Somebody please reissue this.
Born 1980 in Sichuan, China, Zhang Kechun is an artist currently based in Chengdu.
p.s. RIP: Andrzej Zulawski ** Today we get the pleasure and honor of viewing and absorbing some examples of the beautiful and intriguing work of photographer/artist Zhang Kechun, and we have the honorable Chilly Jay Chill aka master fiction writer Jeff Jackson to thank for it. So please spend some time today luxuriating in the show and letting CJC, yourselves, and even me, if you like, know what you think. Thanks, folks, and thank you so much, Jeff! ** James, Hi. Me too on owning the hardback and loving it so much. Oh, I think that, in this case, the novel itself will hold up incredibly well. It's a masterwork. But, yeah, emotions evolve, so who knows how it will sit with the evolved you. I don't think your hesitance to revisit books that meant a lot to you is weird in the slightest. Uh, hm, I think there must be books I wouldn't dare risk spoiling with another read. Let me think. I kind of feel that way about Andre Gide's books. 'The Counterfeiters' and 'The Immoralist' were gigantic for me when I read them ages ago, and I sometimes think about rereading them, but I have this instinct that, in those cases, I shouldn't, rightly or wrongly. ** Unknown/Pascal, Howdy, P! Millhauser is really great, I think. I'm not a huge fan of American fiction across the board the way I am about French or European fiction, but I think Millhauser is a true wonder and amazing auteur of a writer pretty much always. Dig about not wanting to read when you're writing fiction so as not to possibly derail the focus and purity. I'm like that too. It's exciting to get a little descriptive tidbit about your new novel. I really love the sound of it! I'm good, and I'm glad you are. ** Steevee, Yes, RIP indeed. What an amazing filmmaker. And such weird timing what with this burst of news and attention about his work of late. Big loss. Obviously, I would love to hear what you think of the new Terrence Davies. That's exciting. And, very obviously, it would be amazing if you can interview him. Wow, I need to a Terrence Davies post. I'll get on that. ** Sypha, Hi. Well, that's good, ha ha. ** David Ehrenstein, Hi, D. Millhauser is wonderful. You can start reading him further almost anywhere. ** Aaron Mirkin, Good, great about the filming! And if it's easy to shoot me any of your grandfather's drawings, I'd be happy. You're right about 'Sleeping Giant'. I must have been looking at the 'premiere' page or something. Okay, cool, I'll do my best to go see it then. The venue is literally about a 10 minute walk from my front door. ** Dóra Grőber, Hi. I'm actually very excited because I just walked outside to smoke a cigarette, and it was snowing. Okay, the flakes were microscopic and there were hardly any of them, but ... snow! Even symbolically! Thank you a lot for the link to 'Angels But Not Angels'! That's great! I might even try to watch later today if I get some spare time. That examining and interviewing work does sound very interesting, but, yeah, a four hour daily commute isn't. Do you drive or take a train? I guess I was imagining that a train would at least give you some reading time and/or time to scribble out your imagination's bursts in a notebook or something. See, I told you I'm an optimist, ha ha. My day wasn't too bad. I managed to line up a new screening for Zac's and my film, and I got a very, very badly needed haircut. And did some work. Not too shabby. How was Thursday? ** S., Hi. Hm, yeah, if your tastes insist on actresses being hot chicks and if you only want to hear internal monologues from cute boys, I guess Malick isn't for you. Did you just refer to someone whom you know is a friend of mine as a fathead? That's obnoxious. Enjoy your Brutalism, I guess. Everyone, new writing by S. is available on his blog. ** Liquoredgoat, Hi, D. Global warming seems like it's being particularly scary towards Southern California. Arizona, okay. Is that a good school? Or, I mean, would you be happy there? Nonetheless, I'm holding out high hopes that those remaining joints are savvy enough to grab the golden ring that you, sir, in this context, constitute. I hope you like the Ducornet. I'm pretty much around/down too. As soon as your morning today your time or my evening tonight. Whatever's good. I guess shoot me an FB message or email. ** _Black_Acrylic, Hi, Ben. Cool. Sure, timing the post with her show is no problem whatsoever, of course. I'm just very happy that she and you are into it. ** Misanthrope, You're no dolt, but I think you would be glad if your read Millhauser. Yeah, I think you must know women who are very different from the women I know 'cos that story doesn't ring a bell at all in my world. Heck, I've been known to turn to Gisele and say something like, 'Can you stop talking about that? You're freaking me out.' I do know women who love to dismantle objects and things just for the joy of it, yeah. So I do disagree with you, and, yes, it is great! Hooray for discrepancies! Like I told Dora, there were the teeny-tiniest snowflakes falling outside when I smoked my last cigarette. I'm talking miniscule. Like ... they made the flakes in snow globes seem like paper plates. And I'm sure they'll have ceased falling when I step outside for my next cigarette in a couple of minutes. But they were real! ** Chris Dankland, Hi, Chris! I finished reading your book, and I love it! I'm gonna give it some love here soon. That is exciting about a new Penny Goring book! I really like her writing! Thanks a million. I'll score that in one sec. You know, one thing I still miss about the old days of Alt Lit Gossip, et. al is that it was so much easier to find new books that aren't published through one of the indie presses by new writers I really like, like Penny Goring. Anyway, thanks a lot, man! Everyone, Chris Dankland has alerted us to the existence of a new and totally free book/pdf/epub/mobi by the very wonderful writer Penny Goring called 'hatefuck the reader', and I highly recommend that you go score yourselves copies. Here. I think Millhauser is so great, and 'EM' is truly amazing, I think. See what you think. Cool. Best of the best of the best plus hugs! ** Okay. Go back up and look or re-look at Zhang Kechun's photographs please. Thank you. See you tomorrow.