icommentonvideos1: I wish i was as cool as you hardcore, rebelious satan hailing fucks. ** Redpougers: dude....you seriously look tight as fuck... ** Ameerz14: u guys are the biggest losers ive ever met...wow why do people like you exist like its a waste... ** XtremeHDz: shut the fuck up you fucking gothic fucks u fuckin steal them from ur mom ur mom should of had a abortion u look like a fuckin gothic girl fag 2012 is not goin to happen ur a fuckin cunt. ** officialbhw: U r fucking right about eveyything I just smoked I'm 13 and I stole ciggerate and it was weeeelllll worth it we are all gonna die someday face it. So fuck all u hhaatteerrss.
[TechB] is using his mind to control fire. Well, what he’s really doing is using a Mindflex to control a lighter. He’s using the Arduino Brain Library to read data from the head-mounted EEG and sending commands to his own fire control system. Said system is composed of a cigarette lighter and a servo motor. The motor connects to the gas regulator on the lighter, opening it up when you concentrate and closing it when your mind wanders. The result is a higher flame to show more organized brain function. The only problem with the prototype is the burns you’ll get on your thumb from depressing the lighter’s valve while trying to get your thoughts in order.
This is a cigarette lighter that’s shaped like a cigarette. That’s like a bread knife that’s shaped like bread. Or a space shuttle that’s shaped like space. Judging by its size, I think it’s butane will be used up in 3 days.
A Michigan motorist stopped at a gas station and used a lighter to kill a spider on his gas tank, which resulted in a blaze that quickly engulfed the gas pump and the man's car. The damage to the gas station was contained to one pump, which was destroyed.
This Godzilla butane lighter is a nice solid piece of metal from the late 80's. Pull his arm down and watch out as the big guy spits out a tounge of hot flame. Not only that but his ruby eyes shine and he makes a weird noise. He stands a full 2.5" high.
This is the shocking moment a car and two of its passengers go up in a ball of flames after a young man flicks a lighter. Taken from a camera mounted on the dashboard, the footage shows how one of the men sits in the front, seemingly at the wheel, while a second sits in the back. The passenger in the back appears to flick a lighter, at which point a loud noise of something igniting is heard, as flames rip through the whole car. One of the men is seen with flames covering his entire head, while the other appears to leap out of the car just moments after his hair is lit. At this point, the camera is knocked down.
Bruno ramps up the pressure as Guy starts to lose it more and more and Granger plays it well – not as overboard as his turn in ‘Rope’ and believable throughout. It’s a great series of scenes, Bruno appears tennis courtside and is the only non moving head in the crowd, his tiepin then giving him away to Anne. When Bruno sees Barbara, Hitchcock pulls out a wonderful superimposition of Guy’s lighter in her Miriam-like glasses (the fairground music fading in), cutting to a telling profile shot of the murderer, his expression noted by Anne. This is top drawer stuff, absolutely gripping and inventive – beautifully performed and shot and executed.
Dangers involved with using this laser cigarette lighter to start off your smoking session include shooting your eyes out. [Masterjoa3000] shows you how it was built in the video.
One of most horrifying fires I've ever been to was started by a child playing with a lighter that looked like a toy underneath his brother's bed. The boys, who were 8 and 2, I believe, were playing under the bed. It was dark, so the older boy lit a lighter so they could see better. The bed caught on fire, and the older boy backed up from underneath the bed and ran. He was scared- he'd started a fire! He knew he'd get in trouble... so he didn't tell. When his brother's screams got their 8-month-pregnant mother's attention, the bed was fully engulfed in flames. Without regard to her own safety, the mother rushed into the room, dove under the bed, and pulled his burning body out of the fire. She herself was on fire too. I met this family in the burn unit at two different hospitals. The 2 year old was at Children's Hospital, and the mother at neighboring University Hospital. The 2 year old somehow survived; the mother, and the unborn baby, eventually died. Fires like that are why I started teaching fire safety classes for Red Cross. It was a tragic experience, but not unique. It happens every day, all over the country. Next time you go to a convenient store, take the time to notice what is being sold at child's-eye level at the register, and you'll find candy... and novelty lighters. I guarantee it. And yes... every picture featured below is a lighter.
A 14-year-old boy was killed instantly after stepping on to an electrified rail line to pick up a cigarette lighter. Elliott Ives, who was wearing wet clothes, stepped off the platform at a railway station and onto the live rail. An inquest heard the boy and his friends, Jack Lindsay and Jordon Hunt, had just been swimming in a nearby marina. There were more than 20 lighters on the track and Elliott, of Southsea, Hants, and Jack decided to grab one. Police investigating his death could not explain why there were so many lighters strewn across the track at Emsworth train station, West Sussex. Elliott's mother Michaela Nichols, 38, said her son could not understand dangers. "You could tell him something and two minutes later he would do it again," she said. "He was a typical boy, he never kept still and was full of life."
