'vanity pressings, demos, song-poem albums, souvenir records, samplers, outsider music, exploitation labels, gospel / religious albums, specialty albums, children’s records, night club / lounge act albums, organ music, motion picture soundtracks, and any other unique & curious stuff I dig up' -- Bill Robinson
Click the pix -- PKinman

p.s. Hey. Silent DC's reader and sonicologist PKinman has some out there musical outlets for you to investigate this weekend, and I hereby add my official stamp of entrustment, so enjoy yourselves and please speak to our kindly guest-host of what you find herein, thank you. And thank you, PK! I'm continuing to upswing, health-wise, and I assume I should be my fully normal whatever again by Monday. ** Un Cœur Blanc, Hi! Nice to see you first, and your responsiveness to itsfake is rich and lovely, thank you! Love to you too! ** Misanthrope, Yikes. Thanks, I'm crawling upwards. Gonna see Wolf and Tender Prey today. That should help. ** L@rstonovich, Hi, Larsty! Oh, yeah, shit, I seem to have missed your thing yesterday. I was kind of not totally well, so, ... it was probably my eyes. No hatred, good God, no! Oh, thanks a lot for the add/link. I don't know Tucker Martime. Great! Pretty fucking good? Awesome, I love that! ** xTx, Hi! Oh, thank you a lot! I'm being bettered, I think. Sweet iamaltlit score on the great 'Billie', pal! And what is this new book of yours that's coming out from CCM? You good? Miss you, my buddy! ** David Ehrenstein, Hi, D. I don't know, I guess I'm just fatigued by all the strong urgings to read Proust that I've been hearing all my adult life, and I'm just in this perverse phase of being excited by the idea of dying without ever having read him. Probably just my mood or something. ** Ken Baumann, Ken! Awesome, thank you, yes! I'll probably try to hit you up for some party favor stuff or something as the launch time approaches. And I'll nail May 14th down. Okay, yeah, the script sounds sweetly wack even though I've never seen 'Games of Thrones'. But I've seen posters for it in the metro, so I get the setting and stuff anyway. Yay! How did you find 'SB'? ** Schlix, Hi, Uli. Oh, yeah, if I read the info on that second radio play correctly, it was 1969 when I was 16, so that's definitely not real. The last one, 'The Undead', wow. That was actually a live performance work I made with Ishmael Houston-Jones, and that radio station just played the audio from it on air, so I don't think that counts. The only radio play I've ever directly been involved in was 'Jerk', and they don't even list that. Oh, well, blah blah. Interesting, thank you! Yes, I actually clicked over to that Hetfield 'yes' thing yesterday when someone posted it on FB. Pretty funny. The Soundboard is new, though, and I'll go horrify myself imminently. Thanks a lot, Uli. Have a great weekend. ** Cobaltfram, I'm not against Henry James, I just don't care one way or the other. I've read Balzac and Zola, but it was a long time ago, so I don't have clear memories of what I thought. I think they were great and all that. Uh, on the hitchhiking/ kidnapping thing: at one point, the driver/ kidnapper picked up a bunch of his friends, thinking it would be 'fun' for all of them to take me on a scary joy ride, which is what happened for a few hours, but then, when the driver stopped somewhere to score drugs, one of his friends took pity on me and said if I drove all of them home, he would let me go. So that's what happened. 'Godot' opera, weird. Hunh. I saw a production of Berg's 'Wozzeck' a long time ago. Yeah, I remember it was pretty great. We don't get daylight savings time over here for another week or week and a half or something, I think. That delay thing is strange. Take it easy. ** _Black_Acrylic, Hi, Ben. No, there hasn't been a Joe Meek Day, and I would really love to have one, if you don't mind. That would be fantastic! Thank you! ** Steevee, You seem to be okay with the heavy changes, yes? Excited. ** Sypha, I suspect you'll like 'Diary of an Innocent' more, but we'll see. ** Okay. Be with PKinman's weekend, thank you. I'll go retrieve the last vestiges of my good health from wherever they're hiding, and I will see you on Monday.