followyou, 19
single Gay disabled teen alcoholic from newcastle. so yeh like i'm 19.
i let slip to my master that i wanted to be used for money. so he sent me on here to make it happen.
anybody accepted, make me an offer and describe how your going to use me.
the only thing i ask is that i look the same after a session. i dont mind left over marks and injuries as long as they're in a private place on my body (so no one can see them by walking past me on the street). but dont worry you dont have to be gentle. im already in a wheelchair. :(
so yeh thats me.

Robot, 24
since I'm 12 y/o Many men like to naked me, rape me and punch my skinny belly some men like to electric shock in my nipple and my navel too. untill Now I'm 24 many men still like to punch in my belly and sm my body Are you like? Do you like to punch my belly?

CiteMe, 19
I am barely out of high school and I met a German soldier last year that introduced me to rubber. I'm just curious bc regular sex just isn't as good.
I like to feel inferior, which often happens around other men as I'm small for a man, and sometimes due to my race.
As if that weren't enough, you will need to fuck me hard as I'm not sure if I'm gay or straight!!!!

prettymouth, 18
I'm an 18 year old Australian who can be perfectly described as "facetious". I will not be in London ever so Im NOT looking for a boyfriend just no strings fun ok. No problem with a fuck buddy as long as you know it will end eventually. I WILL NOT STAY INTEREST IN YOU NO MATTER WHO YOU ARE. If you're not interest, don't be such a prick about it.
Try to get brightonscott to commit to a meeting, he is full of shit.

StubbleLover, 23
born as a slave,, always a slave in life time.. i pray the good lord give me a white master to control me well..and fuck me hard with no mercy in my life..... and no control on what I made to do or what is done to me..will be happy...

iWorkHard, 24
You may think that I have no shame, but the truth is, I feel nothing but shame about the depraved things I do, and that shame turns me on because I am a worthless faggot who doesnt even deserve to be treated like a man, because you are what a man is supposed to be and I was put on this earth to entertain you with my sick twisted need to glorify you by showing you just how little respect I deserve as a human being, therefore I willingly lower myself beyond any level of respect and dignity for a man's entertainment
So if you want to see a pathetic excuse of a man take his rightful place at the bottom of the evolutionary cycle, lets set it up and you can sit back, relax, and watch this sick piece of shit transform himself from a person into a worthless, simpering pile of crap, with no value for anything except sinking as low as he can go for your enjoyment.
Only you can save me from my warped existence, and the only way to do that is to give me a direct shot of the testosterone I so completely lack so that I may pretend to be a real man for a second and forget that I am nothing but a pitiful imitation of the real thing. I will do anything to get that dose of testosterone from your awesome, almighty cock into my body.
If you have no experience taking ownership of a sleazy cockworshipping fagcunt filth like me, don't worry. I have lots of experience in guiding a Superior Male to where he belongs: on top of the world using me as his lowly seat to boost Him up.

GiveYouMyself, 22
Lets play army, I lay down and you blow the hell out of me.
Looking for violent men, who want to tase a bit of the crazy electrical.
Nice shoes. Wanna kick my brains out?

a_slaves_wish, 24
Lookong to have my body modified.
First change - to be dickless; (as soon as possible).
Have only a 4" dick, it's useless.
Second change - to be permanently blinded.
I have pretty blue eyes so you'll need to be heartless and cold.
Final step - anything Master decides that is right for me.
(Im thinking it starts with a d and eands with an h but its up to you).
What the Top says, goes, and that's the end of it.

bttmpozcumdump, 21
I'm HIV + on meds... Looking for a skinhead

therapy, 22
My name is Jack, I come from Canterbury in Kent, I have been receiving corporal punishment since I was 17. I have experience of hand, belt, gymshoe, paddle and brush, Strap, tawse, cane and Birch, I have also had my back lashed.
I am a friendly guy with attitude and cheeky and cocky however im always polite to dom guys as I have no desire to make matters even more serious.
I need to receive very real punishment, they are theraputic, how its given, what is used etc is up to you, just do it for real, i dont want to play games pretending to be something im not ie a schoolboy. i get this for real as i deserve it.
im not saying a fuck is out of the question but not until I have had a real thrashing.
I have discovered sending a no thankyou message just gets me a lot of abuse or excuses so From now on if you dont receive a response from me sending a further 12000000000000 messages only confirms what i suspected to start with that your a headcase.

