This vaguely resembles a kid sitting with his/her legs up in the chair. The "body" seems to fade up dramatically. If you frame-by-frame it, though, it looks like the body fades up twice, and both times when the flashlight point is at a particular angle to the chair. I think it’s a reflection of some kind from the chair. The back of the chair is contoured, and the body seems to match the contours.
The original photo is from a cellphone camera, so the resolution is low and the image is compressed (322x242 pixels, 22KB). It was taken by the girl, holding the camera out at arm's length, and includes her and her friend. There was no one else in the photograph and we have no cause to believe the photo was faked. Our guess is that it's the back of the headscarf that forms the main part of the face, with the ends of the girl's hair coming across at the bottom to form what looks like the mouth and small bearded chin. There is daylight between the girl's fingers and the point of the chin. Also, and more important, is the small amount of daylight showing between the girl and boy's foreheads. This is right where you would expect the top of the head of the anomalous presence to be, blocking out that daylight.
Psychotria elata is a tropical plant that produces the psychedelic chemical DMT. The plant is also called Hooker's Lips.
As reported by The Toronto Star, Canadian doctors were shocked when they looked at an ultrasound image of a testicular tumor. “It was very ghoulish, like a man screaming in pain,” Doctor Naji Touma, who works at Queen’s University in Kingston, Ont., told The Star about the picture taken in 2009. Dr. Touma and Greg Roberts wrote in their paper submitted to the journal Urology that they saw a “…man’s face staring up out of the image, his mouth agape as if the face seen on the ultrasound scan itself.”
Hi, I’m a boxing enthusiast. I was browsing youtube and found a video of the famous fight between George Foreman and Muhammad Ali, “Rumble in the jungle”. Well, at a point in the video (5:45~46 to be exact) a bizarre figure appeared in the background. I was curious, it’s certainly some problem that appeared due to the dozens of edits the image must have passed through… the eyes are even shining… or is it indeed some sort of hoax? Does anyone have an explanation?”
Many people see a man holding a big head that some say is an image of Jesus left on the film in the camera. But look closely. The man's forehead is a white bonnet on a baby. The eye of the man is the baby's face. The nose is an arm and the cheek is the baby's gown. The man is holding a baby and there is no reason to think that it is the baby Jesus.
A project from Phil McCarthy called Pareidoloop combines random-polygon-generation software and facial-recognition software. McCarthy's program builds its own series of randomly generated faces. Out of layers upon layers of mish-mashed shapes, the software "recognizes" the faces, and the fine tunes them into human likenesses.
A floor tile said to feature an image of Jesus Christ on its surface has seen visitors flock to an American airport. The apparition in Terminal 3 of the busy transport hub in Phoenix, Arizona, has disciples returning regularly to marvel at its resemblance to the son of God. Unemployed dental hygienist Becky Martin — who has been to visit the site every day for the last TWO WEEKS — told Phoenix New Times: “It’s definitely Our Lord Jesus Christ. “He appears to us from time to time in ordinary places, to remind us that He is here with us always, being our spiritual guide.”
This was from an old newspaper clipping from the 1980s concerning a fatal car accident that killed a woman. In the photo, there apears to be a ghostly head in the wreck ....
A cinnamon bun resembles Mother Teresa, who was canonized a saint. It was kept on display for 10 years, but got stolen on Christmas day in 2007.
The Old Adelaide Gaol has a long tunnel leading to another building and it was within this tunnel that one of our team members took a photograph. When a certain area was enhanced, we found that there seemed to be a figure slumped there, which we hadn't seen at the time. For a while we accepted that this was just a 'great' photo... that is until recently we took a closer look.
I’ve had my trail cam set up at a spot where I’m counting butterflies for the past couple weeks. There are typically about 2000 photos on the camera in any given week. The majority are images of grass swaying in the breeze. I go through them all looking for hits that are more substantial. Among the photos this week was this one. Is that the figure of a little man in a hat there on the fringe of the meadow? If I selectively “mow down” the elements common to both photographs, leaving only the stuff that’s different… The image in the photo is a dragonfly and much closer to the camera than I thought.