It looks like the classic match and yet works like a normal lighter. The flame even comes out at the red bulb so you get the full match experience without any of the struggle of trying to get a match to light perfectly.
This is the shocking moment a young arson suspect is caught on camera setting fire to newspapers on a bus - which then bursts into flames. Police have released CCTV of the moment the young man sets light to the paper on a double decker bus in a bid to trace him. The lad appears to use a lighter to set a corner of the paper alight before calmly getting up and leaving at the next stop.
A geek took some disposable lighters, took the things apart, and used the pieces to make tiny motorcycles. You use the lighter function to fuel the motorcycles, which then can sped along at 30 plus miles per hour for approximately 25 seconds.
Stranger relighting the Olympic Torch in Russia with a cigarette lighter.
Hi, I'm Angelo. This video depicts a cigarette lighter I made in my cell while I was serving a 15 year prison sentence in California. I made it from two D batteries, masking tape, heating element, and a scavenged wire.
Exceptional example of the wonderful items which came from the Ronson factories circa 1929. In this case a young looking nude girl is tastefully rendered holding a tray which contains the removable New Yorker Lighter.
one of my friend bought this lighter from the local market of Delhi, India. He has collection of these kind of weird stuff, like skull shape hukkah, fckn lighter talking ashtray, and many more.. I have no clue if we can buy such stuff online too. I will ask him and let u know. Thanks for watching and don't forget to share, have a wonderful and bright life .:)
Rare Zippo Lighter Fires Bullets, Not Fire: Roll the flint wheel on this lighter but make sure your face is a safe distance away from the barrel unless you want a mini bullet to hit you straight in the face. This miniature gun encased in a lighter’s body was sold at an auction in 2006 for around $6,810 to an unnamed buyer. Aside from the gun/lighter, the lot included eight 6mm copper-cased cartridges mounted in a yellow Ronson flint dispenser.
Chocolate Bar Shaped Butane Gas Cigarette Lighter
This toe-curling footage shows a cigarette lighter being removed from a man's stomach after he swallowed it whole. The man - who has not been named - arrived at hospital after ingesting the object. He is believed to have been on drugs at the time. Eye-watering medical footage shows the inside of the stomach and throat as the doctor pulls the lighter out with a special clamp. It's very fiddly work and it appears as though he may drop it a couple of times, but he manages to retrieve the item. Medical staff can be heard in the background breathing an audible sigh of relief as the yellow lighter is removed.
You are bidding on a vintage dagger form letter opener which has a built in lighter in the handle. The piece is made of brass & what looks like leather & comes with its original sheath. The dagger measures about 9 5/8" long & the lighter is activated from a push button located at the top of the handle. The lighter sparks well but we have not tried it with lighter fluid. There are no markings on the item but we have come across these before & they were always marked "Made in Germany".
Bumbling Arsonist Nearly Sets Himself On Fire in Gym in Ontario, Canada
A Chinese man, who set a fire inside a packed passenger bus in east China last week injuring himself and 31 others, did it to gain fame, state media reported on Tuesday. Bao Laixu, the 34-year-old male suspect was lonely and had a pessimistic view of life, Chinese police said. He visited Hangzhou on Saturday and got into a bus packed with tourists near Lingyin Temple. Video footage shown by CCTV showed him pouring flammable liquid and set it on fire. Bao is from the northwestern province of Gansu and has worked part-time in other cities, including Lanzhou and Guangzhou. He has had almost no contact with his family in his home village, villagers told police.
My grandpa’s lighter from his work.
My taser lighter thing. It seems to light cigarettes fine. But I wouldn't use it to smoke a bowl. What a time to be alive.
So there was a cigarette lighter in the rental car. I decided to touch it and now my finger is burned.
Get ready to Rock-n-Roll with our light show guitar lighters. Each lighter is designed to look like an accurate replica of a Classic Guitar. These lighters have REAL steel strings hooked up to replica tuning machines and features chrome "humbuckers" and contrast pick guard. Each lighter features a powerful, fully adjustable flame and electronic ignition which lights the lights and activates the light when pushed.
Penis Refillable Vibrating Cigar Cigarette Lighter
JERUSALEM, Israel – Police said a woman at a gas station asked a man for a cigarette and when he refused, she lit up his car instead. According to KTLA, the woman was arrested Wednesday after setting fire to the man’s gas pump. And the fiery exchange was all caught on video. The woman has been sent for a physiological evaluation.