Baba_for_Dada, 21
21yo (or 6 month old as I like to act as in baby years) Teen Baby.
Looking for a nursery and a daddy.
When im a baby I enjoy all sorts of things from being bathed to changed to watching cartoons to being bounced on a knee, love being read a bedtime story and I love to crawl around like baby all time.
When I'm not a baby I enjoy riding my motorbike.

no1AssInRO, 22
** Want to lock me? Here goes. **
To see what might be in store for me I played Bingo on the LockedMEN site and drew 5 weeks. Ouch.
If you were to play Bingo for me, drew the max 9 weeks, added two weeks, then you should ignore even the most pitiful begging. Indefinitely isn't for me though.
I love my mom. She's the only girl that I'm committed to. I'll do my very best just to make her happy up to the extent of taking a bullet for my lady. But sad to say we've lost her.. I'm a dreamer.
When going through a bad time, remember that there is One in heaven who loves you and cares for you and someone on earth who cares about you - that's me!

apiginside, 19
I've owned this bitch for a while now and Im looking for someone who can help break it into the next level.
basically i need to get it to the point where it doesn't have a raw cock out of its cumholes for more than a min or two for the rest of its life.
Hole can also be used as urinal of course.


holes4poles, 23
Welcome everybody. I a firefighter and I love to skatee. I fun if I have Master. I am will glad to know everybody, touch my habit before , and you will feel that , , I have been a slave with you. want to have a person who hate me TRUE . Nice to talk with you......

Stuff, 20
I have a hipofilii: P;) I never had anything with a horse, but it excites me to their appearance, their nature. I could love a horse more than a man. Just after the body over the horse and I'm fired up and I cuddled him and stroking him and ...: P (if you help me get a loan on a stallion, I would like;))
Please, I'm on the boys: DD

i drink liters of cum
i drink liters of piss
i drink your saliva and mucus from the nose
i clean your smegma dick
i eat your scat and drink your enemas
yes bb sex
yes fist my asshole
yes i drink vomit
yes animalsex (bj dog dick -horse dick cumeating)
yes sex with children
yes record me with no mask
i read kinky and non-kinky things
i am an above-average writer
i understand how to use a semi-colon
i brew my own wine and beer
i am super-excited that varsity jackets are a fad
i am not going to "see what's in the basement," thank you
i can eat with chopsticks
if you are asian emoboy master is a plus

SippingSlave, 19
boy 20 y o almost, drinks amateur, looks for a older experienced drinking pal, to clink with and explore together the depth of the drunkenness, small or big, sexe is possible but not mandatory, oversexed men, no

KnapSack, 19
I'd be cool to find a guy into masculinization and adrealine outdoors but into whorifying little (5'3), deaf (I speak American Sign Language) me indoors. I am only able to be attracted to this sort of relationship with men that are much, much, much larger than me. 6'4 to 6'8 would be perfect but 7'0 or more would be excellent as well. Ideally you are a very large dicked permabonered white alpha into raw dogging with hairy pits and a deep voice and a sailor's mouth (I can't hear words but I can feel the vibrations). My favourite color is Blue.

