Wode Paint is the first ever visible fragrance by Boudicca, it comes in a graffiti spray can and its color is cobalt blue. At first it will turn your skin and clothing blue, but it will disappear after some time.
This product use to be a scent of anal (What?!!) The spokeperson said “This product does not smell like sh**. It is purely the smell of anus.”
Ah&Oh Studio has taken some of the most macabre figures in the history of western letters and given them their very own perfume bottles. Scent Stories, as the line's called, pays homage to literature's great lords of darkness: Edgar Allan Poe, the Marquis de Sade, Pierre Choderlos de Laclos, and George Orwell. The design theme's a clever one: basic white ink bottles done up in the author's name, a famous quote (eg., de Sade: ?...ambition, cruelty, avarice, revenge, are all founded on lust?; Poe: "I became insane, with long intervals of horrible sanity"), and a frightful stopper.
I dunno what it is exactly but it was fun to mess with.
The makers of Stilton cheese have launched their own perfume, Eau de Stilton, which claims to "recreate the earthy and fruity aroma" of the pungent blue cheese "in an eminently wearable perfume." The perfume, blended by a Manchester-based aromatics company, features a "symphony of natural base notes including yarrow, angelica seed, clary sage and valerian."
Jazz legend Sun Ra has joined the ranks of perfume makers with not one, but two scents: Saturnia, which "transport[s] you out of the doom and into orbit as you ponder THIS PLANET IS DOOMED" with the "aphrodisiac" smell of "Neroil distillate of bitter orange blossoms," and the more demure Prophetika, which "invokes a mirage of memories and mysteries and incites a call to action." The latter is also the name of Norton Records imprint Book Arm's impending three-volume release of Sun Ra's poetry and prose. Both come in 0.5 oz glass bottles with an iconic brass Sphinx or pyramid keepsake amulet, and were “bottled by Gigi of Midwood during the Capricornus July full hay moon.”
Apparently, men doing some work in the graveyard in Croatia found the knobby chunk of unidentified god-knows-what about a meter below the surface. The so-called "alien head" reportedly has a rubbery texture and smells like men's cologne.
Perfume, poetry, and transfiguration are intimately, inextricably connected. Like the spirit, scent penetrates self, body, and world. It is formless, ephemeral, unfixed, “and moves ineluctably toward disappearance.”
Baudelaire’s understanding of correspondence, a term coined by him, lays the ultimate groundwork for the existence of the perfumed word. It is the experience of synesthesia, “through which information provided by one sense if filtered, interpreted, and ‘read’ through the medium of another.” His “dream of a sublime poetry” involved “...colors, as dazzling in their scent as in their sound, and...scents animated by an odorous spectrum of colors and by a scale of aromatic notes -- as resonant with hues of red, blue, and yellow as they are with chords of jasmine, iris, and patchouli.... ”
For Baudelaire more than the senses correspond. The spiritual is immanent in the natural world, not just transcendent to it. He wrote, “Everything --form, color, number, perfume -- in the spiritual as well as in the natural world is meaningful, reciprocal, converse, and correspondent.... ” The spiritual world and the natural world form a unity, as do the sounds of distant echoes coming together into one unified, symphonic sound.
Teen Top - No Perfume On You (dance practice)
Earth's Mightiest Heroes have officially assembled into theaters and IMAX 3D, and what better way to celebrate the release of "Marvel's The Avengers" than to smell like your favorite Avenger? Bring out your inner-super hero with "Marvel's The Avengers" Cologne or Perfume by JADS International, a worldwide fragrance company! "Demand for our official Avengers cologne and perfume has been, pardon the pun, out of this world," said Andrew Levine, Chief Executive Offier of JADS. "Everyone has conventional cologne and perfume at home, but we take it to another level by offering supernatural scents that will empower and bring out the super hero in all of us."
Secretions Magnifique is from Etat Libre d'Orange perfumers. Available in the US only at the swank Henri Bendel department store in NYC, it smells of. . . sweat, spunk, and blood. Oh, the French! From their smelly cheeses to their famed aversion to daily baths. They have seriously cornered the market on stinky.
Eau de Toast perfume was recently featured at London’s Fashion Week and was created by Federation of Bakers. Reports indicate it actually does smell like toast. If you want a vial of your own, you are out of luck. Eau de Toast was extremely popular and sold out almost immediately.
Asmr role play perfume relaxing touch
Using one of Man Ray's earliest portraits of Rrose Sélavy (Marcel Duchamp dressed as a woman) Duchamp made a label that he affixed to an empty perfume bottle to create his 1921 artwork Belle Haleine, Eau de Toilette (Beautiful Breath, Veil Water).
8.5 Extra Strong is a 1 oz. parfum (approximately 29ml) with very simple small dark glass bottle like those for liquid medicines. It is indicated about the perfume that it includes black leather and erathly cedars which apparently are not the only notes in the composition. Let me open the notes with some examples about how the perfume actually smells. It opens with exact abrasive vibe of hospital and its morbid alcohol-based cannibal attracting human waste smell, plus some sort of regularly used mattress with sucked fat, sweat and semen repeatedly dropped on it. Not a brothel sense of smell with too much exotits and synthetic vanilla fragrances. It's kind of private and DBSM fantasy.
An alcoholic woman who resorted to drinking perfume and spraying aftershave in her mouth got sent to rehab on Jeremy Kyle. Tanya, 40, was told by doctors that she only had six months to live if she kept drinking everyday. Her partner Paul wanted the intervention because Tanya was killing herself and didn't want her to leave her four-year-old son without a mother. Paul told Jeremy that sometimes Tanya asked him for surgical spirit wipes so that she could suck on them because they contained alcohol.