p.s. Hey. Like I mentioned yesterday, tomorrow and on Thursday you'll get p.s.-less rerun posts, and then I'll be back, and the posts will be new again, starting on Friday. ** David Ehrenstein, Hi. Oh, 'Parade', that makes more sense. I couldn't remember a spot in 'Playtime' where there was that much vocalizing. Gotcha. The film I'm in: Paul Otchakovsky-Laurens is both the publisher of the great French house Editions POL, where my books are published in France, and a filmmaker. He has made one film, 'Sablé-sur-Sarthe, Sartre', and he's making his second film right now. Both of the films are loosely autobiographical. The scene I'm in is a recreation of a famous, in France, incident where one of POL's authors/books, as well as Editions POL itself, were sued years ago by Jean-Marie Le Pen for slander. There was a highly publicized court case at the time, and POL won. In the film, I'll play one of the members of the jury in the trial. ** H, Hi. The last music gig post was on October 22nd, so not so long ago. The topic of your essay is mouth-watering to me, New York School poets dedicatee that I am. That's exciting. My eyes are better, thank you. Editing the transcript/interview, which is what I've been doing and still am doing, tires the eyes in a different way than transcribing, it seems, because my eyes are relatively clear. I take vitamins every day. Blueberries, no, but what a great idea. Thanks! ** _Black_Acrylic, Hi, Ben, Yeah, a brief (?) foray into techno by Mr. Haswell, and how weird and unexpectedly fitting, eh? An early happy birthday! But I'll be back in time to wish you a timely one. Rachel Maclean seems to be becoming a real thing. I saw a bunch of her work displayed at FIAC a week or so ago. ** Steevee, Hi. Ha, that's a challenging and appealing idea right there, but I'd have to like something by JB and 1D, and I don't think I ever have. Poptimism Day! No, that's a great idea. And what a great term. What about you? Do you feel yourself capable of curating a Poptimism gig? I'm serious. You could just send me a list of the songs you want in it, and I'll take care of everything else. ** Schlix, Hi, Uli! Oh, guess what? I got this really great email from Puce Mary a couple of days ago saying hi and suggesting a possible collaboration, and she mentioned you as having told her I was into her work, which seems to have opened whatever floodgates, so thank you a lot for that! It's a funny Haswell record. Very tight and kind of flat in this interesting way. Life's nuts on my end at the moment, yeah, but good nuts. Lucky you with Wire! I'm getting my earplugs prepped for Sunn0)))'s big gig at Palais de Tokyo later this month. Stephen has pre-warned me that, due in part to the weird acoustics in the PdT, it's going to be an especially ear-destroying gig. ** Keaton, Hi. I managed to scare you? Cool. Completely a coincidence, I swear. I feel like a bag too. Interesting. What's in your bag? Hitchcockian ... that sounds really hard. But I like the sound. Huh. Oh, sure, Black Angels. I haven't to them in a long time. But now I will. Cool. ** Bill, Hi, B. Yeah, that Why Be track is kind of distinct for them. I like them in general but that one was the big seducer for me. Enjoy tomorrow. Veterans Day, wow, yeah, I remember that. Mid-week holidays are best and such an increasing rarity. ** Misanthrope, Hi, George. No, I can imagine, on the hiring thing. Jean-Lic teaches at a very good university here, but, again, we're talking here. That TV 'psychiatrist' sounds like a gaseous-brained, scaredy cat, conservatives-baiting, 'say anything to get a reaction'-style, very un-psychiatric moron. What a fuck head. Mm, don't know about the gifs thing. I might have gone as far as I can go now. That's what I'm trying to find out. It's not so much that changing the placement and design would open new avenues, I don't think. That would just make the viewers' eyes move differently, which, in theory, sounds a bit like a gimmick move. I don't know. I'm in a thinking and wondering and testing phase. ** Paul, Paul! Man about town! Man among men! Paul! Oh, cool. Head-clearing is a great effect. I'm very happy to hear that. Yeah, right now I'm going technical on the gif work to see if I can make it open up more. I definitely learned a couple of things from the rhythm experiment, but mostly, I think, about finessing. I'm hoping to discover a chasm somewhere. There are so many ways in which the gifs are fascinating, and there's so much mysteriousness and promise in the different effects that you can create with them, but I'm not sure how deep the mysteries are, or how flexible, I mean. The blockiness of gifs, singular and plural, makes this heavy frame around the work that might be too fort-like to transgress or something. I'm not sure. I'm curious. I don't want to give up on the gif work yet because it's such a pleasure to do. But that's not enough ultimately if I want to make exciting things with them. And that's the thing. Blah, blah, I don't know. Good in a slowish way sounds A-okay. 'Micro sludge work': yes, I know what you mean, of course. Awesomeness to see you! ** Okay. Lighters. Wow, yeah, that says it all, I suppose. The blog will see you tomorrow, and I will see you on Friday.

