I like Oscar Tuazon’s work because it feels like it’s taking over the room that’s holding it.

I like it because it feels like it’s trying to do an impression of the room it’s in and getting it wrong.

I like it because it doesn’t really need the room that’s containing it at all.

I like it because it contains itself.

I like Oscar Tuazon’s work because it looks strong.

Because it looks like you could break it.

Because it looks like someone already tried to break it and failed.

Because it’s already damaged.

I like it because it reminds me of things.

I like it because it doesn’t look like anything else.

I like it because it reminds me of Black Metal music.

I like it because it’s totally unmusical.

I like it because it doesn’t need anything else.

I like the work because it feels horny.

I like it because it looks useful.

I like it because it has no function.

I like it because it’s independent.

I like it because it needs you.

I like it because it doesn’t solve any problems.

I like it because I don’t always like myself.

I like it because it's limited.

I like it because it feels infinite.

I like it because it’s precise.

I like it because it’s clumsy.

I like it because it’s intimate.

I like it because it’s private.

I like it because I can’t stop sleeping with strangers.

I like it because I’m lonely.

I like it because I’m happy on my own.

I like it because I stopped drinking.

I like it because the work can’t answer questions.

I like it because the work doesn’t need to justify itself.

I like it because I feel like it's seen things that I haven’t.

I like it because I’ve touched it with my own hands.

I like it because it feels like it feels anarchic.

I like it because it follows rules.

I like it because sometimes I feel like a failure.

I like it because I’ve done too many things that I can’t take back.