The conflict between Israel and Palestine is responsible for countless civilian deaths on both sides. No wonder, then, that many Palestinian and Israeli artists feel the need to discuss the ongoing conflict and showcase its disastrous consequences through art. These Palestinian artists draw symbolic, inspiring and thought-provoking images that they see in smoke rising from rocket strike sites.
The Mars rovers have taken thousands of photos of the Mars surface, each one presenting a veritable feast of science and discovery. But, there's also evidence of alien technology and, possibly, artiness. This photo snapped by rover Opportunity in 2008 of a rocky outcrop at Victoria Crater appears to have a Martian sculpture of some kind of pharaoh (exhibit A) and a spaceship component half buried in the sand (exhibit B). Sadly, both are just angular rock shapes.
A Grilled cheese sandwich, which bears the image of Jesus
It's clear to see from the animation that there ARE structures on the moon and apparently they are there in large numbers with many of them grouped very close together. Many of the objects that appear as craters are not craters at all but would seem to be large entrances to a space underground. In fact, if you look at one of the two large openings a structure can be seen over one of these openings. Also, take note of the large building and tall tower in the lower left of the image. There is also evidence showing to suggest that the inhabitants produce their air artificially as pipes or ducts connected to structures can be seen in the view.
In this case is it really pareidolia or has Hans Solo been found on Mercury?
You do see that girl in white looking through the door, don’t you? That’s very clear. And it wouldn’t be scary to anyone if it weren’t for the fact that that photo was taken while that building, which was the Wem Town Hall in Shropshire, England, burned to the ground on November 19, 1995. Nobody saw the girl there, including the photographer, and no one could be there during the fire. The negative was examined by Dr. Vernon Harrison, former president of the Royal Photographic Society, who found no evidence of tampering. If the photo isn’t a hoax, then the two most common explanations for it must be ghost or… pareidolia. Occam’s razor favors the pareidolia idea. Note how her “head” is closely related with the railing, and an horizontal line near her “waist” actually passes in front of the door.
Satan in a bathroom tile
Greg Orme discovered a face in the Libya Montes region of Mars which is called the "crown face,""crowned face," or "King face," and sometimes, "Queen face."
More Jesuses
This was a real event with a face appearing in the clouds above our house after a tornado hit Lisbon, Ohio. It looks like the north wind blowing the storm away from us south to north direction.
I received this photo from Carlos Santos, from Ponta Delgada, Azores, Portugal. “I took this picture of a house near mine, I was just experimenting, but later found the face you can see when zooming in… and I can’t find a valid explanation”, Santos wrote me. He sent the original file, and besides being a fascinating and slightly spooky image, it shows no evidence of tampering I could find. Perhaps it’s the expression, perhaps it’s because it’s in black and white, or because it does not show a complete face, but it looks eerily similar to Joseph Carey Merrick, also known as the Elephant Man as portrayed in the movies. Though the face looks very detailed, we suggest nevertheless it’s merely pareidolia. Apparently there’s a patch of exposed concrete inside the room, and due to various factors including the light from the flash, that face must have appeared. I asked Santos if he had other pictures of the same place but from slightly different angles, and he kindly sent me another photo, “taken five minutes after the first”.
The chair the Queen is sitting on in this portrait is not the 'King Edward's' chair (also known as the St Edward's or Coronation Chair) that was used in the official Coronation ceremony in Westminster Abbey. So far I haven't been able to find any reference to the particular chair featured in these Beaton photos to see what it normally looks like. It would be interesting to find out if there really is a painting on the inside back of this chair of whether it is one of Beaton's 'backdrops' inserted into the portrait, but either way the point is largely moot since it is how the image has been consciously designed to appear in a symbolic sense that it is the real issue. Behind and to the left of the Queen - the pattern is repeated. Is the figure depicted on the seat - on the throne and the real hidden power behind the monarchy - some kind of Franciscan monk??? He seems to be looking in the direction of the Queen, with the left side of his austere, angular face in profile. Now consider the second of Beaton's Coronation portraits from the same sitting and study the appearance of the 'monk' on the seat in this version... I've looked at the two images six ways to Sunday now and can only come to one conclusion.