To book lovers like us, the smell of leather-bound tomes or fresh paperbacks can be utterly seductive. Ever wish you could bottle that mysterious library scent, the aroma of rummaging through the stacks? As it turns out, renegade perfumer Christopher Brosius has done just that. With his line of scents under the banner I Hate Perfume, Brosius captures certain experiences, like walking in a snowstorm. Among his favorite experiences are hours spent browsing in bookshops or getting lost in a story, so book-inspired scents were a natural step. Several of his perfumes have a literary connection, such as A Room with a View, sparked by the Forster novel. (Sniff the violet-based scent and dream of George kissing Lucy.) With his In the Library perfume, though, Brosius evokes the books themselves, conjuring up Russian and Moroccan leather bindings, cloth, and a rare English novel.
Amid growing rhetoric around the body as the new frontier for technological advancement, internationally celebrated body architect Lucy McRae teams up with acclaimed Harvard biologist Sheref Mansy, to create Swallowable Parfum: a digestible scent capsule that breaks entirely new ground in the science of human instinct. Fragrance molecules are excreted through the skin's surface during perspiration, leaving tiny golden droplets on the skin that emanate a unique odor. The potency of scent is determined by each individual's acclimatization to temperatures, to stress, exercise, or sexual arousal.
Pop star odors
Sony will soon be rolling out its newly designed camera, which is a perfume bottle-shaped selfie camera. The perfume bottle-shaped selfie camera comes with a clear casing at the top that houses a large lens. The launch of perfume bottle-shaped selfie camera and Xperia C3 selfie smartphone indicates that Sony is trying to target new set of consumers who love to click selfies.
Paper Passion Perfume captures the unique bouquet of freshly printed books. Designed by boutique perfumer Geza Schoen in close consultation with Gerhard Steidl and in collaboration with Wallpaper* magazine, the perfume expresses that peculiar mix of paper and ink which gives a book its unmistakable aroma, along with the fresh scent which a book opened for the first time releases. Schoen spent days in the depths of the paper-filled Steidl headquarters in Göttingen, sifting through books, papers samples and inks, to find inspiration for a perfume that is true to books, wearable, and which ages well in time just like a good book. It took Schoen seventeen trials to preserve in his words, the right balance between the smell of paper as such and an enjoyable perfumistic aesthetic. The elaborate packaging of Paper Passion Perfume does more than justice to the perfume within. The packaging is a real book with a hidden cut-out compartment in which the bottle sits. The first pages of the book contain texts on the pleasures of paper and the Paper Passion project by Nobel Laureate Günter Grass, Karl Lagerfeld, Geza Schoen and Wallpaper* Editor-in-Chief Tony Chambers. The end product is a unique perfume, an homage to the luxurious sensuality of books and in Karl Lagerfelds words, the silent smell of paper.
Love the sensation of golden showers? Well, get the experience whenever you want one with this Japanese Schoolgirl Pee Smell Bottle, a scented liquid with the aroma of a female school student's urine. Great for adding to clothes, dolls, onaholes and more, this is erotic fetish at its most convenient!
(AUSTIN, TX) 11 Year-Old Girl Sent to Criminal Court for Wearing Too Much Perfume in Class.
Will Oldham has collaborated with Sanae Intoxicants to create his very own fragrance, and you can buy a bottle today for $220. Diane Pernet's blog shares Oldham's influence: "It was originally based off a palette Mr. Oldham shared with SANAE INTOXICANTS which included a note of his own inspiration: the scent of the Agarwood tree, also known as 'oud' which is not only a fragrance that has been used in perfumery dating back to the most ancient times, but also a beautiful Middle Eastern string instrument." In addition to the oud scent, the limited, handcrafted fragrance includes "Egyptian jasmine, French mimosa, and the rare, exotic oils of Mukhallat and kewda."
Grip Limited, an advertising firm that works with Pizza Hut Canada, originally originally floated the tongue-in-cheek notion on the Pizza Hut Canada Facebook page back in August as part of a broader push to promote more engaging social media activity. The post asked fans to dream up names for an imaginary scent inspired by "the smell of a box of Pizza Hut pizza being opened." But the fan response to the idea was so enthusiastic that Grip and Pizza Hut decided to make the perfume a reality. A month and a half later, to commemorate the fact that Pizza Hut Canada had gotten 100,000 fans, the chain's community managers announced that the first 100 people to message them would actually get a bottle of Pizza Hut perfume. And sure enough, the bottles were shipped to those 100 lucky fans at the beginning of December.
A new perfume is sure to raise a stink from fashionistas because it's going to be made from sweat. Not just any sweat, mind you, but the sweat from Swedish glass blowers. The odd and odorous idea is the brainchild of Daniel Peltz, an Associate Professor of Film/Animation/Video at the Rhode Island School of Design in Providence, R.I. Peltz, who summers in Rejmyre, Sweden, came up with the concept of collecting the sweat of glass blowers and turning it into perfume after noticing every piece of glass work produced at the local glass factory contained a little sweat from its creator. "The glass blower's sweat and work is something that tourists appreciate when they come here and look," he said, according to UPI. "So for me there isn't such a huge difference in selling the glass-blower's sweat and the finished glass."
