* Warning: These phosts may contain dead things.
* How to Build a Fog Machine
* Galerie Dennis Cooper presents ... The best Halloween pumpkins ever!
* Somebody buy me these animated props right fucking now!
* Cody, Joel, Jeff, and I visit Universal Studios' Halloween Haunt
* Bruno Pelassy's Ghosts
* JW Veldhoen performs 'Witchburn'
* Bernard Welt's 'Jason Voorhees RIP'
* Self-Portrait Day: My Halloween Costume
* 20 new animatronic horror props for 2008
* How to build your own spooky house, part 1
* 20 coffins
* The Mr. Demon Face Contest
* The Spooky House Swap Meet
* A chronology of 26 things with Clive Barker's name on them and what he thinks about that
* Galerie Dennis Cooper presents ... 21 Carvers
* Gore vs. Guro
* The Monster Mask Store
* 20 ghosts in varying shades of real
* DC's top 20 Trick or Treat Candies for 2008
* DC's Top 10 Southern California Haunted Attractions for Halloween 2008 (in no order)
* Today you get Halloween leftovers
* The 15 best new animatronic Halloween props for 2009 (in no order)
* How to create a workable Halloween with your bare hands even if you're in some 'spookiness' impaired backwater like Europe
* DC's 2009 Halloween Mask Store
* 16 variations on the theme of pumpkin
* 18 Trick or Treater Menu Item Ideas
* Galerie Dennis Cooper presents ... Seasonal Group Show, plus a special preview of Lux's Halloween Day DC's Extravaganza
* By special request, low cost Halloween ideas for Misanthrope (and you)
* DC's 13 most mouthwatering spooky houses of 2009 (in no order)
* Self-Portrait Day: My Halloween Costume, Day 1
* Self-Portrait Day: My Halloween Costume, Day 2
* 10 timed, bloodcurdlingly true stories
* Skull,'skulls', skull, 'skull', 'skull', 'skulls', skull, 'skull', 'skull', 'skulls', 'skull', 'skull', skull, ...
* Lux presents: Halloween
* The best new animatronic props for 2010
* 104 monster masks
* Goth Gig, curated by Scott Treleaven
* Galerie Dennis Cooper presents ... Corrine May Botz
* DC's 13 most desirable Halloween spooky houses of 2010
* Fake fogs
* Self-Portrait Day: My Halloween Costume, Day 1 (of 2)
* Self-Portrait Day: My Halloween Costume, Day 2 (of 2)
* Galerie Dennis Cooper presents ... Necklace
* The Evil Ghost of JW Veldhoen presents ... GHOST SONGS DAY (special thanks to LARST)
* Lux presents ... The 2010 Lux Than Zero Halloween season countdown culminating in the world premiere of 'I Know You Cried Last Night'
* 2011 Animatronic Prop Showroom
* The man who played with dolls
* Spotlight on ... Octave Mirbeau 'The Torture Garden' (1899)
* Unexplained sounds
* 2011 Monster Mask Showroom
* 207 neighbors
* Boris Karloff Day
* Frank Jaffe presents ... Halloween Horror Nights: A Brief History....