p.s. Hey. Thomas Moronic is back, and on his birthday no less, to fill the weekend with his personal paean to the very fine American, Paris-based artist Oscar Tuazon. Please explore what his fuss is all about, not to mention the fuss itself, and if you feel like passing your own words back to TM, that would be swell. Thank you so much, Thomas! ** White tiger, Thanks, pal. 111 is a magic number?Cool. Wow, that video/track you made with Michael Cameron is so awesome! Why didn't I know about it before? Exciting that you guys will be working further. Super score there, wow. Everyone, click this link and go watch and hear a great music track created by masterful artist and singer and lyricist and d.l. White tiger aka Math tinder and LA-based music master Michael Cameron, central force behind the superb LA band/project Los Angeles, courtesy of a video directed by Josh Winter. You'll be so glad. What a complete treat! And, if I read my FB newsfeed correctly, huge congrats on the successful name change! Yes, forever yes! ** Scunnard, Yes, I did. Oh, I like the video in progress a lot. I haven't watched it all yet, but I'll slip back over there and let it play today, hopefully before you retrieve it into the ether. I don't know whether to send people over there or not given its temporality and unfinished body. Hm, okay, I'll play it safe and keep to myself, I guess? Versailles was cool. It's so gigantic. The grounds, I mean. Well, the building is too, but the grounds are practically major city-sized. A good thing to do when you're in Paris and if you need a fix of the overly ornate past. Then again, I would personally recommend taking another hour-long train ride in a different direction and looking at the chateaux in the Loire Valley because you get a bunch in one shot, and they're kind of even better, actually. ** Misanthrope, 'Reliable rumors', ha ha, whatever. Reliable how? I wouldn't believe that scuttlebutt unless I saw it in the whites of his eyes or something. ** Wolf, No, I must admit that the fog/dog thing hadn't occurred to me. It had occurred to me that if you reverse the world and slip in an 'l' it spells golf. Ha ha. Yeah, we almost never ever get fog in Paris, as you probably know, which is very sad. Even LA has more fog than Paris, which is weird. Hurple is a word I've never heard before, and Blogger spellcheck says it isn't a word, but I don't think Blogger spellcheck has been updated since about 1996. How were the maths? ** Cobaltfram, I thought you might see and appreciate the 'SH' frame. Well, see, I have no opinion on Proust. That's what's so exciting. I am a Proust ignoramus. I'm kind of really into that status. Did you get the proofs off to Ross before you split? How was the split itself? I'm so very sorry to hear that about your co-worker. That's a very sad story. And how weird that fellow d.l. James lost a co-worker tragically on the very same day. Weird, bad. Hugs to you, man. ** David Ehrenstein, Ha ha, you won't convince me. I am a no Proust zone until future notice. I'm into it. I'm excited. Orders schmorders, ha ha. I haven't seen that Ozon. I will though. I find him extremely uneven. Most of his films I feel kind of meh about, but I've liked a couple or few of them pretty well. That one sounds quite promising. Thanks! Oh, and your wunderbar post will appear here next Saturday. Thank you so much again for it! ** James, Hi, James. Well, we're going to be hitting a lot of amusements parks in Japan, so I'm not sure our suitcase would be the best fit for you, ha ha. You definitely wouldn't want to tag along on our imminent Scandinavian trip, where everything but the driving and hotel sleeping parts will be spent inside almost nothing but amusement parks. Yeah, I'm so very sorry to hear of your loss. And, like I said to Cobaltfram, so very strange that you and he suffered the very same kind of loss at the same time. So sad. Many hugs to you, James. Much love to you too, and you have a great weekend whether I end up having one or not! ** Robert-nyc, Hi, Robert! I am taking a trip to Japan. It's basically set in stone. I'm very excited. I think there was a frame or two of the Carpenter film in that stack. Or at least there was in the rough cut. The 'Evil Dead' remake hasn't opened here yet. I haven't even seen forthcoming posters for it. But I will see it, I'm pretty sure. I got your email safe and sound. No worries, and thank you muchly for it! ** Thomas Moronic, Thank you to your face for the amazing weekend. Well, to 'your face', which I think I know well enough to imagine. And happy birthday! Exciting about your poetry book! Yeah, I went bowling last night with Kiddiepunk, Oscar B, and my dear friend Zac, and Kp said that he has the mss., and that it's super great! 30 is good, man, no worries. Life gets even shinier from 30 onwards. Or, well, at least for a while. Mine's as shiny as it's ever been, and 30 is way back there. ** Lee, Hey, Lee! Awesomeness to see you, man! Oh, shit, I don't know if I got your messages or not. My email box can be a wasteland sometimes. Shit. Well, I'm glad the cryptic stuff got resolved. Even though the cryptic can rule in some circumstances. Yeah, well, just let me know when you're getting back here so I can make sure I'll be in town. I have a bunch of traveling in my future, so, yeah. Things are great, thanks, and I hope they are with you too! ** Casey Hannan, Hi, Casey! It's really good to see you! I know so many people who've read your book and loved the living hell out of it, no surprise. Misplaced immensity, spooky, nice. I should do a post about that, not to freak you out. But I might. Yeah, that might be really good. I'm glad that you're always enjoying. The feeling is mutual, man. ** Sypha, Thanks. Nice reading there. I don't know why, but Japanese literary severe misanthropy appeals to me even though I don't generally go for that in Western lit. Interesting. ** Dynomoose, Fun summer times, indeed! And it's almost summer yet again. That Hello Kitty Park in Japan is almost always listed in the many lists of 10 weirdest amusements parks in the world that you find lots of if you search for such things like I do. Here's its website, if you're curious. Should be very cool. Fog, yes, so nice, as is -- or at least was -- LSD. Have a really nice weekend, pal. ** Steevee, Looking forward to your Ozon interview! That's the new Linklater? I heard about that. Not much about it, but something. ** Paul Curran, Hi, Paul! Oh, you'll be there when we're there, great! Where will you be? I think we arrive in Tokyo on June 6th or 7th, I forget? Maybe Monday morning for Skypeing. That sounds really good. Or some of the weeknights are good for me too. Mm, I'll email you tomorrow when I know about my Monday for sure. Can't wait! ** Sanatorium, Hey there! I'm glad you delurked. Very awesome. Sure, ideas sharing. When are you going? My friend/traveling companion and I have been researching the shit out of Tokyo as best we can. What kind of stuff are you interested in seeing? Yeah, let's figure it out. ** DOVEY, Hi, Dovey! Oh, phew, I'm so glad you were able to save Antonio's things. Wow, that was scary. Your plans for the book sounds amazing, and I don't have the slightest doubt that he will/would be thrilled to bits that you're in charge. I guess starting with the toddler days is good, at least to help you start writing the book. I feel like you should write from your love and own personal interest in him, and, you know, you can always edit it later. The thing is to not be intimidated by the task or by the act of writing itself. I think following your passion and telling the story as you feel it should be told is the way to start and the way to go. And you can worry, if you ever do, about how it will read to strangers later on. That would be my advice. Much love to you! ** Gary gray, I'm so glad you were energized by 'To the Wonder'. Yeah, I loved that film a lot. I want to see it again very soon. I looked at some of those RCT videos, and, yeah, the exciting ones are few and far between, but the sweetness and ridiculousness of people having made them makes them inherently pretty charming. I've been really good, thanks. New music, mm ... I'm kind of addicted to the new Wire album. Just got an advance of the Var album, and I'm excited about that. I want to hear the Nails album, yeah. I'll get that today, I think. Thanks, man. Have a great couple of S-days. ** Grant maierhofer, I know that Sunn0))) playing in the church video. It's great. Yeah, they rule. I'm sure you know that Stephen O'Malley and I collaborate on theater works and are great pals. Mm, I don't think I have any WWII tips for you. It's not an interest of mine, per say, and I'm blanking on books that are set in it that I might have read. Everyone, any tips for Grant Maierhofer re: books to do with or set during WWII? Thanks if you can help. I miss fog. Paris is basically a no-fog zone. I can't think of any literary sex tapes. Hunh, nope, not a one. Everyone, before I let you go, can you think of any literary sex tapes? GM is wondering. ** S., Dude, you're on fire in the center of museville. Nice stack. Complex. More complex. I don't know. Everyone, S.'s latest Emo stack is called 'Ghost', and it arrived late last night, Paris time, and you can visit it. Yes, I think it's safe to say that you are into them. I thought I was into them, but I realize now that I'm more of a marginal adherer than I thought. I don't know how you can know something like that. I've known it too. I know it right now, in fact. Strange stuff. ** Un Cœur Blanc, Intuitive conversations are the best. So, yeah, thank you. Maybe you mean Fujiko Nakaya, the great fog artist. She's a genius. I got to work with her on one of Gisele's pieces. And she has a new fog piece/installation here right now in the fountain in front of the Grand Palais. Have the loveliest weekend. ** Right. You guys go do the Thomas Moronic/ Oscar Tuazon thing now, please, okay? I'll see you on Monday.