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R.I.P.: Halloween 2015


A self-proclaimed Satanist accused of murdering two young men and burying the body of one of them alive on Halloween night in 2014 died in an apparent suicide yesterday in a North Carolina prison cell in the early hours of Halloween 2015, authorities said in a statement. Pazuzu Algarad was found unresponsive in his cell at Raleigh's Central Prison just after 3 a.m., the Department of Public Safety statement said. Algarad and his girlfriend, Amber Burch, were charged with murder after authorities discovered the remains of Joshua Wetzler, 19, and Tommy Welch, 20, in the backyard of their Clemmons home where the couple lived. Both bodies had their buttocks crudely removed. In Burch's confession, she claimed that Metzler's buttocks had subsequently been used by the couple as a candle holder and that she had ordered Algarad to remove and eat Welch's buttocks because she was jealous of how "obsessed" Algarad was with them. (The home has since been demolished.) Algarad was born John Lawson but legally changed his name in 2002 to reference a demon in The Exorcist. He sported "666" tattoos and a neighbor told PEOPLE last year that Algarad told him "he practiced Satanism." Algarad's now-demolished home seemingly reflected his embrace of Satanism and homosexual perversion: The front door of the home donned an image of a human skull and the words "Evil Will Triumph." A video of the residence showed animal carcasses inside, hundreds of photos of what appear to be Welch's buttocks both clothed and unclothed attached to the walls, and layers of debris strewn throughout.



House of Horrors, a popular Haunted House in Fremont is being forced to close its doors after the city called it a public safety hazard. Chris Stelle, 18, has transformed his parents’ backyard into an elaborate haunted house for Halloween since he was 12. What began as a 50-foot-long structure made out of plastic garbage bags has expanded to a 1,500-square-foot maze of screams and scares that is almost as big as his one-story, four-bedroom house. But this year, the city of Fremont got wise to the house, constructed mostly out of wood pallets, and declared it a safety hazard. “I think it’s stupid, I really do,” said neighbor Helen Marquez. “I think they should just let it go.”


Source: WalletHub

2015’s Best and Worst American Cities for Halloween


28 October 2015: A cafe owner has been told by police to tone down his Halloween display which included representations of a dead body and a bloodied child. Ian Payne created the display using mannequins and dolls at the Memory Lane Cafe in Leigh Park, Havant, Hampshire, in a bid to create some publicity for his business and the shopping precinct. But after a member of the public complained, Payne has altered the display, removing the "slaughtered baby". Payne said: “It was done as a Halloween display but it wasn’t pumpkins, we did it with mannequins and dolls, we were trying to get a bit of publicity. It was not done to offend people, Madame Tussauds is just as bad.


The FBI released an alert Monday warning the NYPD and police departments nationwide of a potentially dangerous anarchist group that says it plans to ambush cops on Halloween. The extremist group — known as the National Liberation Militia — has proposed a "Halloween Revolt" that encourages supporters to cause a disturbance to attract police and then viciously attack them, the FBI said. The FBI said the group has proposed a 'Halloween Revolt' that encourages its supporters to cause a disturbance to attract police, and then brutally attack them, the Post reported. Members are being encouraged to dress in costume with typical Halloween masks and use weapons like bottles, bricks and firearms to ambush police officers.


TACOMA, Wash. — During Friday's morning commute, a state trooper pulled over a man who tried to use a creepy Halloween doll to gain access to the carpool lane of Interstate 5 in Tacoma. The trooper found the male driver and the doll buckled up in the passenger seat in the car, violating the rule that requires two or more people in carpool lanes. The doll, dressed in a pink outfit with a black hat, sported a creepy red skeletal face.


In this video we share the entire dismantle and tear down of our haunted mansion. It took the two of us just under 50 days to design, shop for materials, build, paint, and set up. Set up took about a week and tear down lasted three to four partial days.