Phase inversion of fumed silica particle-stabilised emulsions of water and perfume oil can be effected in three ways. The transitional inversion from water-in-oil (w/o) to oil-in-water (o/w) occurs upon increasing the particle hydrophilicity for 9 oils of different polarity and structure. Results are compared for systems in which particles are pre-dispersed in one of the bulk phases and for those in which a novel powdered particle method is used. Using a simple theory involving the surface energies of the various interfaces, the contact angle θ of a particle with the oil–water interface is calculated as a function of the particle hydrophilicity. Assuming phase inversion occurs at θ = 90°, very good agreement is obtained for all oils between the calculated and experimental particle hydrophilicity required for inversion in the case of the powdered particle method. Inversion from o/w to w/o induced by simply increasing the particle concentration is shown to be as a result of changes in the aggregation state of the particles influencing their wettability. Finally, catastrophic phase inversion from w/o to o/w is achieved by increasing the volume fraction of water, and multiple emulsions form around inversion in a system containing only one particle type. Results of the latter two inversion routes are combined to develop an emulsion compositional map allowing a variety of emulsions with different characteristics to be described by varying the relative amounts of the three components.
45-year-old TV presenter Andy Cohen revealed that he had the 27-year-old pop star's urine made into perfume. 'So she peed in a trash can in her dressing room,' the 45-year-old presenter told Tuesday's Late Night With Jimmy Fallon. 'It's a long story, but she did. She said on her way out, "Look, I couldn't get my way to the bathroom, I'm sorry."'She's a superstar, she's Lady Gaga, she can pee wherever she wants as far as I'm concerned.' Cohen then enlisted his 'renaissance PA' named Ryan to find some sort of recipe online to preserve Mother Monster's bodily fluid. The Emmy winner declared: 'He made it into perfume. So, we have it in a pretty bottle. I know, it's kind of gross, but that is a pop culture artifact, if you ask me. That is going to be worth something.'
The smell of humans is strong in his nostrils. He longs to be with them, to caress them, to be one of them again. Another scent drifts in and awakens older desires, of pleasures long forgotten, and then he sees it... the Donut Shop on the corner. Earl: So where you from? Boya: It's a long story. Earl: I've got all night Boya: You'd need all night. Earl: Well I've got all night. Dark Egyptian amber and gaharu wood, well blended and served with creamy vanilla, cinnamon spice, rich chocolate, and a splash of turkish coffee. It's.... to die for. Perfume comes in a 1/3 oz. (9 ml) frosted cobalt blue roll-on bottle and comes ready for gift giving in a little fabric bag.
Strangé - It Stinks So Good
We have created a strong buzz in Hollywood Circles. We have had the opportunity to place our product in the gift bags of the OSCARS and GRAMMYS as well as Numerous Movie Premieres. We have also made a presence at the Celebrity Gift Suites for both The MTV Movie Awards and The Nick Kids Choice Awards to name a few. In Hollywood Celebrities refer to our product as Shoe Perfume for the STARS. Our enhanced marketing collateral around celebrities will make this a fast sale for your customers.
“The smell of opium is the least stupid smell in the world.” ― Jean Cocteau
'The odour of pink, low, thanks to the light wind of summer that passes, mixes with the perfumes that it put.' -- Paul Verlaine
“At no other time (than autumn) does the earth let itself be inhaled in one smell, the ripe earth; in a smell that is in no way inferior to the smell of the sea, bitter where it borders on taste, and more honeysweet where you feel it touching the first sounds. Containing depth within itself, darkness, something of the grave almost.” ― Rainer Maria Rilke
"The immortal one does not have odor." -- André Gide
"A woman who doesn't wear perfume has no future." -- Coco Chanel
In 1988, fresh off his success with Blue Velvet and just before he started production on his landmark TV series Twin Peaks, David Lynch made his first commercials — a quartet of advertisements for Calvin Klein’s perfume Obsession featuring passages from such literary titans as F. Scott Fitzgerald, D.H. Lawrence and Ernest Hemingway. The commercials have all the pretension, the luscious black and white photography and the vacant-eyed beautiful people that you might expect from a Calvin Klein ad. Yet they also show glimmers of Lynch’s aesthetic – a noirish, dream-like tone, an oddly framed close up, a fondness for flashing lights. Lynch dialed down the weird to serve the text. The result is far more romantic and beautiful than you might expect from the director. The Obsession ads proved to be such a success that he started getting requests to do commercials for other luxury perfume companies like Giorgio Armani’s Gio and Yves Saint Laurent’s Opium. As Lynch told Chris Rodley in Lynch on Lynch, he thinks of commercials as “little bitty films, and I always learn something by doing them.”
Thanks to a French company, it might soon be possible to store the comforting scent of a loved one forever. They plan to launch their new line of perfumes made from fragrances that people leave on their clothes, in September. The idea for the perfumes belongs to French insurance agent Katia Apalategui. She came up with it seven years ago, when she was devastated about losing her father. At the time, she wished there was a way she could store his scent in a bottle. Apparently, her mother felt the same way: “I also miss the smell and do not want to wash his pillowcase,” she had told Katia. Intrigued by the idea of preserving odor, Katia began to investigate if she could actually make it happen. She tried researching but met with little success, until she came across an innovation agency called Seinari, in Normandy. They put her in touch with the department of organic and macromolecular chemistry at the University of Le Havre. Researchers there were able to explore the possibilities of bringing Katia’s idea to life. After much trial and error, they actually developed a technique to extract the odor out of a person’s clothes, and reconstitute it as an alcohol-based perfume in only four days’ time.
Country music promoter and frequent traveler Lois Lewis was stopped by TSA agents and investigated by a bomb expert at Phoenix's Sky Harbor after trying to bring her 2-ounce bottle of Jimmy Choo perfume in her carryon. Lewis said that she placed the $83-a-bottle perfume, which was within security guidelines, in a clear plastic bag and sent it through the scanner. When the TSA agents saw the perfume bottle, they shut down a lane at the Southwest Terminal for nearly an hour to investigate.