* Gig 16, curated by certain d.l.s of DC's
* Galerie Dennis Cooper presents ... Joakim Almroth
* DC's 13 choicest Southern California spooky houses and attractions for 2011
* ... according to Southeast Asia
* Self-Portrait Day: My Halloween Costume, Day 1 (of 2)
* Self-Portrait Day: My Halloween Costume, Day 2 (of 2)
* 2012 All New Animatronic Prop Showroom
* 253 trick or treaters
* Filler
* Gig #24: Blackgaze
* DC's 20 theoretically favorite spooky house attractions of 2012, part 1 (of 2)
* DC's 20 theoretically favorite spooky house attractions of 2012, part 2 (of 2)
* 169 accessories
* John Carpenter Day
* Gig #28 * : Light Monster, Rob Zombie, Stalaggh/Gulaggh, Sebadoh, Frost Like Ashes, Sundance/Newbridge, The Scary Bitches, Deadbolt, Colin Newman, Christian Trance, Tom Waits, Jimmy Cross, Sunn0)))
* Galerie Dennis Cooper presents ... モンスター
* 214 units of blood
* Self-Portrait Day: Halloween Party, Part 1 (of 2)
* Self-Portrait Day: Halloween Party, Part 2 (of 2)
* DC's select new animated props for 2013
* 88
* DC's most anticipated North American spooky houses of 2013, part 1 (of 2)
* DC's most anticipated North American spooky houses of 2013, Southern California edition, part 2 (of 2)
* Kyler presents ... Halloween Facts Very Interesting
* DC's favorite new animatronic props for 2014
* Gig #63: SunnO))), Azer Mime of Darkness, Andy Pratt, Aphelion, Coil, Propergol, Colin Newman, Stalaggh, Awsomemcmetcalf15, Severed Heads, The Tomb of Ellery, Atlas Sound, Nico, Haus Arafna, School of Rock Portland, Death Grips, Ululate, Rob Zombie, Jason Crumer
* Costumery tips, alerts, items, and possibilities
* 28 ghosts' places of birth
* Herschell Gordon Lewis Day
* DC's ostensibly favorite North American spooky house attractions of 2014 *
* Experimental horror novella adaptation with gifs and magical ingredient #5 (for Zac)
* http://denniscooper-theweaklings.blogspot.fr/2014/10/halloween-countdown-post-8-dcs.html
* Chaos! Misery! Disgust! Shock! Boo-hoo! Waah! Stop! Help! Murder! Apocalypse!
* ... through the eyes and videography of Halloween enthusiast and consumer William Power
* DC's 2015 Halloween Animated Prop Superstore
Lucio Fulci Day
* Galerie Dennis Cooper presents ... Tracey Snelling, Marnie Weber, Charles Ray, Jesse McLean, Zeger Reyers, Dongwook Lee, Robert B. Lisek, David Zink Li, Raši Todosijević, Stephane Vigny, Andrea Hasler, Brian Butler, Maria Rubinke, Odani Motohiko, William Eggleston, Kouri, Eleonore Saintagnan, Jamie Shovlin, Paul Pfeiffer, Paul McCarthy
* DC's Scary Candy News Outlet & Sales Emporium
* '24 DEAD, 11 INJURED, 7 CRITICALLY', a Halloween maze * (for Zac)
* DC picks the most charismatic American* haunted house attractions of Halloween season 2015
* Vincent Price Day
* DC picks the most charismatic Southern California haunted house attractions of Halloween season 2015
* Caked
* Dark Rides Day
p.s. Hey. Happy Halloween, dudes. ** Thomas Moronic, T! A jewel-filled, stack-shaped parcel of sublimely persnickety dark genius, Maestro. Always humbling, never more so than now. ** David Ehrenstein, Yes, I wondered if the Bibi poster was the slave's psychological trick to incite masters into wanting to wreak particularly horrible havoc on him because it certainly worked that way on me. I'm curious about the Luc Sante book. I generally really like his writing. That book has had some criticism over here for perpetuating a very romantic, very 'exhausted' (in the critics' words) take on poverty and criminality, but I'm curious. ** Steevee, Oh, thank you so much for talking to him! The DVD release issue is kind of in-flux and a mess at this very moment. It has been planned for April, but now I'm not sure. Also not sure if the DVD would destroy the possibility to show at a place like AFA. I'm hoping to get all of that sorted out and contact him very soon. Thank you a lot, Steve. Zac and I both really appreciate it! ** Chibre Noise, Hi, Chibre Noise! Welcome to this place! Very nice to meet you! Your collages are really awesome! I bow deeply to you, and I'll give others reading this the chance to do the same. Everyone, new-to-the-commenting-arena Chibre Noise linked