
xNicolasx, 22
Life is good, and good, but should be able to!
I am a 22 year old guy, I'm in good things.
I know what I am capable of, and I could only ask you to try.
Act the way your heart dictates! Do not hesitate!
Everything I need is your money in my pocket, sad.
Let's have an unforgettable time with me in bed!
Dicksize L, Uncut
Position Versatile
Kissing Consent
Fucking More bottom
Oral Versatile
Dirty No
Fisting No
S&M Soft SM only
Fetish Leather, Rubber
Client age No restrictions
Rate hour 50 Euros
Rate night 200 Euros

TheHotelBoy, 20
Hi, im gud boy, like drug, sex, party, sex :)
Im like guuud suck , hard sex. end you man?
Dicksize No entry, Cut
Position Bottom only
Kissing No entry
Fucking No entry
Oral Bottom
Dirty No entry
Fisting No entry
S&M No entry
Fetish Underwear, Lycra, Uniform
Client age No restrictions
Rate hour ask
Rate night 100 Dollars

YourHoleX88, 22
Hi anyone interested with my service. I'm am white person.
Experience my pumper perfect with a touch of a true gentleman.
Im not only offer you just a big cock and bubbly ass.
Its me. It's my life ... and I dont like restrictions.
LIFE IS FOR LIVING NOT FOR DYING. Just come and remove your pain.
I rarely put myself in new situations. You will be pain free.
Dicksize M, Uncut
Position Versatile
Kissing No
Fucking Versatile
Oral Versatile
Dirty No
Fisting No
S&M No
Fetish Sportsgear, Skater, Underwear, Formal dress, Sneakers & Socks
Client age Users younger than 62
Rate hour ask
Rate night ask

SpermMan, 19
I am an extremly unique person, not even a library could hold all the thoughts and ideas that float through my mind. I have a big curiosity in drugs, and will try just about anything phycedelic or empathonegeic chemical or natural once. I do my drugs for the experience and the fun, and most of all I do it for my sex life, especially DXM/MDMA (my trusted Ecstasy). I am well educated when it comes to it and i do it purely for enjoyment. It allows me to get deeper into sex, and "feel" it more. But enough about drugs. *clears throat* Fuck me hard and then let me go. Oh right, I don't like very hard sex, I like romantic sex. Wow. Figure me out.
Dicksize XL, Uncut
Position Versatile
Kissing Yes
Fucking Versatile
Oral Versatile
Dirty Yes
Fisting Active / passive
S&M Soft SM only
Client age No restrictions
Rate hour 20 Euros
Rate night 100 Euros

IneeDMoney, 24
Beograd, Serbia
ARE U FEEL HORNY TODAY?? YES I'AM UR HORNY HELPER!! I dont blve in love, I dont blve in commited,,, I just blve in sex only fr pay...I CAN PROMISES THAT YOU WILL NOT REGRET EVEN ONE SECOND THAT YOU MEET ME. I Need Money Money Money! I hate Love story!
Dicksize L, Cut
Position Versatile
Kissing Consent
Fucking Versatile
Oral Versatile
Dirty No
Fisting No
S&M Soft SM only
Fetish Underwear, Boots, Uniform, Formal dress, Sneakers & Socks, Jeans
Client age No restrictions
Rate hour 500 Dollars
Rate night 2000 Dollars

U-Like-Me, 21
Hello....perfect gay hear....try me ones....and enjoy ur lifes best day.
i'm wants a bisexual lover who can give my needs in sex.
I WANT SERIOUS LOVE leadint to a marriege...im sinlge.
i like only 50 to 90 years old man.
Want a nice cock smah u ass for a long time?
Dicksize M, Uncut
Position More top
Kissing Consent
Fucking No
Oral Top
Dirty No
Fisting Active
S&M Yes
Fetish Leather, Rubber, Underwear, Uniform, Formal dress, Techno & Raver
Client age No restrictions
Rate hour 1 Dollars
Rate night 10 Dollars

