it's been a fun-filled and jam-packed year so far. got a new camera and went from 5 to 16 megapixels. visited the bay area twice: a day trip to san jose with dylan to get groceries for lunar new year, and a trip to SF with sheila and steve to see ian hunter at the fillmore. met mike bordin from faith no more at the mill valley market. and also i just walk around my little town and, you know, take pictures. here's a big ol' stack for your perusal and hopefully your enjoyment.

be my valentine?

the city-block sized abandoned rose nursery in SF. i could do a whole post about that place sometime.

DN in SJ

oh california, i love you.

san jose haul

mike bordin. nice guy. most outrageous dreads i've ever seen on a white guy. sheila told him about when we used to go to the record store and mike patton would wait on us when he was a teenager. after this, he walked up the hill with his bag of organic oranges. that should have been my life. mill valley rocks. it's also expensive as fuck.

north beach, SF. i couldn't even go IN there. too much fun.

for math tinder

mrs lennon.

fillmore chandelier

still rockin' at 73

me and sheila in golden gate park. bike rental: 5 bucks an hour. photo: steve stratton.

SF haul: punk history books, velvet underground book, eileen myles, john waters, carnivorous plants and more.

p.s. Hey. Today, legendary and long-term d.l. plus noted photographer/video and music maker Michael Karo does Northern California with his trusty, well-connected camera, and you are hereby invited to piggyback the results. Please do, seriously, thanks, and thanks galore to Mr. Karo. ** Misanthrope, Perhaps. A really big blue dick no less. Don't know. Meaning erodes in mysterious style. Oh, I don't know, call me whatever, but I keep thinking they'll reach a budget deal even as they use our trusting natures to politic their asses off. Hope so. Don't panic yet. ** Scunnard, Got it. Everything's groovy now. It's all put together and in place. You and everybody else will see it on Tuesday, the 26th. You are a sublime saint for making it, and your name is a GbV song running through my head until further notice. Chuffed, chafed in a positive sense, oh yeah, that's interesting. ** Pilgarlic, Hey, old buddy! Great to see you, pal! Man, such very sad stuff about Tybee. It breaks my heart, even as your lyrical paean to the place intersects my sympathy with feelings of wonder. I'm so sorry, man. I do want to get the new Neil Young. Maybe today. He/Crazy Horse are playing here in a few months, and I might go see them, although the venue is huge and kind of off-putting. I was really surprised that no one until you noted that East Village hotel/complex. It was such a wimpy disaster of an intended thing. Thanks for your thumbs up on the idea of contacting George's brother. Well, if the guy I'm going to contact is actually George's brother, because I still don't know for sure. Yeah, I think it's important to do for a bunch of reasons, and one is that I'm about 60% sure my George novel is an unsalvageable disaster, and it's probably desperate measures time if I have any hope of saving it, and I don't have a ton of hope re: that, but maybe just maybe that reality check could make a difference. Anyway, I'm gearing up to make the approach. And, yeah, I really appreciate your support and kind thoughts on that front. ** David Ehrenstein, Hey. As Grant said, I was saying that I could imagine 'Mala Noche' might not hold up in relation to his thoughts thereby. I haven't seen it in many years. No, my 'Porcile' viewing and studying didn't really change my relationship to Pasolini's stuff. Maybe one of these days, or maybe not, who knows? ** Chilly Jay Chill, Hi, Jeff. Next time I'm around knowledgeable folk, I'll at least make a casual enquiry re: those presses, and if anything useful transpires, I'll let you know. LHotB has been on a long hiatus. A few books I really wanted to snag wound up at publishers that were understandably more appealing to those books' authors. I need to get back on the LHotB horse, and I'm angling towards doing that. Wow, you've seen a bunch of films. I haven't seen any of those except for 'Amour'. I will definitely investigate 'Szinbad'. I'm sold. No, I didn't see the recent Garrel. It slipped by and away, but I'll haul it in somehow ere long, I think. ** Cobaltfram, Hi, John. 