p.s. Good morning. Well, as of now, meaning my bedtime last night, there aren't too many comments, so I'll address those tonight/last night and maybe even get to the ones in morning. If not, I'll catch up with the ones I didn't get to on Saturday. ** Misanthrope, Weird how the brain can keep learning. Painful? I didn't expect that. But now you've got studly fingers. Always look on the bright side. ** David Ehrenstein, Hey. Well, he's quite the thing, that Miss Thing, isn't he? ** _Black_Acrylic, It's all gone pretty well here, thanks. A ton left to do, but we're getting there. That hotel you're staying looks totally okay. And it's in the Marais, which is a great location Yeah, it sounds good. Score! ** Changeling, Truckers surely do have a bad rap. Oh, 'Hogg', yeah, initially when I read it, I thought it was too relentless and samey and kind of ran out of gas after a while, but, on second reading, it didn't seem that way. That's a pretty simple explanation, sorry. I can say more when I'm not sleepy and about to go to bed. Writing the p.s. at night is kind of weird. I can see what I don't do it now. Ha ha, that's true about 'kind of's' effect on 'interesting'. Good one. I'll click over and read the blog stuff when I get back to Paris. Today -- or tomorrow technically to me at the moment -- is going to be a hellhole of plane to train to event to bed to train, etc., and I don't think I'll get a minute's peace. But I look forward to it greatly. Guacamole, yum. I don't know what 'American Mary is', hm, but I will soon. Have a great day and tomorrow. ** Dom Lyne, Hi, Dom! Yeah, having ... I don't comrades, or maybe just fellow passengers (?), I can imagine the hardness and the niceness. It seems like you're thinking really clearly about it. And about the importance of the decision being yours. Good question about how that (meds) is that best for you. I guess the logic, if there is one, is that the more comfortable they feel treating you, the better the treatment? Hm, I don't know. Anyway, onwards and upwards, and really great. Things are good with me, thanks. Hugs and love right back to you. ** Steevee, Hi, Steve. Very cool about the VV gig. That sounds real meaty and rich. Something you can, you know, sink your teeth into, etc. And fun too, no? Really fun material anyway. Great! Interesting: the Slate/Malick stuff. I think I did read once about that 'Dirty Harry' thing. I'd love to read that script or draft. ** 5STRINGS, Wow, hard to imagine you like you were. Trippy. I never got that into Gysin. I don't know. I don't totally buy his thing, I guess. He is pretty great painter though. I think Tarbes boys are probably pretty horny, but not for he likes of our kind, as far as I can tell, and from what Mr. Capedevielle says. Pink Emo looks pretty and complex inside. I'll have to peruse tomorrow, but ... Everyone, 5STRINGS' Pink Emo' is yours for the clicking. ** ASH, Hi, ASH! Thanks a lot. Trying to get a band on the go? Awesome. Veritable music to my ears. I like the Swans album. It was on my Top Whatever of 2012 list. Me too: super psyched for the new Iceage. No, still have not seen them. I've missed every gig. They're back in Paris again in a few months, and I refuse to be out of town this time. I'm still hoping bordering on planning to go to Euroheedfest III. The only thing that'll stop me is if I have to be here to work on the theater piece then. We'll see. Fingers very crossed. Really good to see you! ** Will C., Thanks so much, Will! It was/is really superb, and I really appreciate it. Here's hoping you find a job soon for sure. ** Bollo, Hi, J. Things are good. Long, hard work days, but we made the kind of forward movement we needed. Sick again? No, shit, this winter seems really rampant with contagion. Cool listening and curious reading, unknown to me in the latter case, except for, yeah, Patrick's first book 'Ablutions'. I think my approval was indeed stamped on its back. Feel better, kick that thing. ** Cobaltfram, France has its hardcore Catholics. A bunch of them made this big, media-splashy anti-gay marriage march the other day that you might even have read about, but, so far, they seem fringey. 'Amour' was on my 'best of' list, so, yeah, I seem to have to liked it. I'll email you my LA address when I get back to Paris tomorrow. Thank you again! Take care. ** Chris Dankland, Hi, Chris. Sure, quote whatever you like, yes. It would be an honor. Very happy if I was able to be helpful. Exactly, about the connection to teaching. That makes total sense. When I took poetry workshops in college, the teachers said that all they hoped for was that the occasional young wanna poet would be helped and end up making a life as a poet. And, yeah, about Alt Lit, and I don't need to even say to you that it has the universal access and reach thing, which is one of the innovative and crazy things about it. I saw the Vice article and comment thing last night. Jesus, my first thought was that it was big shame that the first sort of overview of the movement was a skimmy, dumb, agenda-driven piece of shit like that, but, yeah, it's so obviously lacking in experience and understanding that it's really just an eye-roller. Really, it's such an unconvincing and unsubstantial rant of thing, it's not to be taken seriously. If it's riling up people in Alt Lit, hopefully it's just strengthening and solidifying or something. But, yeah, such a lame piece. Curious to see if there are interesting response pieces. It could provide a very useful opportunity, we'll see. So, yeah, get over to Paris sometime. That would be really cool. All right, take care until the weekend, man. ** Chris Cochrane, Hi, Chris! I'm good. Stuff's good. Today is going to suck, but I'll be talking up 'Them' to the Poitier folks, so hopefully I can make it sound like a must-see. I'm kind of literally in pain at having missed your piece with Rico, et. al. I really, really hoped it got videoed. Surely, it did, yes? I'll let you know what I'm listening to when I get back to Paris. I'm in a scramble to get the airport this morning, but I will. Lots of love, pal. ** Anonymous, I figured it was you. It's cool, trying to solve the mystery was fun. ** Trees, Hey! Nice day/night you had there, Mr. T. There kind of is nothing better in some weird way than a bad horror movie when you're in a good mood and relaxed. Not a provable theory, but, ... ha ha. Aesop: okay, I'll ask him tomorrow about Aesop. He's having his tonsils taken out today, but I'm sure he can blink once for yes and twice for no at the very least. Gotta zoom in the airport's direction now, but take care until next time, man. ** Right. I got this book thing for you today. Hope you like it. You'll get a hopefully nice rerun and greeting from me tomorrow and then I'll see you with a new thing, and I'll catch up with you too, on Saturday. Stay great until then.