icommentonvideos1: I wish i was as cool as you hardcore, rebelious satan hailing fucks. ** Redpougers: dude....you seriously look tight as fuck... ** Ameerz14: u guys are the biggest losers ive ever met...wow why do people like you exist like its a waste... ** XtremeHDz: shut the fuck up you fucking gothic fucks u fuckin steal them from ur mom ur mom should of had a abortion u look like a fuckin gothic girl fag 2012 is not goin to happen ur a fuckin cunt. ** officialbhw: U r fucking right about eveyything I just smoked I'm 13 and I stole ciggerate and it was weeeelllll worth it we are all gonna die someday face it. So fuck all u hhaatteerrss.

[TechB] is using his mind to control fire. Well, what he’s really doing is using a Mindflex to control a lighter. He’s using the Arduino Brain Library to read data from the head-mounted EEG and sending commands to his own fire control system. Said system is composed of a cigarette lighter and a servo motor. The motor connects to the gas regulator on the lighter, opening it up when you concentrate and closing it when your mind wanders. The result is a higher flame to show more organized brain function. The only problem with the prototype is the burns you’ll get on your thumb from depressing the lighter’s valve while trying to get your thoughts in order.

This is a cigarette lighter that’s shaped like a cigarette. That’s like a bread knife that’s shaped like bread. Or a space shuttle that’s shaped like space. Judging by its size, I think it’s butane will be used up in 3 days.

A Michigan motorist stopped at a gas station and used a lighter to kill a spider on his gas tank, which resulted in a blaze that quickly engulfed the gas pump and the man's car. The damage to the gas station was contained to one pump, which was destroyed.
This Godzilla butane lighter is a nice solid piece of metal from the late 80's. Pull his arm down and watch out as the big guy spits out a tounge of hot flame. Not only that but his ruby eyes shine and he makes a weird noise. He stands a full 2.5" high.

