p.s. Hey. Same deal as yesterday but maybe slightly improved, i.e. pain, pain killers/anti-inflammatories, and some consequent impairment upstairs and downstairs. ** Armando, Hi. I trust you saw Chris's new comment to you. Hope it helps. Thanks a lot about the post. ** David Ehrenstein, Thanks, I'm trying. Don't know why it took me so long re: Tony Conrad. Strange. They just showed his films here, which is why it has happened when it has. Good old Gerry Howard! ** Damien Ark, Hi, Damien. Awesome, good that you liked it and that it was even helpful! I like LaMonte Young, sure. How can one not? Well, ha ha. ** Tosh Berman, Hi, T. Thanks a bunch for talking to Armando. Totally, yep, about Conrad. ** Steevee, Hi. 'Flicker' is just completely monumental. Thanks for the wishes re: my back. Me too. That's obviously an extremely interesting and important topic you're writing on there. Can't wait for it. Oh, yes, I think I have ... four FB friends who have been having a very protracted public nervous breakdown via their status updates for the last two or three years. ** S., Hi. Thanks, me too. Ha ha, kind of amazing that no one's called me the mosher of gay lit before. I like that. I need chiropracting bad, and I'm tracking one down today, I hope. ** Thomas Moronic, Hi, T! Lucky lucky you to have seen Conrad live. I never have for reasons I can not figure out. Thanks, man, about the gig. At your service, sir. Look forward to hearing about London. ** Dóra Grőber, Hi, D! Yeah, we're really, really happy and relieved to be officially on the way to making the film. Thank you! Oh, definitely, I would love to do the post. It would be both fun and an honor, a nice combination. Yeah, fucked-up backs take their sweet time repairing. I've had this back thing since I was a kid, and it goes nuts usually a couple of times a year. Did you get to work on the pamphlet? ** _Black_Acrylic, Hi, Ben. Thanks a lot for those vibes. I need them. ** h, Hi. Secret projects should probably always be overwhelming, otherwise why bother. Hm, that made sense in my head, ha ha. Yeah, my back's fucked up. Nothing I can do except treat it as gently as possible and wait. ** Schlix, Hi, Uli! Thanks, man. Yeah, yeah, Conrad, seriously! Yours is fucked up too? We're both tall guys. This makes no sense but because we have more back due to our height, I feel like we get to be the martyrs of back pain. That made no sense. A painkiller thought. I hope your back gets better and even perfect lickety-split! ** MANCY, Hi, S! Great to see you! Yeah, I'm there re: Conrad. Absolutely. Cool. You good? I'm not, but I'm working towards good. Thanks! ** Chris Dankland, Thanks so much for talking further to Armando. I'm very sure he's not the only person reading the p.s. who's benefiting greatly from your wisdom. Lucifer's vibes should do the trick, right? And Lucifer must dig my books, right? So he'll be generous with His vibes, right? Makes sense, right? Thanks a zillion, Chris. ** Misanthrope, Hi, G. I will asap. Okay, that explains it. About the shrooms. Dude was fucking nuts to eat those. Hm, VR novel ... I wonder if that's been thought up before? I'll check. Huh. ** Postitbreakup, Hi, Josh! Back pain is up there, that's for sure. Okay, I'm unfortunately in no shape to analyze, but, nonetheless, it's obvious that whoever said that intended to hurt you. That was the only goal. Assuming this person knows you a little, he calculated what he thought would hurt you, and said that. In other words, it was not a successful or real world opinion, but merely a coarse representation of some terrible impulse in him to cause hurt. It wasn't about you. It was only about him. ** Okay. Today's post, albeit launched on this occasion by pure coincidence, is kind of a perfect post-shaped representation of my current physical condition, albeit more than a little more serious and hysterical than my actual state, duh. See you tomorrow.