fifanek.rys, 22
Somebody who will pay me ticket from Prague to Dubai and give me chance of doing this in Dubai?
Now I'm in Czech Republic, I need somebody who can get me from here and give me some stability in Dubai or wherever else.
I want to be a motorbike racer and I'm desperatelly looking for some solution to get enough money for this thing, is there anyone who can help me? I accept anything, but I need much money now!
Dicksize L, Cut
Position More bottom
Kissing Yes
Fucking More bottom
Oral Bottom
Dirty WS only
Fisting Active / passive
S&M Soft SM only
Fetish Skater, Underwear, Jeans
Client age No restrictions
Rate hour ask
Rate night ask

callmeandfuckme, 18
Maribor, Slovenia
I think you should find it.
Dicksize M, Cut
Position Bottom only
Kissing Yes
Fucking Bottom only
Oral Versatile
Dirty WS only
Fisting No
S&M Soft SM only
Fetish Underwear, Jeans
Client age No restrictions
Rate hour 30 Euros
Rate night 400 Euros

allyoulleverneed, 23
First let me get you acquainted. I've got teddy bear brown eyes and I'm extremely precise at what I do. I fancy radical sports-like sex - I'm very enticed by the rush of adrenalin I feel when my back and ass are being snowboarded, surfed, slalomed, skateboarded ... You get the picture. But above all, I feel passionately about your anatomy and the potential of pleasure in the extreme sports that lies in it. I want to make you happy from face to face. But please no discussion about the price, this is humiliating.
Dicksize No entry, Cut
Position Bottom only
Kissing No entry
Fucking Bottom only
Oral No entry
Dirty No entry
Fisting No
S&M Soft SM only
Fetish Sportsgear, Skater, Underwear
Client age No restrictions
Rate hour 50 Euros
Rate night 150 Euros

Dicksize No entry, Cut
Position No entry
Kissing No entry
Fucking No entry
Oral No entry
Dirty No entry
Fisting No entry
S&M No entry
Client age No restrictions
Rate hour 100 Euros
Rate night 400 Euros

Gianni, 20
There are so many superlatives and for Gianni it would be worthwhile to use them all. On the other hand it has got around quickly that he is a sweethearts. And if you don't know already, it is hereby made known again.
He came all the long way from Spain. When you meet with him, you can do it discreetly in our home. Or you show the world whom you found. Go out with him and put your environment in wonder who you've got on the hook.
Dicksize XL, Uncut
Position Versatile
Kissing Yes
Fucking Versatile
Oral Versatile
Dirty No
Fisting Active
S&M No entry
Client age No restrictions
Rate hour 120 Euros
Rate night 450 Euros

drunkbottom, 22
you buck to fuck on it easily?
you're standing on it, if the boy is drunk?
you want to clean the bottle now?
you want to fuck a drunk in the mouth and ass?
if you like baresex with which to infect the same please, but there is no guarantee.
and of course to jerk off into the pussy.
Dicksize L, Uncut
Position Bottom only
Kissing No
Fucking Bottom only
Oral Top
Dirty No
Fisting No
S&M No
Client age Users between 18 and 70
Rate hour 150 Euros
Rate night 500 Euros

Iffy, 25
i new i never try anal sex yet. i looking old man who will help me.
i just coming to london from poland and i looking old man. i can do many things without kiss.
you have found the wright one. go beyond reach my Dick, take it, shake it, suck it, shit on it !!!
My englis isnt fluent. greets i waiting !!
Dicksize L, Uncut
Position Versatile
Kissing Consent
Fucking Versatile
Oral Versatile
Dirty No
Fisting No
S&M No
Client age Users older than 40
Rate hour 100 Pounds
Rate night 400 Pounds