Remember the 1967 NASA image referred to as "The Shard"? A strange and very large tower type figure that appeared in one still image captured by Lunar Orbiter III (I think). Well, this thing spotted by Jasenko could be eerily similar. An irregularly shaped dark spot he noticed on Google Moon looks like it could be a cast shadow from a massive standing object, or figure. At first I thought maybe it was something drawn into the picture but after going to G. Moon, whatever it is or isn't.. uh, is there. You get the idea. Go check it out and of course decide for yourself. Debunk it, shred it, figure it out.
A giant cloud monster was spotted floating in the sky above Chile on Wednesday following the Calbuco volcano eruptions. For obvious reasons, the strange man-like formation has creeped out religious fanatics who believe the giant is a actually sign from the gods.
p.s. Hey. ** David Ehrenstein, Hi. WeHo in the '70s, yeah, vast difference. Santa Monica-wise, I only remember going there when I saw bands at the Troubadour. The stretch between there and La Cienega is kind of a blank in my memory. ** Sypha, Hi, James. Oh, that sounds all right. It'll probably be a plane film for me, but I'll probably select it right away. ** Bill, Hi, B. Hm, okay, yeah, 'CP' sounds good enough. I wonder if it's still in theaters here. I'll check. That is one jaw-dropping line-up, for sure. Whoa. Do you know if that group has recorded anything? I'll definitely try to find out. Nice. How's your work been and even school? ** Cal Graves, Hi, Cal! Good to see you, man. How have you been? What's been the haps in your realm? I'm good, quite good, super busy with projects, but what else is new? Yeah, catch me up on you if you feel like it and have the chance. How was Halloween, for instance? ** Thomas Moronic, Hi, T-ster. It's okay about the 'Weaklings' report. Gee, it's just nice of you to want to fill me in. Whenever you have the time and interest, purely. Yes, I know about the new 'SC' edition! I've been hearing all about it direct from the horse's mouth. (I wonder how that weird saying originated: '... from the horse's mouth'.) Let me fully tell the soon-to-be-lucky everyone. Everyone, Thomas 'Moronic' Moore's exquisite and o.o.p. book 'Skeleton Costumes' is coming out in a new, expanded edition from the venerable Kiddiepunk on November 11th. Meaning it's time to upgrade your library with the thicker and ultimately definitive version of this recent ultra-classic. Go see the early promo page for the book here and then and get yourselves ready to go back to that page on the 11th when the ordering button will magically appear. A must! ** _Black_Acrylic, Hi, Ben. Cool! I'm happy to hear that at least slow progress has been made re: the Driving Assessment. Three to four weeks isn't an eternity, at least. And I hope Andrew makes his appointment next time. You are a patient man. ** Keaton, Good, fun, good. Mine was all right. A horror movie, albeit one that wasn't very horrifying, and a pizza, albeit one that wasn't very gory. ** James, Thank you, since you instigated the thing, sir. An upsurge of interest in Houellebecq over here? No. He does his best to always stay in the French news, but I haven't seen a dramatic uptick, no. I haven't looked at the Sotos book yet. But I'm looking forward to doing so, of course. ** Steevee, Hi. Hm, well, those don't seem like very many things to have liked about 'Love', but that's good to know. Apples and oranges, but I didn't see any new ground being broken at all in the film. It just seemed relentless and self-indulgent and filled with ham-fisted 'symbolism' and really dumb. But so it goes. Thanks for letting me know. No, I haven't read 'Submission'. I'm not really so interested. He's an interesting writer, that's for sure, but his pushy controversy-seeking modus operandi has kind of lost me, and, yeah, you can't escape him, his face, his words, his outrageousness over here. It's even beyond him being a kind of French Jonathan Franzen. He's more like the French version of the Lady Gaga circa two years ago. That doesn't help. ** Misanthrope, Hi, G. Vitamin C-filled hugs to you and LPS. Ducornet isn't new. She's as old and lengthily published as me. I was her opening act at a reading back in the '80s. But she's real good. ** H, Hi. Eek, you're sick too? I guess t is that time of the year. I hope you're feeling much better this morning. Sure, Wave is an really excellent publisher, one of the best, I agree. A stellar line-up/history of authors and books. ** Right. Today, if you so wish, you can indulge in the phenomena known as Pareidolia. Will you? Did you? See you tomorrow.