'Art is hard.' Truer words hath ne'er been spoke. I think he's doing fine, very busy, nervous, ... Like I think I said before, I've hardly seen him lately due to said busyness, but I think he's fine. The publishing stuff is murder on everyone. Other than Steven King, etc., I guess. I think I'll be free around 7-ish. Not completely sure at this moment, but probably. Let's check in when you wake up, and try to sort that out if we can. ** Wolf, Hi, Wolfster. I got to know DG-F a bit recently as she's friendly with Gisele. She's a super great person. I like her personally a whole lot. 13th - 19th should work just fine for me, yeah. That would be really great! And let's Skype, for sure. I'm mostly around until Friday when I go to Amsterdam, and then I'll be mostly around again from Monday onwards. Most any time. Let's coordinate by email, I guess? That Ribollita looks so delicious. I would love a batch. A batch would kill what ails me, clearly. Love to you! ** MANCY, Hi! So happy that the intro made it through to you. Cool. MBV seems pretty sublime, yeah. Haven't heard the new Iceage yet. I just saw that it can be streamed on Pitchfork, so I'm heading over there today. I got tickets to finally see them live here in a few weeks, which I'm very excited about. ** _Black_Acrylic, Glad you were intrigued, thanks. The review, cool. I'll get to it pronto. Everyone, the one and only _Black_Acrylic has reviewed a new show by the interesting artist Jutta Koether, and that's your cue to do yourselves a favor and read it right here. ** David J. White, Hi, David. Oh, I like 'Philosophy in the Bedroom' very much, of course. It's definitely my favorite of his shorter works. What's the project that you're thinking of being associated with? A film? I could see it making the transition into film fairly well, I think. ** Grant Scicluna, Hi, man. Thanks re: the DG-F work, and I'm happy to have eased your qualms re: Vegas. It's only what it is, but it's definitely what it is in an inimitable way. And thank you too about the 'AIDS' piece. That was the hardest thing I ever had to do as a journalist. I hope everything goes amazingly well on Friday. Let me know. ** Steevee, Yikes, I'm glad your mom's break is a painless one at least. ** Sypha, Oh, so you know the routine then. Good to know what to expect, obviously. The 'Grindhouse' project sounds awesome, and it sounds like a fun and stress-free, at least relatively, project is probably a great thing for you to do right now in terms of getting you back in the groove in general. ** Rewritedept, Hi. Maybe it's like living in a neighborhood that straddles Disneyland or something, but without the $90 fee to enter. I imagine that would suck the magic out the place. Okay, Reno, sounds okay, if that's your plan and not just the alcohol's momentary daydream or something. There's only one House with Boys left, and it's the one that was always the worst one, which is weird, and I won't be patronizing it while I'm there in any case, no. Congrats about the push-ups upgrade. I don't know if I could even do one of them. Don't think I'll try to find out. Thanks for the info about the Svenonious book. I'll check around for it. ** Postitbreakup, What is a coding test? Man, crossed and swollen and multiplied fingers for you on that. Cool, I don't know that Lynch short film. Thank you! Everyone, Postitbreakup has hooked up anyone who's interested to a new short film by David Lynch called 'Idem Paris' and you can both read about it and watch it here. ** Chris Dankland, Hi, Chris. Thank you, and I'm glad that the work was of interest. Oh, cool that you get to read much less review the new Tao novel. Obviously, I'm super jazzed to read that novel. That Gabby Gabby review that you might or might not have written was excellent and got me to immediately get that book, so thanks and kudos maybe to you. Excited to read your thoughts on 'Taipei', very! Thank you for everything, man. ** Billy Lloyd, Not a bad story of your life if you have to have a life story, and I guess we all do. It was very endearing. You know, genius resides in that tricky, blurry area between awesome and embarrassing, or that's kind of always been my thinking. You have to go for it. I have total faith in your instincts. You've never given me any reason not to go whole hog in the faith department. Interesting about your presentation. I guess I think I know what your opinion on that is. But ... hm. How did it go? Are you chilling post wowing them now? ** Okay. May the rest of your day be filled with Michael Karo's visions of No. Cal., and take care until I see you again tomorrow.