L.A.-based company My DNA Fragrance will now be selling a new series of colognes made from the DNA of deceased superstars. Blue Suede is based on Elvis Presley’s genetic code. Monarch is extracted from the DNA of Katherine Hepburn. M, our most popular fragrance, is made from samples of Michael Jackson’s DNA. M is an exclusive one-of-a-kind fragrance that explodes into an indescribable fragrance, which seemly draws the attention of every person in the room. It is composed of the lightest, but most volatile essences. Much like the performer himself, this cologne is unique and like no other cologne in the world. We guarantee it. M is engineered from the DNA genetic code of the King of Pop, Michael Jackson. All of our exclusive scents are priced in the range of $50 to $100.
p.s. Hey. ** David Ehrenstein, Hi. He uses Leaud really well, yeah. I guess Leaud is in pretty bad health and out of commission now. That's what I sadly hear. Well, Kaurismaki's grumpiness is literally a take no prisoners kind of thing about everything, especially himself. ** Bill, Hi, Bill. I think you'd like his films, yeah. 7 Seconds! That's a band I haven'nt thought about in a long time. Huh. They'd sound good right now, I think. A week off! Sweet! Wring the genius out if it, as only you can. ** Etc etc etc, Hi. Oh, okay, a blurb or whatever, I get it. Um, okay, I'll try to get to reading some of it as soon as I can. I have a bad, non-stop week ahead, but I'll find a way. Me too re: what the TV thing becomes. It's totally up to Gisele. It's a commissioned thing for her, although Zac and I are getting a lot of freedom, at least at the outset. It's also a long process. Much longer than theater, and seemingly even longer than film. We finish the script, and then it's pitched to networks, and, then ... yeah, you can imagine the lengthy process. ** Liquoredgoat, Hey. Oh. nice about Kaurismaki being at your fingertips. Every film I've seen by him has been quite good. 'Le Havre' isn't my favorite, but his sensibility is so distinct that pretty much any entranceway will tell you fairly quickly whether you're into his thing or not. Yeah, dude, I also saw Black Sabbath on their very first US tour supporting the first album playing at the tiny Whisky A-Go-Go. Very lucky me. I saw Sabbath at Ozzfest in in the late '90s. It was a mixed bag. Ozzy was a total embarrassment onstage, but the band was sharp as fuck, and Iommi's genius was crystal clear. They're on their farewell tour now, as you probably know, and I think I'll go see them one last time when they hit Paris. I've only seen Slayer once, weirdly. But they were crazy great. And their opening act was The Melvins! Amazing show. ** H, Hi. Oh, Perec's always great. That one just caught my fancy for some reason, but it's not necessarily a must work of his, I guess. I've never been very interested by MC's work. But I don't know that book. I'll try peeking at it. My weekend was basically work-filled. It's gotten quite cold here. I like it so far. No, nothing new to say about my novel yet. Thanks for asking, though. ** Steevee, Hi. I know, funny, right? ** James, Hi. No, not that I can remember anyway. Gold star for Carole King? Uh, I don't think so, ha ha. Maybe pewter. I used to like card games, but I haven't played cards in maybe even decades. Uh, gosh. I think I used to play the usual games: various types of poker, Go fish, ... nothing fancy, and I don't remember having any particular favorites. I think it was just a time killing thing for me. Blog post would be sweet. I'm def. in need right now. ** _Black_Acrylic, Hi, Ben. Brought Ferry is a nice name. Is there a ferry there? Am I completely off? That is a tweaky pair albums right there. Oh, yeah, that piece by Scott looks really good. I'll pore over it as soon as I can pore/pour. Everyone, Go check out the thing that _B_A is about to link you to 'cos it's cool: ' ... But what thrilled me was that Scott had made a print of his submission for the Yuck 'n Yum Summer 2011 issue, a map of the infamous 'House of Horror' that belonged to the British serial killers Fred and Rose West. Scott Duncan - 25 Cromwell St was always my favourite artwork that we ever featured, so to finally have it on my wall means a whole lot.' ** Thomas Moronic, Hi, T. Glad he caught your fancy. Distinct stuff. My weekend? Bunch of work, mostly. TV script, some angling to try to get 'LCTG' shown in places, blog, some hanging out, nothing too exciting. How was yours? ** Sypha, Hi, James. Thanks for the answer. I hope he does. Obviously, I'm quite curious about your brothers' work. ** Kyler, Hi, K. Nothing remotely concrete on NYC yet, just waiting to hear if one possibility pans out. I'll let you know when or if something works out. Fingers crossed. ** Misanthrope, Hi. That's a surprise? Costello, I mean? Huh. *Ding, ding, ding* You are correct! Grumpy = best is an interesting idea. Hm. Worth contemplating, and, thus, I will. Like Steevee, I heard about the rumored threat to that WWE event. But I didn't seen any news about that this morning, so I assume it went off without a hitch. And Undertaker better have won or there'll be hell to pay or something. ** Armando, Hey. Oh, I don't know. I think of my work as being idealistic, but I'm not the best judge. I am personally optimistic, etc. in the real world, at least. But, yeah, I don't know. I'll think about that. In 'Period', well, George Miles is/was real, and he's the meta-character in that book. Otherwise, ... hm, other than a kind of vortex referencing to Vincent Kartheiser as he looked in the movie 'Masterminds' as the physical model for a lot of the young male characters, maybe not. No, I think the rest of the characters are all made up, as far as I can remember. Mm, I think I saw Dinosaur Jr. twice. Once circa 'Bug', and once circa 'Where You Been'. Never in the Lou Barlow days, early or late. I think those are the only times I saw them. They were very loud, searingly loud, you bet. Cool, yeah, I can see you liking Kaurismaki's films, yeah. Nice. Well, thank you for saying that kind stuff, my friend. xx, D. ** Right. I went 'wild' around the theme of perfume today for reasons that my subconscious might or might not be able to tell you if it could. See you tomorrow.
Wode Paint is the first ever visible fragrance by Boudicca, it comes in a graffiti spray can and its color is cobalt blue. At first it will turn your skin and clothing blue, but it will disappear after some time.