This vaguely resembles a kid sitting with his/her legs up in the chair. The "body" seems to fade up dramatically. If you frame-by-frame it, though, it looks like the body fades up twice, and both times when the flashlight point is at a particular angle to the chair. I think it’s a reflection of some kind from the chair. The back of the chair is contoured, and the body seems to match the contours.

The original photo is from a cellphone camera, so the resolution is low and the image is compressed (322x242 pixels, 22KB). It was taken by the girl, holding the camera out at arm's length, and includes her and her friend. There was no one else in the photograph and we have no cause to believe the photo was faked. Our guess is that it's the back of the headscarf that forms the main part of the face, with the ends of the girl's hair coming across at the bottom to form what looks like the mouth and small bearded chin. There is daylight between the girl's fingers and the point of the chin. Also, and more important, is the small amount of daylight showing between the girl and boy's foreheads. This is right where you would expect the top of the head of the anomalous presence to be, blocking out that daylight.

Psychotria elata is a tropical plant that produces the psychedelic chemical DMT. The plant is also called Hooker's Lips.



As reported by The Toronto Star, Canadian doctors were shocked when they looked at an ultrasound image of a testicular tumor. “It was very ghoulish, like a man screaming in pain,” Doctor Naji Touma, who works at Queen’s University in Kingston, Ont., told The Star about the picture taken in 2009. Dr. Touma and Greg Roberts wrote in their paper submitted to the journal Urology that they saw a “…man’s face staring up out of the image, his mouth agape as if the face seen on the ultrasound scan itself.”

Hi, I’m a boxing enthusiast. I was browsing youtube and found a video of the famous fight between George Foreman and Muhammad Ali, “Rumble in the jungle”. Well, at a point in the video (5:45~46 to be exact) a bizarre figure appeared in the background. I was curious, it’s certainly some problem that appeared due to the dozens of edits the image must have passed through… the eyes are even shining… or is it indeed some sort of hoax? Does anyone have an explanation?”


Many people see a man holding a big head that some say is an image of Jesus left on the film in the camera. But look closely. The man's forehead is a white bonnet on a baby. The eye of the man is the baby's face. The nose is an arm and the cheek is the baby's gown. The man is holding a baby and there is no reason to think that it is the baby Jesus.

A project from Phil McCarthy called Pareidoloop combines random-polygon-generation software and facial-recognition software. McCarthy's program builds its own series of randomly generated faces. Out of layers upon layers of mish-mashed shapes, the software "recognizes" the faces, and the fine tunes them into human likenesses.


A floor tile said to feature an image of Jesus Christ on its surface has seen visitors flock to an American airport. The apparition in Terminal 3 of the busy transport hub in Phoenix, Arizona, has disciples returning regularly to marvel at its resemblance to the son of God. Unemployed dental hygienist Becky Martin — who has been to visit the site every day for the last TWO WEEKS — told Phoenix New Times: “It’s definitely Our Lord Jesus Christ. “He appears to us from time to time in ordinary places, to remind us that He is here with us always, being our spiritual guide.”

This was from an old newspaper clipping from the 1980s concerning a fatal car accident that killed a woman. In the photo, there apears to be a ghostly head in the wreck ....



A cinnamon bun resembles Mother Teresa, who was canonized a saint. It was kept on display for 10 years, but got stolen on Christmas day in 2007.


The Old Adelaide Gaol has a long tunnel leading to another building and it was within this tunnel that one of our team members took a photograph. When a certain area was enhanced, we found that there seemed to be a figure slumped there, which we hadn't seen at the time. For a while we accepted that this was just a 'great' photo... that is until recently we took a closer look.


I’ve had my trail cam set up at a spot where I’m counting butterflies for the past couple weeks. There are typically about 2000 photos on the camera in any given week. The majority are images of grass swaying in the breeze. I go through them all looking for hits that are more substantial. Among the photos this week was this one. Is that the figure of a little man in a hat there on the fringe of the meadow? If I selectively “mow down” the elements common to both photographs, leaving only the stuff that’s different… The image in the photo is a dragonfly and much closer to the camera than I thought.


