


p.s. Hey. ** David Ehrenstein, Hi. I've been wanting to re-watch 'La Reine Margot' ever since I made that post. ** Steevee, Hi, S. Did I? That's makes sense. I haven't read 'THE OTHER PARIS' yet. I want to, as I'm a big fan of Luc Sante's writing. As I think I might have mentioned here before, the book has received a fair amount of negative over here, i.e. that it perpetuates a lot of rose-colored, exoticizing cliches about Paris's backstory and romanticizes criminality and poverty in a shopworn way. But talk is talk, and I'm definitely interested to read the book. Yeah, I saw/read that about the Von Trier film getting banned. Those hard right Catholics are really trying to assert their crap vis-à-vis culture here of late, with bizarre success sometimes like this case. The ban thing won't last very long. It'll get overturned in a month or three. But still. ** S., Hi. Yeah, I hardly ever enjoy being in London overall, just in bits and pieces. Wow, some dream. It's amazing to me when people remember their dreams in detail like that. That's never happened to me. 'Strange bird'? Why not, yeah. It just sounds like you're attracted to hysterics maybe. It's the very rare 18 year-old I've ever known who could be described as that. Yeah, wow, I forget how psychological Lacan's thing is. I'm not really so interested in psychology, I guess. It has that generalizing problem big time that I really can't get with or stand. But what you wrote is super interesting, for way sure. ** Dóra Grőber, Hi, Dóra. Yeah, it's pretty important to have access to like-minds and comrades, I think, maybe especially for writers who are stuck albeit happily in solitary for the lengths that writing takes. It can be very helpful to be forced by isolation to write, but escapes when needed are pretty key. Paris is kind of good for me because I still don't understand French all that well, so, in a general way, I'm a stranger and outsider here, but I do have friends and collaborators. If I didn't have them, I couldn't take it. I was in Copenhagen once for a short time, and I really liked it. I think it's my favorite city in Scandinavia. And it seems like really interesting things are happening there culturally, certainly in music 'cos some of the best new bands and 'noise-makers are based there, and in the visual arts too. Anyway, yeah, I liked it quite a lot. So that seems like a very good place to investigate as a future home base. ** Kieran, Hi, Kieran! Great to see you! How have you been? Cool, great, that the Leduc post paid off. Yes, in fact I need to immediately sort out where Helm and Drew McDowell are playing here since I think the gig is very soon. I'm excited too, for McDowell, obviously, and I really like Helm too. Let me know how it was, if you don't mind? ** _Black_Acrylic, Hi, Ben. There's some recent video game that's set in ancient-ish Paris that Zac was playing of late and whose title I forget but which he and others have said has a really meticulous, impressive, interactive recreation of Paris pre-Haussmann makeover that I really need to play. As you know, I truly and greatly loved 'The Well-Dressed Wound', so, of course, I hope you like it. And I hope the Art101 work goes very well. And that stint is exciting! ** Unknown/Pascal, Hey. Oh, thank you, re: sending the zine. Do I have your email address? I'll check, or send me a quick email, if you don't mind, and I'll shoot my street address back at you. You have a tumblr for you novel? Sweet. Hold on. It looks beautiful. Everyone, Pascal has a tumblr that is related to the novel he's working on, and, so, a kind of novel-related scrapbook. It's called Chapell Mansions, and I just had a peek at it, and it looks lustrous, so you should head over there because why in world not? We don't have a UK gig lined up for our film yet, but the powers-that-be and we are working on it. Yes, I made two gif poems for Zac, and they're collected in my second literary gif book 'Zac's Control Panel', and you can get it by clicking on the icon for the book on this page and then downloading the book for free. And I hope you will because it's one of my favorite things I've ever made, actually. Thanks for asking. My novel is still awaiting me, but with increasingly bated breath. ** Chilly Jay Chill, Hi, Jeff! Yep, I'm back. Mm, we moved around a fair amount. We were in Melbourne the longest, but in two shortish pieces. I didn't take so many photos. Zac did, and I'll see if I can pry some from him. I loved Cemetery of Splendor'. It's up there with his really best ones, I think. Has it not opened in the States yet? A project with Kiddiepunk? That's exciting! Wow, I'll try to pump him for details, or do preempt him and spill the poop, if you want. I saw that you got the Rivette box. Incredible. And, yes, weird timing. Such a huge loss. Great to see you! ** Misanthrope, Apparently I did do a Leduc post before, says Steevee, and I believe him. I generally really like rain except when it's in that merely drizzly, very cold state, which is kind of just annoying, and except when I'm traveling. It rained a ton in Hong Kong, and that tampered with its exploration. ** Sypha, Hi, James. It would be interesting if someone tried to recreate the sound of the Silver Factory without using any of the exciting recordings of the sound there, of which there seem to be many. But by just guessing and doing it like a Foley artist. That would be cool. ** Chris Dankland, Hi, Chris! Yes, I was really excited to see that you put out the book! And I'm excitedly awaiting the moment when I can start reading it, which should be, mm, tomorrow, I think. Yeah, let me ... Everyone, This is big. The extraordinary writer and d.l. Chris Dankland has finally released his very first book! It's called WEED MONKS, and it's a collection of stories, and I just scored it, and you can score it too for free or through 'naming (and paying) a fair price of your choice' by clicking this link. And you so should, as I surely don't need to even mention. Dank land seriously rocks, so get rocked! So long-waited and awesome! I've experienced, I think, two VR/occulus rift things. Interesting, tons of promise, obviously. Definite bugs still be worked out. It still really taxes and exhausts the eyes quickly. And, for me at least, it didn't ever become anything more transcendent than you wearing a cumbersome headset and looking at a cool trick. But that'll get sorted out, obviously. Thanks about 'SiH'. That Ryu Murakami interview got me in big trouble with his people. Well, not 'big', but they were very not into that interview. But that was exactly what it was like, I swear. My Thursday's good so far. There's a two-day symposium here on Eileen Myles's work that starts today, and I'm going to be there most of today and this evening. Should be interesting. Plus, I'll get to see Eileen, and she's awesome. Hope your Thursday nails it. ** Rewritedept, Oh, kind of. Sort of. Re: Belle, I mean. Adjani is/was skinnier and paler and a lot less friendly looking. Maybe you should try writing flash fiction. Maybe that would work better with your particular attention span? Oh, wow, thanks for all those kinds words, man. Thank you for holding up your end too! ** Thomas Moronic, Hi, T! That does sound like a busy week. Whoa, that job interview sounds serious. Obviously, I hope they're wise enough to recognize your perfection re: that gig. It sounds like a very labor intensive position. Would it be greatly more involving and time consuming than your current job? Hugely, crushingly crossed fingers, my pal. Let me/us know what happens, okay? Love, me. ** Okay. Do you feel like translating three untranslatable speeches? If so, today is your post. See you tomorrow.