This product use to be a scent of anal (What?!!) The spokeperson said “This product does not smell like sh**. It is purely the smell of anus.”


Ah&Oh Studio has taken some of the most macabre figures in the history of western letters and given them their very own perfume bottles. Scent Stories, as the line's called, pays homage to literature's great lords of darkness: Edgar Allan Poe, the Marquis de Sade, Pierre Choderlos de Laclos, and George Orwell. The design theme's a clever one: basic white ink bottles done up in the author's name, a famous quote (eg., de Sade: ?...ambition, cruelty, avarice, revenge, are all founded on lust?; Poe: "I became insane, with long intervals of horrible sanity"), and a frightful stopper.

I dunno what it is exactly but it was fun to mess with.
The makers of Stilton cheese have launched their own perfume, Eau de Stilton, which claims to "recreate the earthy and fruity aroma" of the pungent blue cheese "in an eminently wearable perfume." The perfume, blended by a Manchester-based aromatics company, features a "symphony of natural base notes including yarrow, angelica seed, clary sage and valerian."

Jazz legend Sun Ra has joined the ranks of perfume makers with not one, but two scents: Saturnia, which "transport[s] you out of the doom and into orbit as you ponder THIS PLANET IS DOOMED" with the "aphrodisiac" smell of "Neroil distillate of bitter orange blossoms," and the more demure Prophetika, which "invokes a mirage of memories and mysteries and incites a call to action." The latter is also the name of Norton Records imprint Book Arm's impending three-volume release of Sun Ra's poetry and prose. Both come in 0.5 oz glass bottles with an iconic brass Sphinx or pyramid keepsake amulet, and were “bottled by Gigi of Midwood during the Capricornus July full hay moon.”

Apparently, men doing some work in the graveyard in Croatia found the knobby chunk of unidentified god-knows-what about a meter below the surface. The so-called "alien head" reportedly has a rubbery texture and smells like men's cologne.


Perfume, poetry, and transfiguration are intimately, inextricably connected. Like the spirit, scent penetrates self, body, and world. It is formless, ephemeral, unfixed, “and moves ineluctably toward disappearance.”
Baudelaire’s understanding of correspondence, a term coined by him, lays the ultimate groundwork for the existence of the perfumed word. It is the experience of synesthesia, “through which information provided by one sense if filtered, interpreted, and ‘read’ through the medium of another.” His “dream of a sublime poetry” involved “...colors, as dazzling in their scent as in their sound, and...scents animated by an odorous spectrum of colors and by a scale of aromatic notes -- as resonant with hues of red, blue, and yellow as they are with chords of jasmine, iris, and patchouli.... ”
For Baudelaire more than the senses correspond. The spiritual is immanent in the natural world, not just transcendent to it. He wrote, “Everything --form, color, number, perfume -- in the spiritual as well as in the natural world is meaningful, reciprocal, converse, and correspondent.... ” The spiritual world and the natural world form a unity, as do the sounds of distant echoes coming together into one unified, symphonic sound.
Teen Top - No Perfume On You (dance practice)
Earth's Mightiest Heroes have officially assembled into theaters and IMAX 3D, and what better way to celebrate the release of "Marvel's The Avengers" than to smell like your favorite Avenger? Bring out your inner-super hero with "Marvel's The Avengers" Cologne or Perfume by JADS International, a worldwide fragrance company! "Demand for our official Avengers cologne and perfume has been, pardon the pun, out of this world," said Andrew Levine, Chief Executive Offier of JADS. "Everyone has conventional cologne and perfume at home, but we take it to another level by offering supernatural scents that will empower and bring out the super hero in all of us."

Secretions Magnifique is from Etat Libre d'Orange perfumers. Available in the US only at the swank Henri Bendel department store in NYC, it smells of. . . sweat, spunk, and blood. Oh, the French! From their smelly cheeses to their famed aversion to daily baths. They have seriously cornered the market on stinky.

Eau de Toast perfume was recently featured at London’s Fashion Week and was created by Federation of Bakers. Reports indicate it actually does smell like toast. If you want a vial of your own, you are out of luck. Eau de Toast was extremely popular and sold out almost immediately.

Asmr role play perfume relaxing touch
Using one of Man Ray's earliest portraits of Rrose Sélavy (Marcel Duchamp dressed as a woman) Duchamp made a label that he affixed to an empty perfume bottle to create his 1921 artwork Belle Haleine, Eau de Toilette (Beautiful Breath, Veil Water).
8.5 Extra Strong is a 1 oz. parfum (approximately 29ml) with very simple small dark glass bottle like those for liquid medicines. It is indicated about the perfume that it includes black leather and erathly cedars which apparently are not the only notes in the composition. Let me open the notes with some examples about how the perfume actually smells. It opens with exact abrasive vibe of hospital and its morbid alcohol-based cannibal attracting human waste smell, plus some sort of regularly used mattress with sucked fat, sweat and semen repeatedly dropped on it. Not a brothel sense of smell with too much exotits and synthetic vanilla fragrances. It's kind of private and DBSM fantasy.

An alcoholic woman who resorted to drinking perfume and spraying aftershave in her mouth got sent to rehab on Jeremy Kyle. Tanya, 40, was told by doctors that she only had six months to live if she kept drinking everyday. Her partner Paul wanted the intervention because Tanya was killing herself and didn't want her to leave her four-year-old son without a mother. Paul told Jeremy that sometimes Tanya asked him for surgical spirit wipes so that she could suck on them because they contained alcohol.