This is the shocking moment a car and two of its passengers go up in a ball of flames after a young man flicks a lighter. Taken from a camera mounted on the dashboard, the footage shows how one of the men sits in the front, seemingly at the wheel, while a second sits in the back. The passenger in the back appears to flick a lighter, at which point a loud noise of something igniting is heard, as flames rip through the whole car. One of the men is seen with flames covering his entire head, while the other appears to leap out of the car just moments after his hair is lit. At this point, the camera is knocked down.

Bruno ramps up the pressure as Guy starts to lose it more and more and Granger plays it well – not as overboard as his turn in ‘Rope’ and believable throughout. It’s a great series of scenes, Bruno appears tennis courtside and is the only non moving head in the crowd, his tiepin then giving him away to Anne. When Bruno sees Barbara, Hitchcock pulls out a wonderful superimposition of Guy’s lighter in her Miriam-like glasses (the fairground music fading in), cutting to a telling profile shot of the murderer, his expression noted by Anne. This is top drawer stuff, absolutely gripping and inventive – beautifully performed and shot and executed.


Dangers involved with using this laser cigarette lighter to start off your smoking session include shooting your eyes out. [Masterjoa3000] shows you how it was built in the video.
One of most horrifying fires I've ever been to was started by a child playing with a lighter that looked like a toy underneath his brother's bed. The boys, who were 8 and 2, I believe, were playing under the bed. It was dark, so the older boy lit a lighter so they could see better. The bed caught on fire, and the older boy backed up from underneath the bed and ran. He was scared- he'd started a fire! He knew he'd get in trouble... so he didn't tell. When his brother's screams got their 8-month-pregnant mother's attention, the bed was fully engulfed in flames. Without regard to her own safety, the mother rushed into the room, dove under the bed, and pulled his burning body out of the fire. She herself was on fire too. I met this family in the burn unit at two different hospitals. The 2 year old was at Children's Hospital, and the mother at neighboring University Hospital. The 2 year old somehow survived; the mother, and the unborn baby, eventually died. Fires like that are why I started teaching fire safety classes for Red Cross. It was a tragic experience, but not unique. It happens every day, all over the country. Next time you go to a convenient store, take the time to notice what is being sold at child's-eye level at the register, and you'll find candy... and novelty lighters. I guarantee it. And yes... every picture featured below is a lighter.

A 14-year-old boy was killed instantly after stepping on to an electrified rail line to pick up a cigarette lighter. Elliott Ives, who was wearing wet clothes, stepped off the platform at a railway station and onto the live rail. An inquest heard the boy and his friends, Jack Lindsay and Jordon Hunt, had just been swimming in a nearby marina. There were more than 20 lighters on the track and Elliott, of Southsea, Hants, and Jack decided to grab one. Police investigating his death could not explain why there were so many lighters strewn across the track at Emsworth train station, West Sussex. Elliott's mother Michaela Nichols, 38, said her son could not understand dangers. "You could tell him something and two minutes later he would do it again," she said. "He was a typical boy, he never kept still and was full of life."

It looks like the classic match and yet works like a normal lighter. The flame even comes out at the red bulb so you get the full match experience without any of the struggle of trying to get a match to light perfectly.


This is the shocking moment a young arson suspect is caught on camera setting fire to newspapers on a bus - which then bursts into flames. Police have released CCTV of the moment the young man sets light to the paper on a double decker bus in a bid to trace him. The lad appears to use a lighter to set a corner of the paper alight before calmly getting up and leaving at the next stop.

A geek took some disposable lighters, took the things apart, and used the pieces to make tiny motorcycles. You use the lighter function to fuel the motorcycles, which then can sped along at 30 plus miles per hour for approximately 25 seconds.

Stranger relighting the Olympic Torch in Russia with a cigarette lighter.


Hi, I'm Angelo. This video depicts a cigarette lighter I made in my cell while I was serving a 15 year prison sentence in California. I made it from two D batteries, masking tape, heating element, and a scavenged wire.