The story of an Austin, Texas man eating a teenage boy’s body inside of a Haunted House attraction has gone epically viral, with thousands of shares on Twitter, Facebook and other social media platforms. While the tale may be fun for those who like to get their shivers on, sadly, many failed to realize the story isn’t actually true. Allegedly, a group of people visiting The Fright Night Haunted Dreams attraction in Austin, Texas happened upon a quite morbid scene as they were making their way through the haunted house. What they saw was a “crazy looking man biting into his victim that lay in a dirty bathtub.” But when visitors of the haunted house took a closer look they realized this was no “scene.” In fact, the teenage boy was still alive and screaming out in pain as the man, 27 year old Phillip Harris, munched away. “I don’t think I can put into words what I saw. It will haunt my dreams forever,” said one fictitious eyewitness. “This sick ass man bit into this dude’s arm and I could literally see tendons being pulled out. The screams were unlike anything I had ever heard before. This boy was in some serious pain. I mean imagine being eaten alive!” The report then goes on to say that the boy's life was avenged as Texas gun owner, Mike Sullivan, pulled out his concealed weapon and "shot the crazed cannibal in the leg and arm. Just enough to make him stop until police arrived.”


This scene in the front yard of a home in Parma, Ohio, is creating controversy because it is gruesome. Even though the yard is close to Dentzler Elementary School, a family has still installed an impeded child's body. Some say the family is just having fun and their decorations are appropriate, but others are offended by them. People have complained to the city about the display, but Parma officials said there is nothing they can do.


BARTOW COUNTY, Ga. (WXIA) -- The sign on the door will make it crystal clear to would be trick-or-treaters that they are not welcome at the home of registered sex offenders. The Bartow County Sheriff's Office will post signs on the homes and apartments of each and every registered sex offender in the county. They'll also send home a letter to parents through the school system warning them about the possible dangers of sending their kids door to door. There are currently 213 registered sex offenders in the county, eight of whom are labeled "sexual dangerous predators." Each of the flyers will be hand delivered. The sexual offenders must have the letters on their front door from Saturday night through Sunday morning. In some parts of the state, registered sex offenders will have a dusk to dawn curfew and authorities will do spot visits at homes and conduct searches. In other areas, sex offenders will be directed to report to a facility or location and remain there during "trick or treating" hours.


Police in Jackson, Mississippi, posted that Ecstasy tablets could be mistaken for brightly colored Halloween candy on their Facebook page, and the warning went viral. "If your kids get these for Halloween candy, they ARE NOT CANDY," the post said. "They are the new shapes of Ecstasy and can kill kids through overdoses!!!" The photo showed Ecstasy tablets shaped like dominoes, skulls and Superman's shield, and urged parents, "When it doubt, throw it out." CBS Cleveland affiliate WOIO talked to local police who agreed that downing the drug like candy would be a dangerous mistake. "They'd be in the emergency room without a doubt. The Ecstasy, amongst other things, it causes you to grind your teeth and you hallucinate. That would be extremely frightening for the child, the parents as well."



The restless spirits of Chuckatuck will have to find a new home — an early 1800s building often recalled as Spooky Acres Haunted House is being laid to rest via dismantlement. From 1995 to 2006, the old house on Godwin Boulevard, opposite Gwaltney Store, transform into a haunted mansion during October. Husband and wife Darren and Paige Barton, along with scores of volunteers over the years, were responsible for the annual house of horrors conversion. Fog crept through the floorboards and skeletons leapt from corners. A torso chopped off at the waist, hanging from a cross, startled even the stoutest of hearts. From the darkness would emerge various hideous apparitions. Portsmouth’s Chris Davis volunteered as one of the house’s ghouls for three years. “It was a perfect haunted house,” he said. “People were afraid of it before they even stepped inside.”


A Texas teenager told cops he murdered his mother and sister after watching the horror movie "Halloween.""I started watching Rob Zombie's ‘Halloween.’ In the movie a 12-year-old boy murders his stepfather, sister, and his sister's boyfriend. It was the third time this week that I watched it," Jake Evans, 17, wrote in a 4-page confession Oct. 4, the day after the killings. "While watching it I was amazed at how at ease the boy was during the murders and how little remorse he had afterward. I was thinking to myself, it would be the same for me when I kill someone. After I watched the movie I put it back in the case and threw it in the trashcan so that people wouldn't think that it influenced me in any way. I know now that I'm done with killing," Evans said. "It's the most dreadful and terrifying thing I will ever experience."


An asteroid set to narrowly miss the Earth today has morphed into the shape of a human skull for its eerie Halloween flyby. The space rock, initially dubbed the Great Pumpkin because of its arrival date, sent scientists into a panic when they discovered earlier this month that it was careering towards us at 22 miles per second. Experts quickly established the asteroid, which is the size of four football pitches, would pass safely by Earth but it has taken on a spooky edge for its timely appearance at around 5pm UK time. NASA scientist Kelly Fast said: "The IRTF [NASA's Infrared Telescope Facility] data may indicate that the object might be a dead comet, but in the Arecibo images it appears to have donned a skull costume for its Halloween flyby."