us to a page showing some of his really terrific collages. You really should do yourself a favor and go look. Right here. Sure, I would be more than happy to do the interview. Thank you very, very much for asking. I guess you can write to me directly to tell me how you want to do it, meaning write to me here: dcooperweb@gmail.com. Awesome! I look forward to it, and to seeing your zine. ** Postitbreakup, Hi, Josh! Really good to see you! What are you doing for Halloween? Yeah, that kind of thing, i.e. the slave auction stuff, is what inspired 'The Sluts' to be 'The Sluts'. And it happens, at least in some people imaginations. What's up, pal? ** H, Hi. Oh, well, err, ... I guess it depends on what one means by fresh? Ha ha, I don't know. I don't know if Bert trusted me particularly. I think he was just tired of me going on and on to him about Rimbaud and Baudelaire and so on, while, at the same, choosing to be in university over having wild-flung adventures. (Not that I didn't manage to have some wild flung adventures as a student, mind you, ha ha.) He was very very romantic about poets and poetry. In my case, his advice was completely correct. ** _Black_Acrylic, Hi, Ben. Oh, nice, thank you! I'll ... Everyone, here's _Black_Acrylic with a treat/gift to help you have especially great Halloweens. Listen up: 'So yesterday the BBC broadcast an Iggy Pop-hosted radio show that was a back-to-back "Special Halloween Confidential with John Waters". Would be perfectly suited to this 'ere blog's audience, and I post the link in the hope that maybe some DLs can access it.' Have a spooky night and weekend! ** Sypha, Oh, gee, thanks! On their behalf, I mean. Well, let's see about the internal working of oyur favorites ... RapeMeTonight seems to be a really innocent chap. You and he might click. CIRCLES wants someone to cut off his penis and balls. Not sure that's a great match. Stitches is an angry young man. Do you like angry boys? xtremeboy4sale is a no limits slave, so he might be a little on the rough side for you. So, there you go. Congrats on hitting page 100! Have fun on Halloween, whatever you do. ** That's it? Okay. Uh, I thought I would give you everything for Halloween. Take any of it, or take all of it. I really do hope that Halloween does its genius number on you today and tonight. I'll do my best with it over here, and I will see you in the brighter light of day on Monday.

* How to Build a Fog Machine
* Galerie Dennis Cooper presents ... The best Halloween pumpkins ever!
* Somebody buy me these animated props right fucking now!
* Cody, Joel, Jeff, and I visit Universal Studios' Halloween Haunt
* Bruno Pelassy's Ghosts
* JW Veldhoen performs 'Witchburn'
* Bernard Welt's 'Jason Voorhees RIP'
* Self-Portrait Day: My Halloween Costume
* 20 new animatronic horror props for 2008
* How to build your own spooky house, part 1
* 20 coffins
* The Mr. Demon Face Contest
* The Spooky House Swap Meet
* A chronology of 26 things with Clive Barker's name on them and what he thinks about that
* Galerie Dennis Cooper presents ... 21 Carvers
* Gore vs. Guro
* The Monster Mask Store
* 20 ghosts in varying shades of real
* DC's top 20 Trick or Treat Candies for 2008
* DC's Top 10 Southern California Haunted Attractions for Halloween 2008 (in no order)
* Today you get Halloween leftovers
* The 15 best new animatronic Halloween props for 2009 (in no order)
* How to create a workable Halloween with your bare hands even if you're in some 'spookiness' impaired backwater like Europe
* DC's 2009 Halloween Mask Store
* 16 variations on the theme of pumpkin
* 18 Trick or Treater Menu Item Ideas
* Galerie Dennis Cooper presents ... Seasonal Group Show, plus a special preview of Lux's Halloween Day DC's Extravaganza
* By special request, low cost Halloween ideas for Misanthrope (and you)
* DC's 13 most mouthwatering spooky houses of 2009 (in no order)
* Self-Portrait Day: My Halloween Costume, Day 1
* Self-Portrait Day: My Halloween Costume, Day 2
* 10 timed, bloodcurdlingly true stories
* Skull,'skulls', skull, 'skull', 'skull', 'skulls', skull, 'skull', 'skull', 'skulls', 'skull', 'skull', skull, ...
