into Orly, in terms of the easiness of the airport-to-Paris train option, but either will work. I'll set my mind to hotels near the Pompidou, and, if you find possibilities on your own first and think it would helpful to run them by me for a second opinion, feel very free. Anyway, I'll check on that in my downtime today, and all very great news! ** Chilly Jay Chill, Thanks, all credit for the existence of the Ayers gig to your lightbulb mention. And it got me to go back and re-explore/parse his oeuvre, which was great, so thank you! My text is written and being translated now, but there'll be tweaking and discussions in the next two days. This is the first time that I'll be seeing all the choreography Gisele has made, and it's also the first time where we'll be hearing and working with the score that Stephen O'Malley and Peter Rehberg have come up with. There's a new idea for me to do these kind of voice-over introductions to the different parts of the piece -- there are three, the third being the book with my text, which, as I think I explained, the audience will take away and read at their leisure, thereby completing the work. So, we'll be working on that and recording my voice first thing this morning. Great that you're off to NYC soon. Really excited to hear how the new projects develops, yeah, fantastic. ** Postitbreakup, Hi. Aw, thanks about the tenses thing, I don't know, thanks! And for thinking I'm charismatic, I don't know, ha ha, thank you! ** Chris Dankland, Hi, Chris. Cool. Yeah, I think it's pretty acid myself. I mean, this is obviously true about music and films and everything, but, for some reason, I think especially with books, it's about forming a deep individual connection and collaborative, intimate writer-reader experience that's just, by the nature of things, not going to happen in an intense way very often at all, and, with the occasional exception, books and writers aren't going to end up with the kind of fame that can dawn on people who work in mediums that are conducive to representation in the media, i.e. image and/or sound-based work, so the size of the number of people that books reach doesn't seem so important, although, obviously, you always want your work to find as many people as it can. Maybe not entirely apropos, but last night at dinner we were talking about theater's reach. The French government puts money into 'bringing culture to the masses', so to speak, so, for instance, fairly experimental theater works will get to play in quite small French towns because the government funds and encourages that. This city where we're working, Tarbes, is quite a small and provincial French town or city, but some pretty wild theater plays here regularly. On the one hand, that seems absurd or like a waste of money because the shows don't draw big audiences and/or get a lot of disgruntled walk outs. But Jonathan Capedeveille, who's a brilliant performer on his own and is the star of most of our works, grew up here, and he said that seeing experimental theater when he was very young changed his whole life, and, in a way, it's really about the three or four people who get to see the work and are influenced to become daring artists themselves. With books, it's so amazing how books can reach anyone anywhere and do that, and books don't even need government funding and pressure to do that. To me, and I'm sure to a lot of writers, the ultimate 'success' is hearing that your books helped encourage someone to become an artist themselves. There's no greater reward than that, and that's not about the size of the audience that your work reaches, it's about the work having found people here and there who needed it somehow. I don't know. Sorry to ramble. Oh, thank you for the link to that video about Houston. That does sound really interesting, and I will watch it when I get back from the work session tonight. Yeah, thank you a lot! I still live in that building in the video, yeah, and still in the very same room, although it's rearranged and so stuffed with books and accrued things now that it's almost recognizable. It is a great place to live, and Paris is beautiful. You should come over and visit sometime, Chris. I think you'd find Paris very inspiring, and, of course, I would be more than happy to show you some of its wonders. Take care, man. ** Okay. I'm off to work. You're off to escorts and wherever else. See you tomorrow.