To book lovers like us, the smell of leather-bound tomes or fresh paperbacks can be utterly seductive. Ever wish you could bottle that mysterious library scent, the aroma of rummaging through the stacks? As it turns out, renegade perfumer Christopher Brosius has done just that. With his line of scents under the banner I Hate Perfume, Brosius captures certain experiences, like walking in a snowstorm. Among his favorite experiences are hours spent browsing in bookshops or getting lost in a story, so book-inspired scents were a natural step. Several of his perfumes have a literary connection, such as A Room with a View, sparked by the Forster novel. (Sniff the violet-based scent and dream of George kissing Lucy.) With his In the Library perfume, though, Brosius evokes the books themselves, conjuring up Russian and Moroccan leather bindings, cloth, and a rare English novel.

Amid growing rhetoric around the body as the new frontier for technological advancement, internationally celebrated body architect Lucy McRae teams up with acclaimed Harvard biologist Sheref Mansy, to create Swallowable Parfum: a digestible scent capsule that breaks entirely new ground in the science of human instinct. Fragrance molecules are excreted through the skin's surface during perspiration, leaving tiny golden droplets on the skin that emanate a unique odor. The potency of scent is determined by each individual's acclimatization to temperatures, to stress, exercise, or sexual arousal.

Pop star odors

Sony will soon be rolling out its newly designed camera, which is a perfume bottle-shaped selfie camera. The perfume bottle-shaped selfie camera comes with a clear casing at the top that houses a large lens. The launch of perfume bottle-shaped selfie camera and Xperia C3 selfie smartphone indicates that Sony is trying to target new set of consumers who love to click selfies.

Paper Passion Perfume captures the unique bouquet of freshly printed books. Designed by boutique perfumer Geza Schoen in close consultation with Gerhard Steidl and in collaboration with Wallpaper* magazine, the perfume expresses that peculiar mix of paper and ink which gives a book its unmistakable aroma, along with the fresh scent which a book opened for the first time releases. Schoen spent days in the depths of the paper-filled Steidl headquarters in Göttingen, sifting through books, papers samples and inks, to find inspiration for a perfume that is true to books, wearable, and which ages well in time just like a good book. It took Schoen seventeen trials to preserve in his words, the right balance between the smell of paper as such and an enjoyable perfumistic aesthetic. The elaborate packaging of Paper Passion Perfume does more than justice to the perfume within. The packaging is a real book with a hidden cut-out compartment in which the bottle sits. The first pages of the book contain texts on the pleasures of paper and the Paper Passion project by Nobel Laureate Günter Grass, Karl Lagerfeld, Geza Schoen and Wallpaper* Editor-in-Chief Tony Chambers. The end product is a unique perfume, an homage to the luxurious sensuality of books and in Karl Lagerfelds words, the silent smell of paper.

Love the sensation of golden showers? Well, get the experience whenever you want one with this Japanese Schoolgirl Pee Smell Bottle, a scented liquid with the aroma of a female school student's urine. Great for adding to clothes, dolls, onaholes and more, this is erotic fetish at its most convenient!

(AUSTIN, TX) 11 Year-Old Girl Sent to Criminal Court for Wearing Too Much Perfume in Class.

Will Oldham has collaborated with Sanae Intoxicants to create his very own fragrance, and you can buy a bottle today for $220. Diane Pernet's blog shares Oldham's influence: "It was originally based off a palette Mr. Oldham shared with SANAE INTOXICANTS which included a note of his own inspiration: the scent of the Agarwood tree, also known as 'oud' which is not only a fragrance that has been used in perfumery dating back to the most ancient times, but also a beautiful Middle Eastern string instrument." In addition to the oud scent, the limited, handcrafted fragrance includes "Egyptian jasmine, French mimosa, and the rare, exotic oils of Mukhallat and kewda."

Grip Limited, an advertising firm that works with Pizza Hut Canada, originally originally floated the tongue-in-cheek notion on the Pizza Hut Canada Facebook page back in August as part of a broader push to promote more engaging social media activity. The post asked fans to dream up names for an imaginary scent inspired by "the smell of a box of Pizza Hut pizza being opened." But the fan response to the idea was so enthusiastic that Grip and Pizza Hut decided to make the perfume a reality. A month and a half later, to commemorate the fact that Pizza Hut Canada had gotten 100,000 fans, the chain's community managers announced that the first 100 people to message them would actually get a bottle of Pizza Hut perfume. And sure enough, the bottles were shipped to those 100 lucky fans at the beginning of December.

A new perfume is sure to raise a stink from fashionistas because it's going to be made from sweat. Not just any sweat, mind you, but the sweat from Swedish glass blowers. The odd and odorous idea is the brainchild of Daniel Peltz, an Associate Professor of Film/Animation/Video at the Rhode Island School of Design in Providence, R.I. Peltz, who summers in Rejmyre, Sweden, came up with the concept of collecting the sweat of glass blowers and turning it into perfume after noticing every piece of glass work produced at the local glass factory contained a little sweat from its creator. "The glass blower's sweat and work is something that tourists appreciate when they come here and look," he said, according to UPI. "So for me there isn't such a huge difference in selling the glass-blower's sweat and the finished glass."