* Lux presents: Halloween
* The best new animatronic props for 2010
* 104 monster masks
* Goth Gig, curated by Scott Treleaven
* Galerie Dennis Cooper presents ... Corrine May Botz
* DC's 13 most desirable Halloween spooky houses of 2010
* Fake fogs
* Self-Portrait Day: My Halloween Costume, Day 1 (of 2)
* Self-Portrait Day: My Halloween Costume, Day 2 (of 2)
* Galerie Dennis Cooper presents ... Necklace
* The Evil Ghost of JW Veldhoen presents ... GHOST SONGS DAY (special thanks to LARST)
* Lux presents ... The 2010 Lux Than Zero Halloween season countdown culminating in the world premiere of 'I Know You Cried Last Night'
* 2011 Animatronic Prop Showroom
* The man who played with dolls
* Spotlight on ... Octave Mirbeau 'The Torture Garden' (1899)
* Unexplained sounds
* 2011 Monster Mask Showroom
* 207 neighbors
* Boris Karloff Day
* Frank Jaffe presents ... Halloween Horror Nights: A Brief History....
* Gig 16, curated by certain d.l.s of DC's
* Galerie Dennis Cooper presents ... Joakim Almroth
* DC's 13 choicest Southern California spooky houses and attractions for 2011
* ... according to Southeast Asia
* Self-Portrait Day: My Halloween Costume, Day 1 (of 2)
* Self-Portrait Day: My Halloween Costume, Day 2 (of 2)
* 2012 All New Animatronic Prop Showroom
* 253 trick or treaters
* Filler
* Gig #24: Blackgaze
* DC's 20 theoretically favorite spooky house attractions of 2012, part 1 (of 2)
* DC's 20 theoretically favorite spooky house attractions of 2012, part 2 (of 2)
* 169 accessories
* John Carpenter Day
* Gig #28 * : Light Monster, Rob Zombie, Stalaggh/Gulaggh, Sebadoh, Frost Like Ashes, Sundance/Newbridge, The Scary Bitches, Deadbolt, Colin Newman, Christian Trance, Tom Waits, Jimmy Cross, Sunn0)))
* Galerie Dennis Cooper presents ... モンスター
* 214 units of blood
* Self-Portrait Day: Halloween Party, Part 1 (of 2)
* Self-Portrait Day: Halloween Party, Part 2 (of 2)
* DC's select new animated props for 2013
* 88
* DC's most anticipated North American spooky houses of 2013, part 1 (of 2)
* DC's most anticipated North American spooky houses of 2013, Southern California edition, part 2 (of 2)
* Kyler presents ... Halloween Facts Very Interesting
* DC's favorite new animatronic props for 2014
* Gig #63: SunnO))), Azer Mime of Darkness, Andy Pratt, Aphelion, Coil, Propergol, Colin Newman, Stalaggh, Awsomemcmetcalf15, Severed Heads, The Tomb of Ellery, Atlas Sound, Nico, Haus Arafna, School of Rock Portland, Death Grips, Ululate, Rob Zombie, Jason Crumer
* Costumery tips, alerts, items, and possibilities
* 28 ghosts' places of birth
* Herschell Gordon Lewis Day
* DC's ostensibly favorite North American spooky house attractions of 2014 *
* Experimental horror novella adaptation with gifs and magical ingredient #5 (for Zac)
* http://denniscooper-theweaklings.blogspot.fr/2014/10/halloween-countdown-post-8-dcs.html
* Chaos! Misery! Disgust! Shock! Boo-hoo! Waah! Stop! Help! Murder! Apocalypse!