Exceptional example of the wonderful items which came from the Ronson factories circa 1929. In this case a young looking nude girl is tastefully rendered holding a tray which contains the removable New Yorker Lighter.


one of my friend bought this lighter from the local market of Delhi, India. He has collection of these kind of weird stuff, like skull shape hukkah, fckn lighter talking ashtray, and many more.. I have no clue if we can buy such stuff online too. I will ask him and let u know. Thanks for watching and don't forget to share, have a wonderful and bright life .:)
Rare Zippo Lighter Fires Bullets, Not Fire: Roll the flint wheel on this lighter but make sure your face is a safe distance away from the barrel unless you want a mini bullet to hit you straight in the face. This miniature gun encased in a lighter’s body was sold at an auction in 2006 for around $6,810 to an unnamed buyer. Aside from the gun/lighter, the lot included eight 6mm copper-cased cartridges mounted in a yellow Ronson flint dispenser.

Chocolate Bar Shaped Butane Gas Cigarette Lighter


This toe-curling footage shows a cigarette lighter being removed from a man's stomach after he swallowed it whole. The man - who has not been named - arrived at hospital after ingesting the object. He is believed to have been on drugs at the time. Eye-watering medical footage shows the inside of the stomach and throat as the doctor pulls the lighter out with a special clamp. It's very fiddly work and it appears as though he may drop it a couple of times, but he manages to retrieve the item. Medical staff can be heard in the background breathing an audible sigh of relief as the yellow lighter is removed.

You are bidding on a vintage dagger form letter opener which has a built in lighter in the handle. The piece is made of brass & what looks like leather & comes with its original sheath. The dagger measures about 9 5/8" long & the lighter is activated from a push button located at the top of the handle. The lighter sparks well but we have not tried it with lighter fluid. There are no markings on the item but we have come across these before & they were always marked "Made in Germany".

Bumbling Arsonist Nearly Sets Himself On Fire in Gym in Ontario, Canada

A Chinese man, who set a fire inside a packed passenger bus in east China last week injuring himself and 31 others, did it to gain fame, state media reported on Tuesday. Bao Laixu, the 34-year-old male suspect was lonely and had a pessimistic view of life, Chinese police said. He visited Hangzhou on Saturday and got into a bus packed with tourists near Lingyin Temple. Video footage shown by CCTV showed him pouring flammable liquid and set it on fire. Bao is from the northwestern province of Gansu and has worked part-time in other cities, including Lanzhou and Guangzhou. He has had almost no contact with his family in his home village, villagers told police.


My grandpa’s lighter from his work.

My taser lighter thing. It seems to light cigarettes fine. But I wouldn't use it to smoke a bowl. What a time to be alive.

So there was a cigarette lighter in the rental car. I decided to touch it and now my finger is burned.
Get ready to Rock-n-Roll with our light show guitar lighters. Each lighter is designed to look like an accurate replica of a Classic Guitar. These lighters have REAL steel strings hooked up to replica tuning machines and features chrome "humbuckers" and contrast pick guard. Each lighter features a powerful, fully adjustable flame and electronic ignition which lights the lights and activates the light when pushed.

Penis Refillable Vibrating Cigar Cigarette Lighter

JERUSALEM, Israel – Police said a woman at a gas station asked a man for a cigarette and when he refused, she lit up his car instead. According to KTLA, the woman was arrested Wednesday after setting fire to the man’s gas pump. And the fiery exchange was all caught on video. The woman has been sent for a physiological evaluation.