Phase inversion of fumed silica particle-stabilised emulsions of water and perfume oil can be effected in three ways. The transitional inversion from water-in-oil (w/o) to oil-in-water (o/w) occurs upon increasing the particle hydrophilicity for 9 oils of different polarity and structure. Results are compared for systems in which particles are pre-dispersed in one of the bulk phases and for those in which a novel powdered particle method is used. Using a simple theory involving the surface energies of the various interfaces, the contact angle θ of a particle with the oil–water interface is calculated as a function of the particle hydrophilicity. Assuming phase inversion occurs at θ = 90°, very good agreement is obtained for all oils between the calculated and experimental particle hydrophilicity required for inversion in the case of the powdered particle method. Inversion from o/w to w/o induced by simply increasing the particle concentration is shown to be as a result of changes in the aggregation state of the particles influencing their wettability. Finally, catastrophic phase inversion from w/o to o/w is achieved by increasing the volume fraction of water, and multiple emulsions form around inversion in a system containing only one particle type. Results of the latter two inversion routes are combined to develop an emulsion compositional map allowing a variety of emulsions with different characteristics to be described by varying the relative amounts of the three components.
45-year-old TV presenter Andy Cohen revealed that he had the 27-year-old pop star's urine made into perfume. 'So she peed in a trash can in her dressing room,' the 45-year-old presenter told Tuesday's Late Night With Jimmy Fallon. 'It's a long story, but she did. She said on her way out, "Look, I couldn't get my way to the bathroom, I'm sorry."'She's a superstar, she's Lady Gaga, she can pee wherever she wants as far as I'm concerned.' Cohen then enlisted his 'renaissance PA' named Ryan to find some sort of recipe online to preserve Mother Monster's bodily fluid. The Emmy winner declared: 'He made it into perfume. So, we have it in a pretty bottle. I know, it's kind of gross, but that is a pop culture artifact, if you ask me. That is going to be worth something.'

The smell of humans is strong in his nostrils. He longs to be with them, to caress them, to be one of them again. Another scent drifts in and awakens older desires, of pleasures long forgotten, and then he sees it... the Donut Shop on the corner. Earl: So where you from? Boya: It's a long story. Earl: I've got all night Boya: You'd need all night. Earl: Well I've got all night. Dark Egyptian amber and gaharu wood, well blended and served with creamy vanilla, cinnamon spice, rich chocolate, and a splash of turkish coffee. It's.... to die for. Perfume comes in a 1/3 oz. (9 ml) frosted cobalt blue roll-on bottle and comes ready for gift giving in a little fabric bag.

Strangé - It Stinks So Good
We have created a strong buzz in Hollywood Circles. We have had the opportunity to place our product in the gift bags of the OSCARS and GRAMMYS as well as Numerous Movie Premieres. We have also made a presence at the Celebrity Gift Suites for both The MTV Movie Awards and The Nick Kids Choice Awards to name a few. In Hollywood Celebrities refer to our product as Shoe Perfume for the STARS. Our enhanced marketing collateral around celebrities will make this a fast sale for your customers.

“The smell of opium is the least stupid smell in the world.” ― Jean Cocteau
'The odour of pink, low, thanks to the light wind of summer that passes, mixes with the perfumes that it put.' -- Paul Verlaine
“At no other time (than autumn) does the earth let itself be inhaled in one smell, the ripe earth; in a smell that is in no way inferior to the smell of the sea, bitter where it borders on taste, and more honeysweet where you feel it touching the first sounds. Containing depth within itself, darkness, something of the grave almost.” ― Rainer Maria Rilke
"The immortal one does not have odor." -- André Gide
"A woman who doesn't wear perfume has no future." -- Coco Chanel
In 1988, fresh off his success with Blue Velvet and just before he started production on his landmark TV series Twin Peaks, David Lynch made his first commercials — a quartet of advertisements for Calvin Klein’s perfume Obsession featuring passages from such literary titans as F. Scott Fitzgerald, D.H. Lawrence and Ernest Hemingway. The commercials have all the pretension, the luscious black and white photography and the vacant-eyed beautiful people that you might expect from a Calvin Klein ad. Yet they also show glimmers of Lynch’s aesthetic – a noirish, dream-like tone, an oddly framed close up, a fondness for flashing lights. Lynch dialed down the weird to serve the text. The result is far more romantic and beautiful than you might expect from the director. The Obsession ads proved to be such a success that he started getting requests to do commercials for other luxury perfume companies like Giorgio Armani’s Gio and Yves Saint Laurent’s Opium. As Lynch told Chris Rodley in Lynch on Lynch, he thinks of commercials as “little bitty films, and I always learn something by doing them.”

Thanks to a French company, it might soon be possible to store the comforting scent of a loved one forever. They plan to launch their new line of perfumes made from fragrances that people leave on their clothes, in September. The idea for the perfumes belongs to French insurance agent Katia Apalategui. She came up with it seven years ago, when she was devastated about losing her father. At the time, she wished there was a way she could store his scent in a bottle. Apparently, her mother felt the same way: “I also miss the smell and do not want to wash his pillowcase,” she had told Katia. Intrigued by the idea of preserving odor, Katia began to investigate if she could actually make it happen. She tried researching but met with little success, until she came across an innovation agency called Seinari, in Normandy. They put her in touch with the department of organic and macromolecular chemistry at the University of Le Havre. Researchers there were able to explore the possibilities of bringing Katia’s idea to life. After much trial and error, they actually developed a technique to extract the odor out of a person’s clothes, and reconstitute it as an alcohol-based perfume in only four days’ time.

Country music promoter and frequent traveler Lois Lewis was stopped by TSA agents and investigated by a bomb expert at Phoenix's Sky Harbor after trying to bring her 2-ounce bottle of Jimmy Choo perfume in her carryon. Lewis said that she placed the $83-a-bottle perfume, which was within security guidelines, in a clear plastic bag and sent it through the scanner. When the TSA agents saw the perfume bottle, they shut down a lane at the Southwest Terminal for nearly an hour to investigate.