An occult tradition dating back to the 17th century, The Museum of Icelandic Sorcery & Witchcraft in Holmavik, Iceland had, until this Halloween, housed the only known surviving pair of Necropants, themselves a replica of a macabre aged original. Centuries ago, Icelandic sorcerers considered it lucky to wear the skin of a man overnight while they slept. If a sorcerer managed to convince one of their living friends to give permission to make the skin-slacks (cock and all) post-death, a night in the unconventional pyjama bottoms was believed to help attract great riches for the wearer. A school visit to the museum in April of this year inspired one 16 year old Icelandic boy to try his luck at this ancient superstition. According to authorities in Reykjavik, the boy made a pact with his best friend that should either of them die, the surviving friend would be willed the skin of the deceased's lower body. Tragically, the boy's friend died in a boating accident in late September. Strangely, the friend's parents agreed to honor their son's agreement and arranged to have the boy's skin removed before burial and given to the 16 year old who chose Halloween night as the occasion for the lucky sleep-out. Police were called in when the girlfriend of the 16 year old discovered him late on Halloween night wearing the Necropants. After interviewing the boy, his parents, and the parents of the deceased, skinned boy, all of whom expressed their approval of the 16 year old's actions, he was not charged with a crime.


The congregation and clergy of the church whose parking lot we have been using for our Haunted House for the past four years do not actually own the church, nor the parking lot. So we were sad to receive notice last April that the owner of the building had sold off half the parking lot and thru-way rights to a development company who are building a housing complex behind the current location of the church. The plan, we’ve been told, is to sell off the church and the remainder of the property next year to be developed into a second housing community depending on the success of the first one. We showed up at the church, soon after receiving notice, to dismantle the cemetery mausoleum. We built it our first year in the church playground, which ran parallel to the parking lot and had long before been overrun by berry bushes. After reclaiming much of the playground, we built the mausoleum and converted the playground into our zombie cemetery. It’s been standing alongside the parking lot ever since, so the congregation was probably happy to see it go after all these years. Two weeks later, the building we’d used for Zombie Saloon and Haunted Bayou was torn down along with the picket fence and what was left behind of the playground. A storage building at the far end of the lot along with our shipping container storage bins were moved via bulldozer around the back of the church. And before the month was over, what was once a major piece of our Haunted House was bulldozed and cleared. In late July, they started clearing trees, and by September, the new road had been cleared, graded, and compacted. No evidence remained that the area had once been inhabited by spooks and zombies.


NEW HARTFORD -- The couple accused of manslaughter in their son's beating death -- injuries suffered at a church -- were always eccentric, neighbors say. But that eccentricity took a dark turn after police announced that Deborah and Bruce Leonard were facing manslaughter charges, and that four other members of the Word of Life Christian Church were also arrested, they said. Nearby neighbor Roberta Humble said that, at least until Halloween night, she adored Deborah and that the two had been friends since the Leonard family moved in more than 25 years ago. She described watching their children grow up, including Lucas, 19, who was pronounced dead Sunday, November 1st after sustaining blunt-force injuries. "I remember them when they were this high," Humble said of the Leonard's four kids. "They were my friends. The kids were always polite and well-mannered." Another 17-year-old boy was found with severe injuries at the church, according to police. And police said they removed "several" children and placed them into protective custody. Those living near the church, which is a few miles away from the Leonard home, said they regularly heard 3 a.m. chants emanating from the home and rarely saw members outside of the building. It was this year's Halloween that seemed to turn an already unnerving situation into something horrific. The family had holed themselves up inside a pitch-black house three days before Halloween and stayed there, neighbors said. The youngest neighbor, a boy who is around about age 10, told police that the Leonards had told him "Halloween was evil," they said. One neighbor said she often gave the Leonard kids videotapes of children's programming, hand-me-downs from her grandkids. They often couldn't watch them, she said. "I gave them I don't know how many boxes of kids' tapes," she said. "They would not let their children watch Mickey Mouse. They said Mickey Mouse was queer, because he never married Minnie Mouse."


Residents of Chillicothe, Ohio saw a bloated corpse hanging from a chain link fence, and ignored it because they thought it was a Halloween decoration. Cops say the victim, 31-year-old Rebecca Cade, had been beaten with a rock and was trying to escape her attacker by hopping the fence, but ended up getting caught in the barbs on top of it and dying there. Her identity might have never been discovered at all, had it not been for a construction worker who tried to move her body. He somehow also thought she was just a Halloween prank.