Love is irrational, I reminded myself. The more you loved someone the less sense anything made. To a degree. The Man who cant be Moved? hahahahaa. Are you ready to get a very Naughty Boy with y
Dicksize S, Cut
Position More bottom
Kissing Yes
Fucking Bottom only
Oral Bottom
Dirty WS only
Fisting Active / passive
S&M No entry
Fetish Leather, Skater, Rubber, Underwear, Boots, Uniform, Formal dress, Techno & Raver, Sneakers & Socks, Jeans, Drag, Worker
Client age No restrictions
Rate hour ask
Rate night ask

Loveofdeath2, 22
San Diego
Hello, I am Jose
22 Years of age
Unemployed Android Developer
I'm extremely pessimistic
I suffer from Chronic Depression, Anxiety, & Paranoia
People like to stay away from me
I have difficulty making friends
I just thought you should know
Dicksize M, Cut
Position No entry
Kissing No
Fucking Versatile
Oral Versatile
Dirty No entry
Fisting No entry
S&M No entry
Client age No restrictions
Rate hour ask
Rate night ask
p.s. Hey. ** David Ehrenstein, Top of the LA morning to you. Cool about the Ozon. I'll see it at the first opportunity for sure. That double Van Dyke Parks news is very exciting news indeed! Thank you! ** Alan, Hi, Alan. ** Sanatorium, Hi! Well, we're looking to scour the place basically. It's such a mystery at this point. We're way into amusement parks, so we'll hit a bunch of those, as there are, I think, 20 of them in and around Tokyo. I can give you our must-see list of those if you want. Want to check out the high tech and anime/manga district. Weird restaurants. There's this island nearby -- Shikinejima -- with a bunch of amazing natural hot springs. Suicide Forest. I don't know. A lot. Tell me your specific interests, and I can pass on tips in those areas that we've found, I guess. ** MANCY, Hey, man! ** Squeaky, Hi, Darrell. Oh, that's so sweet and great about Dovey's contact and gift. And thanks for the link to those videos by that German art collective. Their haunted house was amazing, and they also built a heck of a handmade roller coaster. ** Grant maierhofer, Howdy, Grant! ** Misanthrope, Ha ha, yeah, that sounds very reliable, NOT. I don't know, my eyebrow always raises when there are generalizations, i.e. some porn performer's bad experiences and what he knows equalling a picture of the experiences of people in porn in general. I know some guys who were and/or are in porn who think it's a blast. Anyway, you know and acknowledged my antipathy to hand-me-down rumors and blah blah. Weird, I went bowling the other night for the first time in years. Did you win? I won one game and lost the other. ** S., It should be a town if it isn't. 'A Softer World' looks curious at a glance. I'll investigate, thanks! Someone wrote somewhere that there are more Emos per capita in Russia than in any other country, which makes total sense somehow. Well, you're on quite the interpersonal roll of sorts, man. Very cool assuming it's very cool. New writing! Very nice. I'll endeavor to read that today, everything else willing. Exciting! ** Paradigm, Hi, Scott! Oh, right, duh, about LA and the ocean and the very inland Paris. Thank you a lot for those tips on Malian music. I've noted the names, and I will go find what they make later today. Obviously, a post would be super swell, if you feel like it. Great, thank you! My weekend was quiet but good. It finally got sunny and warm here, at least for a day. Wrote, and that constitutes good. How was your weekend? The secret tunnel investigation is ongoing, but it's on hold at the moment because, long story short, the Recollets is about to have its 10 year anniversary, and, as part of that, some architect is investigating the history of the place, including the whereabouts of the secret tunnel, and we're waiting for him to report back to the boss with what he's found. ** Rewritedept, Hey, Chris! Really good to see you, man! Ace and lucky you, obviously, re: the Spiritualized gig. I haven't seen them in ages. I'll check my local listings. Oh, I saw the FB thing and the email, I'm just random and undisciplined and rather hopeless when it comes to correspondence outside of the p.s. Yes, I was on a trip recently. A work trip during which attractions were also visited, including a defunct mine/museum. It was cool. It wasn't scary. 