L.A.-based company My DNA Fragrance will now be selling a new series of colognes made from the DNA of deceased superstars. Blue Suede is based on Elvis Presley’s genetic code. Monarch is extracted from the DNA of Katherine Hepburn. M, our most popular fragrance, is made from samples of Michael Jackson’s DNA. M is an exclusive one-of-a-kind fragrance that explodes into an indescribable fragrance, which seemly draws the attention of every person in the room. It is composed of the lightest, but most volatile essences. Much like the performer himself, this cologne is unique and like no other cologne in the world. We guarantee it. M is engineered from the DNA genetic code of the King of Pop, Michael Jackson. All of our exclusive scents are priced in the range of $50 to $100.

p.s. Hey. ** David Ehrenstein, Hi. He uses Leaud really well, yeah. I guess Leaud is in pretty bad health and out of commission now. That's what I sadly hear. Well, Kaurismaki's grumpiness is literally a take no prisoners kind of thing about everything, especially himself. ** Bill, Hi, Bill. I think you'd like his films, yeah. 7 Seconds! That's a band I haven'nt thought about in a long time. Huh. They'd sound good right now, I think. A week off! Sweet! Wring the genius out if it, as only you can. ** Etc etc etc, Hi. Oh, okay, a blurb or whatever, I get it. Um, okay, I'll try to get to reading some of it as soon as I can. I have a bad, non-stop week ahead, but I'll find a way. Me too re: what the TV thing becomes. It's totally up to Gisele. It's a commissioned thing for her, although Zac and I are getting a lot of freedom, at least at the outset. It's also a long process. Much longer than theater, and seemingly even longer than film. We finish the script, and then it's pitched to networks, and, then ... yeah, you can imagine the lengthy process. ** Liquoredgoat, Hey. Oh. nice about Kaurismaki being at your fingertips. Every film I've seen by him has been quite good. 'Le Havre' isn't my favorite, but his sensibility is so distinct that pretty much any entranceway will tell you fairly quickly whether you're into his thing or not. Yeah, dude, I also saw Black Sabbath on their very first US tour supporting the first album playing at the tiny Whisky A-Go-Go. Very lucky me. I saw Sabbath at Ozzfest in in the late '90s. It was a mixed bag. Ozzy was a total embarrassment onstage, but the band was sharp as fuck, and Iommi's genius was crystal clear. They're on their farewell tour now, as you probably know, and I think I'll go see them one last time when they hit Paris. I've only seen Slayer once, weirdly. But they were crazy great. And their opening act was The Melvins! Amazing show. ** H, Hi. Oh, Perec's always great. That one just caught my fancy for some reason, but it's not necessarily a must work of his, I guess. I've never been very interested by MC's work. But I don't know that book. I'll try peeking at it. My weekend was basically work-filled. It's gotten quite cold here. I like it so far. No, nothing new to say about my novel yet. Thanks for asking, though. ** Steevee, Hi. I know, funny, right? ** James, Hi. No, not that I can remember anyway. Gold star for Carole King? Uh, I don't think so, ha ha. Maybe pewter. I used to like card games, but I haven't played cards in maybe even decades. Uh, gosh. I think I used to play the usual games: various types of poker, Go fish, ... nothing fancy, and I don't remember having any particular favorites. I think it was just a time killing thing for me. Blog post would be sweet. I'm def. in need right now. ** _Black_Acrylic, Hi, Ben. Brought Ferry is a nice name. Is there a ferry there? Am I completely off? That is a tweaky pair albums right there. Oh, yeah, that piece by Scott looks really good. I'll pore over it as soon as I can pore/pour. Everyone, Go check out the thing that _B_A is about to link you to 'cos it's cool: ' ... But what thrilled me was that Scott had made a print of his submission for the Yuck 'n Yum Summer 2011 issue, a map of the infamous 'House of Horror' that belonged to the British serial killers Fred and Rose West. Scott Duncan - 25 Cromwell St was always my favourite artwork that we ever featured, so to finally have it on my wall means a whole lot.' ** Thomas Moronic, Hi, T. Glad he caught your fancy. Distinct stuff. My weekend? Bunch of work, mostly. TV script, some angling to try to get 'LCTG' shown in places, blog, some hanging out, nothing too exciting. How was yours? ** Sypha, Hi, James. Thanks for the answer. I hope he does. Obviously, I'm quite curious about your brothers' work. ** Kyler, Hi, K. Nothing remotely concrete on NYC yet, just waiting to hear if one possibility pans out. I'll let you know when or if something works out. Fingers crossed. ** Misanthrope, Hi. That's a surprise? Costello, I mean? Huh. *Ding, ding, ding* You are correct! Grumpy = best is an interesting idea. Hm. Worth contemplating, and, thus, I will. Like Steevee, I heard about the rumored threat to that WWE event. But I didn't seen any news about that this morning, so I assume it went off without a hitch. And Undertaker better have won or there'll be hell to pay or something. ** Armando, Hey. Oh, I don't know. I think of my work as being idealistic, but I'm not the best judge. I am personally optimistic, etc. in the real world, at least. But, yeah, I don't know. I'll think about that. In 'Period', well, George Miles is/was real, and he's the meta-character in that book. Otherwise, ... hm, other than a kind of vortex referencing to Vincent Kartheiser as he looked in the movie 'Masterminds' as the physical model for a lot of the young male characters, maybe not. No, I think the rest of the characters are all made up, as far as I can remember. Mm, I think I saw Dinosaur Jr. twice. Once circa 'Bug', and once circa 'Where You Been'. Never in the Lou Barlow days, early or late. I think those are the only times I saw them. They were very loud, searingly loud, you bet. Cool, yeah, I can see you liking Kaurismaki's films, yeah. Nice. Well, thank you for saying that kind stuff, my friend. xx, D. ** Right. I went 'wild' around the theme of perfume today for reasons that my subconscious might or might not be able to tell you if it could. See you tomorrow.