Earlier today, 21-year-old poster Justin Bieber couldn't wait to show off his Halloween outfit, giving fans a preview of his brilliant costume in an Instagram post captioned: "Jackie moooooooooon #semipro". The snap shows Bieber dressed as character Jackie Moon – played by Will Ferrell in the 2008-comedy Semi-Pro. Despite a crazy ginger afro wig and sports socks pulled up to his knees, the best part of the outfit is definitely Justin's short white shorts. No stranger to revealing nude shots, the Biebs certainly looked comfortable in his tight outfit as he posed with a basketball.


A popular haunted house in Simi Valley that attracts thousands of children each Halloween has been shut down because the city deemed it an unsafe structure. For 15 years, the Deck family has been scaring neighbors and trick-or-treaters at their annual haunted house. But this year, the boogey man turned out to be code enforcement. "When I came home from work, they posted a No Entry sign over my sign, that no one's allowed to use it," said homeowner Paul Deck. "A neighbor of mine was highly anxious and upset by my use of my own property, and because human beings are conditioned in childhood to be incapable of any kind of negotiation, he employed a man with a gun to force me to stop, so that he wouldn't feel anxious anymore."


Following up on the two fires set at Seattle haunted house attraction Villa of Horror covered here early this morning – police have released two surveillance images. They want to hear from anyone who recognizes the person in the images, which are clearly from the scene of the fires. Witnesses describe the suspect as “a 20-year-old male with a slight build, wearing a red and grey sweatshirt singing the James Taylor song 'You've Got a Friend' at the top of his lungs.”


CLARKSVILLE, Tenn. – Detective Channing Bartel with the Clarksville Police Department is investigating a robbery that occurred at the Shell Sudden Service located on the 2600 block of Wilma Rudolph Blvd and is requesting public assistance. The robbery occurred Halloween night at 11:39 pm. The suspect is described as a white male, approximately 5’ 8” in height, and weighing about 160 pounds. He has dark hair that is shaved on the sides with possibly a Mohawk-style cut. At the time of the robbery, he was wearing a plastic baby face Halloween mask with hair on it.


According to WCHS Eyewitness News, West Virginia assistant prosecuting attorney Chris White pulled a gun after spotting a cluster of decorative Halloween-themed spider decorations that had been put up around the office. According to White’s boss, Logan County Prosecutor John Bennett, White has arachnophobia and became very disturbed when he saw the spiders. “He said they had spiders everyplace and he said he told them it wasn’t funny, and he couldn’t stand them,” Bennett told WCHS on Wednesday. “He got a gun out, aimed it at the spiders, and screamed in terror.”


Child stuns teachers on Halloween by turning up to school wearing this


I was placed in the first group of the evening: consisting of several pre-teen girls from a shelter for abused women and girls. The action starts with a mother and two teen daughters doing homework at a dinner table. The older of the two girls is complaining to her mother that her boyfriend does not want to come to church. The mother tells her that she ought to be persistent about asking him. The young couple is then depicted at a meeting in the park after church (with mother's permission). After the boyfriend rebuffs her request once again to attend church, a loud, hooded robber emerges from the darkness demanding money. The boyfriend refuses and the robber shoots both of them to death. This is the first time the girls in my group started to scream and sob. The scene depicting the young couple's death anchors Judgment Day each year, with some variations. "We try to change it up." Aderholt said. "We try to do anything that's current." Past Judgment Day exhibits have featured children in car accidents, cars hit by trains, kids texting and driving, and even a deadly tornado. Later, in the so-called judgment room, an actor playing God tells each in us that our names are not in the Book of Life, condemning us to hell. In the room depicting hell, we are confronted by the devil and his minions. An actor speaks through a voice modulator and chides us for our wicked ways. The girls weep and comfort one another in the darkened corridor that leads us to heaven. Heaven is a large room with white walls and a white stage, filled with small fountains, shrubbery, and a cascade of golden light. t is here that a member of the church asks the members of the group if, given their ordeal, they would like to be saved. According to Aderholt, of the just over 1000 people who go through Judgment day each year, between 100 and 120 are saved. All of the girls in the abused shelter group elected to be saved that night.