* ... through the eyes and videography of Halloween enthusiast and consumer William Power
* DC's 2015 Halloween Animated Prop Superstore
Lucio Fulci Day
* Galerie Dennis Cooper presents ... Tracey Snelling, Marnie Weber, Charles Ray, Jesse McLean, Zeger Reyers, Dongwook Lee, Robert B. Lisek, David Zink Li, Raši Todosijević, Stephane Vigny, Andrea Hasler, Brian Butler, Maria Rubinke, Odani Motohiko, William Eggleston, Kouri, Eleonore Saintagnan, Jamie Shovlin, Paul Pfeiffer, Paul McCarthy
* DC's Scary Candy News Outlet & Sales Emporium
* '24 DEAD, 11 INJURED, 7 CRITICALLY', a Halloween maze * (for Zac)
* DC picks the most charismatic American* haunted house attractions of Halloween season 2015
* Vincent Price Day
* DC picks the most charismatic Southern California haunted house attractions of Halloween season 2015
* Caked
* Dark Rides Day
p.s. Hey. Happy Halloween, dudes. ** Thomas Moronic, T! A jewel-filled, stack-shaped parcel of sublimely persnickety dark genius, Maestro. Always humbling, never more so than now. ** David Ehrenstein, Yes, I wondered if the Bibi poster was the slave's psychological trick to incite masters into wanting to wreak particularly horrible havoc on him because it certainly worked that way on me. I'm curious about the Luc Sante book. I generally really like his writing. That book has had some criticism over here for perpetuating a very romantic, very 'exhausted' (in the critics' words) take on poverty and criminality, but I'm curious. ** Steevee, Oh, thank you so much for talking to him! The DVD release issue is kind of in-flux and a mess at this very moment. It has been planned for April, but now I'm not sure. Also not sure if the DVD would destroy the possibility to show at a place like AFA. I'm hoping to get all of that sorted out and contact him very soon. Thank you a lot, Steve. Zac and I both really appreciate it! ** Chibre Noise, Hi, Chibre Noise! Welcome to this place! Very nice to meet you! Your collages are really awesome! I bow deeply to you, and I'll give others reading this the chance to do the same. Everyone, new-to-the-commenting-arena Chibre Noise linked us to a page showing some of his really terrific collages. You really should do yourself a favor and go look. Right here. Sure, I would be more than happy to do the interview. Thank you very, very much for asking. I guess you can write to me directly to tell me how you want to do it, meaning write to me here: dcooperweb@gmail.com. Awesome! I look forward to it, and to seeing your zine. ** Postitbreakup, Hi, Josh! Really good to see you! What are you doing for Halloween? Yeah, that kind of thing, i.e. the slave auction stuff, is what inspired 'The Sluts' to be 'The Sluts'. And it happens, at least in some people imaginations. What's up, pal? ** H, Hi. Oh, well, err, ... I guess it depends on what one means by fresh? Ha ha, I don't know. I don't know if Bert trusted me particularly. I think he was just tired of me going on and on to him about Rimbaud and Baudelaire and so on, while, at the same, choosing to be in university over having wild-flung adventures. (Not that I didn't manage to have some wild flung adventures as a student, mind you, ha ha.) He was very very romantic about poets and poetry. In my case, his advice was completely correct. ** _Black_Acrylic, Hi, Ben. Oh, nice, thank you! I'll ... Everyone, here's _Black_Acrylic with a treat/gift to help you have especially great Halloweens. Listen up: 'So yesterday the BBC broadcast an Iggy Pop-hosted radio show that was a back-to-back "Special Halloween Confidential with John Waters". Would be perfectly suited to this 'ere blog's audience, and I post the link in the hope that maybe some DLs can access it.' Have a spooky night and weekend! ** Sypha, Oh, gee, thanks! On their behalf, I mean. Well, let's see about the internal working of oyur favorites ... RapeMeTonight seems to be a really innocent chap. You and he might click. CIRCLES wants someone to cut off his penis and balls. Not sure that's a great match. Stitches is an angry young man. Do you like angry boys? xtremeboy4sale is a no limits slave, so he might be a little on the rough side for you. So, there you go. Congrats on hitting page 100! Have fun on Halloween, whatever you do. ** That's it? Okay. Uh, I thought I would give you everything for Halloween. Take any of it, or take all of it. I really do hope that Halloween does its genius number on you today and tonight. I'll do my best with it over here, and I will see you in the brighter light of day on Monday.