The conflict between Israel and Palestine is responsible for countless civilian deaths on both sides. No wonder, then, that many Palestinian and Israeli artists feel the need to discuss the ongoing conflict and showcase its disastrous consequences through art. These Palestinian artists draw symbolic, inspiring and thought-provoking images that they see in smoke rising from rocket strike sites.


The Mars rovers have taken thousands of photos of the Mars surface, each one presenting a veritable feast of science and discovery. But, there's also evidence of alien technology and, possibly, artiness. This photo snapped by rover Opportunity in 2008 of a rocky outcrop at Victoria Crater appears to have a Martian sculpture of some kind of pharaoh (exhibit A) and a spaceship component half buried in the sand (exhibit B). Sadly, both are just angular rock shapes.


A Grilled cheese sandwich, which bears the image of Jesus

It's clear to see from the animation that there ARE structures on the moon and apparently they are there in large numbers with many of them grouped very close together. Many of the objects that appear as craters are not craters at all but would seem to be large entrances to a space underground. In fact, if you look at one of the two large openings a structure can be seen over one of these openings. Also, take note of the large building and tall tower in the lower left of the image. There is also evidence showing to suggest that the inhabitants produce their air artificially as pipes or ducts connected to structures can be seen in the view.


In this case is it really pareidolia or has Hans Solo been found on Mercury?

You do see that girl in white looking through the door, don’t you? That’s very clear. And it wouldn’t be scary to anyone if it weren’t for the fact that that photo was taken while that building, which was the Wem Town Hall in Shropshire, England, burned to the ground on November 19, 1995. Nobody saw the girl there, including the photographer, and no one could be there during the fire. The negative was examined by Dr. Vernon Harrison, former president of the Royal Photographic Society, who found no evidence of tampering. If the photo isn’t a hoax, then the two most common explanations for it must be ghost or… pareidolia. Occam’s razor favors the pareidolia idea. Note how her “head” is closely related with the railing, and an horizontal line near her “waist” actually passes in front of the door.


Satan in a bathroom tile

Greg Orme discovered a face in the Libya Montes region of Mars which is called the "crown face,""crowned face," or "King face," and sometimes, "Queen face."


More Jesuses

This was a real event with a face appearing in the clouds above our house after a tornado hit Lisbon, Ohio. It looks like the north wind blowing the storm away from us south to north direction.


I received this photo from Carlos Santos, from Ponta Delgada, Azores, Portugal. “I took this picture of a house near mine, I was just experimenting, but later found the face you can see when zooming in… and I can’t find a valid explanation”, Santos wrote me. He sent the original file, and besides being a fascinating and slightly spooky image, it shows no evidence of tampering I could find. Perhaps it’s the expression, perhaps it’s because it’s in black and white, or because it does not show a complete face, but it looks eerily similar to Joseph Carey Merrick, also known as the Elephant Man as portrayed in the movies. Though the face looks very detailed, we suggest nevertheless it’s merely pareidolia. Apparently there’s a patch of exposed concrete inside the room, and due to various factors including the light from the flash, that face must have appeared. I asked Santos if he had other pictures of the same place but from slightly different angles, and he kindly sent me another photo, “taken five minutes after the first”.


The chair the Queen is sitting on in this portrait is not the 'King Edward's' chair (also known as the St Edward's or Coronation Chair) that was used in the official Coronation ceremony in Westminster Abbey. So far I haven't been able to find any reference to the particular chair featured in these Beaton photos to see what it normally looks like. It would be interesting to find out if there really is a painting on the inside back of this chair of whether it is one of Beaton's 'backdrops' inserted into the portrait, but either way the point is largely moot since it is how the image has been consciously designed to appear in a symbolic sense that it is the real issue. Behind and to the left of the Queen - the pattern is repeated. Is the figure depicted on the seat - on the throne and the real hidden power behind the monarchy - some kind of Franciscan monk??? He seems to be looking in the direction of the Queen, with the left side of his austere, angular face in profile. Now consider the second of Beaton's Coronation portraits from the same sitting and study the appearance of the 'monk' on the seat in this version... I've looked at the two images six ways to Sunday now and can only come to one conclusion.