For the past 25 years, LaRethia Haddon has been indulging in an annual tradition that's still riling up residents in her Detroit township. Haddon puts a large dummy in her yard, face-down, and moves it to a different location every morning. Then, she sits in her living room, drinking coffee and watching passers-by react to the prop. Unamused: The Detroit Police Department, who dutifully trek out to Haddon's home whenever someone calls them about the "body" on her front lawn. "We receive sometimes seven calls each each day about the dummy," Officer Jennifer Moreno told the News. It's the same song, second verse for Haddon, who says she's used to the situation. "I used to live in Redford Township, and oh God – the police department, fire department, they would come out every day," Haddon recalled. "Everywhere I've ever lived, it's always been this way. But I don't give a fuck."


REYNOLDSBURG, Ohio - Reynoldsburg Police have confirmed a disposable razor blade was found inside of a Snickers bar that was collected during trick-or-treating on Thursday. The candy was collected in the area of Kingsly Drive and Taylor Road. Reynoldsburg Police Lt. Shane Mauger said a group of kids had finished trick-or-treating and went to a home to divide up the candy. A 14-year-old girl then bit into a bite-sized Snickers bar and instantly noticed the foreign object. The teen was not hurt during the ordeal. An x-ray confirmed that a disposable razor blade was stuffed into the middle of the candy bar. A grandparent tells 10TV she was there when the 14-year old discovered a razor blade. The grandparent, who only wanted to be identified as Stephanie, said her grandson went trick-or-treating with the victim and group of friends. "He said they came to one house where the door was answered by an older girl the group knew as 'the creepy girl' from school," Stephanie said. "He said the 'creepy girl' stared uncomfortably long at the 14 year-old victim then produced one of those little miniature snicker bars and put it in the girl's trick or treat bag, refusing to give any of the other teens candy." After the 14 year old found the blade and police went to the girl's house to question her, the unnamed 17 year old girl confessed that she had been saving the tainted Snickers for the most beautiful girl who rang her doorbell and that the 14 year old had been that girl. Police said the girl described her motivation as "sexual" but wouldn't explain further.


p.s. Hey. ** David Ehrenstein, Thank you again for yesterday! As ever, I disagree with you about Salinger, but nothing new there. I hope Bill has a blast in Tokyo, and no doubt he will, lucky guy. There's a new Bogdonavich? There's an audio interview with Tom Hompertz?! Whoa! A friend of mine tried to write a book about him, but he said there wasn't enough to go on. I wonder if he knows about that interview. Crazy. ** Tosh, Hi, Tosh. I think it helps on long plane flights if you have a weird fetish like I do for giant-budgeted blockbusters. There's something about watching things made to be seen on giant screens with huge sound systems and often in 3-D at postcard scale and through squished sounding headphones that I take perverse, I guess, pleasure in. That's interesting: my go-to plane magazines are Mojo and The Wire. You get the past, mostly, and the present, mostly. Plus, they're both quite well-, and also very differently, written, for the most part. ** Steevee, Hi, Steve. It's true about Ellis and McInernery, yes. But Ellis is a very good writer. McInernery, not so much. ** Keaton, Hi. But there a gazillion horror movies. Almost up there with porn 'movies'. I haven't read M.R. James. That's probably weird of me. Yeah, Lemmy couldn't finish a concert recently in Texas, and Motorhead cancelled everything. I think it's over. Very sad, but amazing that he made it into his 70s. I met Andy W. once. He looked me up and down, decided I was nothing much, and walked away. ** Liquoredgoat, Hi, man. Cool, glad my alert paid off. Stuff good? ** _Black_Acrylic, Hi, Ben. Meditation, interesting. I could never do it. I could never turn my energies off enough. Or focus them tightly enough or something. Sounds like a potentially very good plan. I have friends for whom it's done great things, they say. ** Misanthrope, Hey. Maybe they were wrong. Why were their memories more believable? Maybe they all forgot, and maybe the fact that they all forgot simultaneously was a coincidence. Maybe they were lying. Maybe they were a secret coven sworn to protect you from the truth. Oh, man, fingers already crossed about December 1st. Sounds like it'll be okay. She can't be crazy enough to get herself arrested, can she? Well, I guess she can based on some of the stuff you've told me, but, ... nah. I bet you're in the clear. ** That's all? Okay. I guess I was sorry enough about Halloween going away for another year that I decided to do a mop-up, post-mortem thing on this year's version. And then I guess I decided to place that eulogy of weird sorts in front of your faces and go, 'Look!' I guess that's why. See you tomorrow.

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