p.s. Hey. Like I mentioned yesterday, tomorrow and on Thursday you'll get p.s.-less rerun posts, and then I'll be back, and the posts will be new again, starting on Friday. ** David Ehrenstein, Hi. Oh, 'Parade', that makes more sense. I couldn't remember a spot in 'Playtime' where there was that much vocalizing. Gotcha. The film I'm in: Paul Otchakovsky-Laurens is both the publisher of the great French house Editions POL, where my books are published in France, and a filmmaker. He has made one film, 'Sablé-sur-Sarthe, Sartre', and he's making his second film right now. Both of the films are loosely autobiographical. The scene I'm in is a recreation of a famous, in France, incident where one of POL's authors/books, as well as Editions POL itself, were sued years ago by Jean-Marie Le Pen for slander. There was a highly publicized court case at the time, and POL won. In the film, I'll play one of the members of the jury in the trial. ** H, Hi. The last music gig post was on October 22nd, so not so long ago. The topic of your essay is mouth-watering to me, New York School poets dedicatee that I am. That's exciting. My eyes are better, thank you. Editing the transcript/interview, which is what I've been doing and still am doing, tires the eyes in a different way than transcribing, it seems, because my eyes are relatively clear. I take vitamins every day. Blueberries, no, but what a great idea. Thanks! ** _Black_Acrylic, Hi, Ben, Yeah, a brief (?) foray into techno by Mr. Haswell, and how weird and unexpectedly fitting, eh? An early happy birthday! But I'll be back in time to wish you a timely one. Rachel Maclean seems to be becoming a real thing. I saw a bunch of her work displayed at FIAC a week or so ago. ** Steevee, Hi. Ha, that's a challenging and appealing idea right there, but I'd have to like something by JB and 1D, and I don't think I ever have. Poptimism Day! No, that's a great idea. And what a great term. What about you? Do you feel yourself capable of curating a Poptimism gig? I'm serious. You could just send me a list of the songs you want in it, and I'll take care of everything else. ** Schlix, Hi, Uli! Oh, guess what? I got this really great email from Puce Mary a couple of days ago saying hi and suggesting a possible collaboration, and she mentioned you as having told her I was into her work, which seems to have opened whatever floodgates, so thank you a lot for that! It's a funny Haswell record. Very tight and kind of flat in this interesting way. Life's nuts on my end at the moment, yeah, but good nuts. Lucky you with Wire! I'm getting my earplugs prepped for Sunn0)))'s big gig at Palais de Tokyo later this month. Stephen has pre-warned me that, due in part to the weird acoustics in the PdT, it's going to be an especially ear-destroying gig. ** Keaton, Hi. I managed to scare you? Cool. Completely a coincidence, I swear. I feel like a bag too. Interesting. What's in your bag? Hitchcockian ... that sounds really hard. But I like the sound. Huh. Oh, sure, Black Angels. I haven't to them in a long time. But now I will. Cool. ** Bill, Hi, B. Yeah, that Why Be track is kind of distinct for them. I like them in general but that one was the big seducer for me. Enjoy tomorrow. Veterans Day, wow, yeah, I remember that. Mid-week holidays are best and such an increasing rarity. ** Misanthrope, Hi, George. No, I can imagine, on the hiring thing. Jean-Lic teaches at a very good university here, but, again, we're talking here. That TV 'psychiatrist' sounds like a gaseous-brained, scaredy cat, conservatives-baiting, 'say anything to get a reaction'-style, very un-psychiatric moron. What a fuck head. Mm, don't know about the gifs thing. I might have gone as far as I can go now. That's what I'm trying to find out. It's not so much that changing the placement and design would open new avenues, I don't think. That would just make the viewers' eyes move differently, which, in theory, sounds a bit like a gimmick move. I don't know. I'm in a thinking and wondering and testing phase. ** Paul, Paul! Man about town! Man among men! Paul! Oh, cool. Head-clearing is a great effect. I'm very happy to hear that. Yeah, right now I'm going technical on the gif work to see if I can make it open up more. I definitely learned a couple of things from the rhythm experiment, but mostly, I think, about finessing. I'm hoping to discover a chasm somewhere. There are so many ways in which the gifs are fascinating, and there's so much mysteriousness and promise in the different effects that you can create with them, but I'm not sure how deep the mysteries are, or how flexible, I mean. The blockiness of gifs, singular and plural, makes this heavy frame around the work that might be too fort-like to transgress or something. I'm not sure. I'm curious. I don't want to give up on the gif work yet because it's such a pleasure to do. But that's not enough ultimately if I want to make exciting things with them. And that's the thing. Blah, blah, I don't know. Good in a slowish way sounds A-okay. 'Micro sludge work': yes, I know what you mean, of course. Awesomeness to see you! ** Okay. Lighters. Wow, yeah, that says it all, I suppose. The blog will see you tomorrow, and I will see you on Friday.