Remember the 1967 NASA image referred to as "The Shard"? A strange and very large tower type figure that appeared in one still image captured by Lunar Orbiter III (I think). Well, this thing spotted by Jasenko could be eerily similar. An irregularly shaped dark spot he noticed on Google Moon looks like it could be a cast shadow from a massive standing object, or figure. At first I thought maybe it was something drawn into the picture but after going to G. Moon, whatever it is or isn't.. uh, is there. You get the idea. Go check it out and of course decide for yourself. Debunk it, shred it, figure it out.

A giant cloud monster was spotted floating in the sky above Chile on Wednesday following the Calbuco volcano eruptions. For obvious reasons, the strange man-like formation has creeped out religious fanatics who believe the giant is a actually sign from the gods.


p.s. Hey. ** David Ehrenstein, Hi. WeHo in the '70s, yeah, vast difference. Santa Monica-wise, I only remember going there when I saw bands at the Troubadour. The stretch between there and La Cienega is kind of a blank in my memory. ** Sypha, Hi, James. Oh, that sounds all right. It'll probably be a plane film for me, but I'll probably select it right away. ** Bill, Hi, B. Hm, okay, yeah, 'CP' sounds good enough. I wonder if it's still in theaters here. I'll check. That is one jaw-dropping line-up, for sure. Whoa. Do you know if that group has recorded anything? I'll definitely try to find out. Nice. How's your work been and even school? ** Cal Graves, Hi, Cal! Good to see you, man. How have you been? What's been the haps in your realm? I'm good, quite good, super busy with projects, but what else is new? Yeah, catch me up on you if you feel like it and have the chance. How was Halloween, for instance? ** Thomas Moronic, Hi, T-ster. It's okay about the 'Weaklings' report. Gee, it's just nice of you to want to fill me in. Whenever you have the time and interest, purely. Yes, I know about the new 'SC' edition! I've been hearing all about it direct from the horse's mouth. (I wonder how that weird saying originated: '... from the horse's mouth'.) Let me fully tell the soon-to-be-lucky everyone. Everyone, Thomas 'Moronic' Moore's exquisite and o.o.p. book 'Skeleton Costumes' is coming out in a new, expanded edition from the venerable Kiddiepunk on November 11th. Meaning it's time to upgrade your library with the thicker and ultimately definitive version of this recent ultra-classic. Go see the early promo page for the book here and then and get yourselves ready to go back to that page on the 11th when the ordering button will magically appear. A must! ** _Black_Acrylic, Hi, Ben. Cool! I'm happy to hear that at least slow progress has been made re: the Driving Assessment. Three to four weeks isn't an eternity, at least. And I hope Andrew makes his appointment next time. You are a patient man. ** Keaton, Good, fun, good. Mine was all right. A horror movie, albeit one that wasn't very horrifying, and a pizza, albeit one that wasn't very gory. ** James, Thank you, since you instigated the thing, sir. An upsurge of interest in Houellebecq over here? No. He does his best to always stay in the French news, but I haven't seen a dramatic uptick, no. I haven't looked at the Sotos book yet. But I'm looking forward to doing so, of course. ** Steevee, Hi. Hm, well, those don't seem like very many things to have liked about 'Love', but that's good to know. Apples and oranges, but I didn't see any new ground being broken at all in the film. It just seemed relentless and self-indulgent and filled with ham-fisted 'symbolism' and really dumb. But so it goes. Thanks for letting me know. No, I haven't read 'Submission'. I'm not really so interested. He's an interesting writer, that's for sure, but his pushy controversy-seeking modus operandi has kind of lost me, and, yeah, you can't escape him, his face, his words, his outrageousness over here. It's even beyond him being a kind of French Jonathan Franzen. He's more like the French version of the Lady Gaga circa two years ago. That doesn't help. ** Misanthrope, Hi, G. Vitamin C-filled hugs to you and LPS. Ducornet isn't new. She's as old and lengthily published as me. I was her opening act at a reading back in the '80s. But she's real good. ** H, Hi. Eek, you're sick too? I guess t is that time of the year. I hope you're feeling much better this morning. Sure, Wave is an really excellent publisher, one of the best, I agree. A stellar line-up/history of authors and books. ** Right. Today, if you so wish, you can indulge in the phenomena known as Pareidolia. Will you? Did you? See you tomorrow.