'Marabou Stork Nightmares' was the last great book Irvine wrote in my opinion. Primavera? No. I would have maybe gone to Coachella to see The Three O'Clock reunion gig, but I'm getting the feeling that they're going to stick around, so no big, I guess. Iceage was incredible, yeah. Don't know what to say about it really. Elias is as charismatic and fascinating an onstage singer/star as I think I've ever seen maybe, for one thing. Lee 'Scratch' Perry, sweet. Well, you sound really good and busy and productive in the best ways, man, and that's very good to hear. And, yeah, reasonable goal, I reckon so. Welcome back, and later. ** Scunnard, I watched the whole thing. It was dreamy. The pacing was very up my alley, for one thing. Loire Valley chateaux are way worth a check out. I'm really good, thanks. ** Thomas Moronic, Hi, T. Thank you ever so much and once again as well as eternally for the weekend. Its beauty seems to have been justly rewarded. Oscar T. used to read the blog daily, but I'm not sure if he still does, so I'll tip him off. Nice sounding birthday, yeah. Best of Monday's everything to you! ** Pilgarlic, Hi, buddy. Thanks much for helping Grant out and thinking aloud re: his queries. Ghost towns, ooh, yum. I'm going to google that handful. Beautifully written and alluring descriptions too, man. Love the way you write. I think you know that, but, ... yeah. ** Tender prey, Hi, Marc. 'Dynamo' was really interesting. Huge show. Maybe six to eight amazing pieces in it. A lot of historically important stuff that was very good to see. A bit flabby with too much samey op/illusion wall-based work maybe. The last fourth of it is the weakest part. But a strong show overall and a real pleasure to wander through. Yes, that light artists show at the Hayward. I was actually looking that over yesterday and wishing I could see it. I actually made an upcoming light artists post inspired by Dynamo and checking the Hayward show online evidence out. On the title, I see, re: the word's existence, and I like what it means in relationship to your work. I think maybe it's the thing you mentioned -- the hard sounding-ness of the word, and maybe the way its meaning is so deliberately impacted and not easily available, at least to me, if my not knowing of the word is common at all. I think that's where I'm having some trouble connecting your work, and the way your work works, to it. To me, the word is not pleasurable or mysterious in the way your work is. It feels a bit calculatedly attached maybe? I don't know. I actually kind of quite like 'Reader'. Its complicated, but it's more giving or something? I don't know. I'm not hard against Vertex or anything, but, to my ear/eye and sensibility, I'm not sure that I love the relationship, at least not without further contemplation. What's your current thought? ** White tiger, Hey, buddy! ** Steevee, Who knows? I don't know, I don't care. I have no fondness for Bieber, but the media making a federal case out of every self-involved, not very bright thing he does these days is just making me sympathetic to him. I guess he has no choice but to do the apology and donation thing, but it just feels like the media has turned into his obsessed stalker seeking come-uppance from him for behavior and a cavalier attitude that the media is at least partly responsible for creating, and I think that's gross. ** _Black_Acrylic, Hi, Ben. ** James, 60 pages, whoa, sweet. Go, go, go. Much love from me. ** Robert-nyc, Hi, Robert. Oh, the penis festival, cool. Always wanted to see that. The Japan trip is a pleasure trip with some maybe work involved, and I'm going with a friend. Will do on the 'Evil Dead' movie. Thank you, big R. ** Dynomoose, Hi, Adrienne. Oh, we'll have fun, I'm totally sure. And, yes, I'll try to get some particularly weird Hello Kitty merch. You want anything? ** Bill, Hi, B. Okay, yeah, re: Korea. I can imagine how difficult it is to decide. A lot of smoke and mirrors there. No, haven't seen 'Primer'. Not sure I even knew of its existence until now. Have you? ** So, that's that. It's the middle of the month, which always belongs to the escorts, and, voila, there they are. See you tomorrow.