
p.s. Hey. ** Misanthrope, Hm, interesting: the Amis. Ah, what's a few more months between a writer and his writing, you know? It's all about knuckling down and keeping the muse on board. Awesome re: the successful background check, man. And fuck knows what's up the sequestration. I can't make heads or tails of what's actually going on. The spin and self-defending and general bullshit output is too dense. Fingers crossed. ** Pilgarlic, Hi, buddy. Really nice fear talk. I had no clue about that Zevon/ McGuane tune until Youtube slipped its existence into view. Cool, man. ** Cobaltfram, Hi, John. Hope your birthday put the 'b' back in birthday. 'B' for ... bender maybe? Email did contain a very nice boost, and, yeah, I'm trying to stay comfortable on my pins and needles re: that. Ah, re: the werewolf novel, right, sounds like good article fodder. George is the ace in our hole. ** Chris Dankland, Hi, Chris. 'Ecco the scary Dolphin', wow. That's an interesting fear. Oh, you mean those child actor resume photos? Yeah, I really was 14. I shot up to 6' really fast, really young. That made my back a permanently tricky thing 'cos the speed of the growth made my spine weird, not to look at, but in its invisible detailing apparently. And it did not doing me any favors in the school/social life department, let me tell you. If there's a cruel taunt involving being tall, I've heard it. Grasshopper mice, nice. Did not know a thing about them before. I get their insinuating addiction at first look. Bon day! ** Kiddiepunk, Hi! I think you're heading over today to do some photo-ing, no? Not sure if I'll see you, though. But tomorrow night, if that still works, sounds cool. Snow, man! Actual motherfucking snow! ** Sypha, Thank you ever so much again for the splendidness! And for being such a gracious guest-host! ** David Ehrenstein, Toads are spooky. ** Kyler, Hi, Kyler. I almost feel like I missed out on even more internal complicatedness by never having been religious or tempted thererby or whatever. ** 5STRINGS, Burned? No good. At least you still have your sense of humor. Weird about the first gay love reappearance. Must mean that something mystical was/is going on, but fuck knows what. I'm confused about how to write a novel every time I start or even think about starting one, if that's any comfort. I don't know what my least favorite song is. Maybe 'Lady in Red'. Or almost any Elton John song. That was a lot of fear. I would probably be able to write out a laundry list of fears if I wasn't too scared to go there. Astronaut space walks are, I think, my greatest fear. ** James, Hi, James. Thank you again for the you-know-what that you passed to me through the email channel. 'Klute' sure, I saw it, but maybe not since the period when it was first released and in theaters. It would be interesting to see again. Another film from that period in which she's great, and which is a really fantastic film in and of itself, is 'They Shoot Horses Don't They'. I recommend it. Much love to you too. ** Dynomoose, Oh, phew -- or is that 'whew'; I always get those two words mixed up -- about the glasses. Yeah, I know what you mean about the positive, counteracting effect of scientific and technological progress. That's interesting, isn't it? I'll go jump all over that nano material in a minute. You're working wonders, pal. ** Steevee, They want a bald-faced statement? Yuck. Hope not. I didn't know about the fuss around the Harpers piece until somebody posted about it on Facebook yesterday evening my time. Absurd. Of course I've been subjected to the accusation that I'm indulging in serial killer chic, especially re: 'Frisk'. People can become so subjective and overly self-involved or something when they're confronted with an explicit depiction of violence or sex, and it's a hard thing to work with. At the same time, I think that if you rob something that is explicit of that quality, you shortchange both the subject and the reader. And yourself, the artist too. The challenge is very challenging, yeah. ** Paradigm, Hi, Scott! Yes, I did get everything sorted out with the Day, thank you so much! I've got it set to lunch here on this coming Saturday, the 2nd. Re: my novel, I think I'm stuck doing the writer equivalent of moving dust around a room right now, but what can you do. That chapbook you're thinking of doing sounds beautiful. I'm very intrigued. I hope you do that. Yeah, sounds fascinating! ** JoeM, Hi, Joe! Heard or rather read that about your cardinal guy, ha ha. ** Bollo, My weekend was really nice, yeah, thank you. And it's snowing for real this morning, so it has also left the door to niceness open when it left. ** Bill, Wow, that gig is tonight! Break every leg. Turn yourself and your audience members into Oscar Pistorius without the girlfriend murdering part. Everyone, if you're in reach of Mills College in Oakland tonight, I very strongly suggest you go see the great Bill Hsu aka d.l. Bill play 'electronics and real-time animation in an acoustic improvisational context. Hse will be joined by saxophonist James Fei and percussionist Gino Robair.' Here's the scoop. I don't know if it was an accident -- probably? -- but I love that they referred to you as 'Hse' Hse's a cool guy. ** Billy Lloyd, Welcome back from Oxford. Sounds really nice. I don't know Creationary. I'll google it. You're already a Moaz convert! Dude, so good, right? I might even head over to one of the two outlets in Paris today if the snowing lets up just a little. You don't like editing? I don't know why I do so much because, yeah, it is a kind of living hell. ** Un Cœur Blanc, Hi! Yes, that makes total sense to me. Nice about your warmth. We got a lot colder here, but the cold softened the blow by bringing along a decent snowfall, so I'm more pro than against as of this moment. Fantastic, it certainly is! You know I think moving to LA is a great, positive idea, at least in theory, and I would certainly be honored to be interviewed by you, there or anywhere. ** _Black_Acrylic, Hi, Ben. Nice pix. Everyone, say goodbye to the mighty little Club Zazou by peering into its bowels on the last night of its life here. ** Ken Baumann, Ken! Thank you for liking my current goodness. Oh, that's okay, no prob at all, on the ARCs. Final form will way more than suffice. Maximize pride ... huh, that's a good angle, isn't it? Pride has this undeserved dirty word status. Yeah, nice one, Ken. Oh, wow, the Oscars. I read the news wrap up this morning and could not have felt less surprised or have felt anything at all, actually. Great guacamole, or, god, any guacamole at this point in the dead of a Parisian winter, ... *mouth sounds*. Actually, never mind, there's this newish Mexican restaurant near the Recollets that has very good if insufficiently spicy guac, called El Guacamole, in fact, where I will 'drag' you and A. during your next dip into the big P. ** Rewritedept, Holy crap! Your house burned down? Wha ... why, how? Jesus. I hope your computer coughs up its holdings and belongings, of course. Man, that's intense. I'm glad you weren't there, at least. My weekend was a lottery winner by comparison, thank you for asking. Let me know what's going on and what the latest is and everything. ** Okay. I've got a whole lot of envelopes for you today. No, no need to thank me, but thank you for offering. See you tomorrow.