ElementalChild, 20
First you bend water. You clean my body as much as you can. You sanitize my parts.
You make me almost squeaky-clean.
Water soothes and cleans.
Then, you bend earth. You bend me.
You manipulate the hardest part/s of my body to your satisfaction.
While at it, you bend fire. I inhale fire, you exhale fire. We feel fire.
Every thing burns. Your passion. My body. Your hormones. Our breath.
Finally comes the eruption.
Finally you bend air. You recover whatever's lost in me.
You replenish my energy for whatever's next.
You start anew.
AFRAID? Don't be. I just got tested recently. I'm HIV negative. You're safe with me.
Information Overload

p.s. Hey. ** Misanthrope, Hi, G. Dude, your job's swallowing up of your time and energy must be so hard to negotiate. I can't even imagine doing that and trying to write a novel. It took me years to figure out how to write a novel and do the blog at the same time, and that's only a full-time job in my head. Did not know the Rock was fully back in the WWE, much less champion, or that Lesnar or Triple H were back too. Weird. I'm not sure what to think about that. I guess it's cool, but, I don't know, hm, no, I guess it's cool. ** Lizz Brady, Hey! How awesome of you to come in here and say hello and talk to the folks, etc. I love your work, and I'm so grateful to have gotten the intro courtesy of JP-K. I hope it's a launching pad too. And, yes, obviously, it would be a great and happy thing to have you around here anytime. All respect to you! ** David Ehrenstein, Hi, D. I can believe it's unreleasable, but I guess I'm not yet convinced that culling the footage into something was a bad idea. But I guess I'm imagining it more as a document and keepsake than as a legit film. I don't know. Curious to find out. Nice to see Bowie and Tilda together, but I think that video itself is really dumb. ** Empty Frame, Good to see you, pal! That does sound like an intense day in the studio. Someone could edit an awesome documentary out of the surveillance footage, had any cameras been on board. My novel is treating me the same way, but any footage would be useless unless one has a thing for the minutiae of a frowning and cringing face. Yes, you are indeed correct that an envelope is a key and meta-element of 'TMS'. Your memory is on the very right track. Well, may I wish you a happier today in the studio today? I wish myself that, and I thought dragging your work on board couldn't hurt. ** MANCY, Hey, big man! ** Scunnard, Thank you ever so kindly and much more for the intervention. You good? How was your day? ** Steevee, Cool. I'll go read that, yes, post-this. Everyone, take this golden opportunity to go read the always enlightening brain-spillage of Mr. Steve 'Steevee' Erickson, in this case re: the Criterion Collection's culling and release of the key and influential works of French film director Jean Rouch. Tempted? Naturally, right? So easy. Press this. I've always preferred Amis's non-fiction to his fiction for some reason, but I did quite like his first few novels, at least. He's a heck of a sentence constructor. ** Cobaltfram, Hi, John. Uh, well, I'm not skinny-skinny, but I guess it's because of my combo of being an almost lifelong vegetarian and my attitude of mostly seeing food as fuel and the fact that I hardly ever eat much of anything during the day maybe. No, I don't have a completed draft of my novel at all. I have maybe 2/3 to 3/4 of a huge mess of a first draft, of which I think I'll be lucky if 25% is useable. I'm thinking very seriously of extracting the things that work and that I like and trying to write a different novel than I had originally intended, possibly employing the surviving pieces, and in which my relationship with George would become a background for and contrast to something I'm not ready to talk about right now because it's too early, and I'm still feeling lost and trying to figure out a way not to be. Or something. I'd love details on the rounds if you want to email them to me, yes. ** Chilly Jay Chill, Thank you about the envelope thing. No, the Oscars timing thing is completely a coincidence. It was supposed to show up two weeks ago, but then Blogger mysteriously deleted it, and I had to rebuild the thing almost from scratch. I know of Terry Fox's work, yeah. I saw him perform a few times, and I followed his work, and I think I met him a few times. Very curious work that I would really like to revisit, now that you bring him up. I was never fully sure about his stuff, although I liked things about it very much. And I think you saying that it was kind of context-less might be why I never quite got it at the time maybe. Anyway, you've got me on a hunt, so thank you. Thanks re: the novel. As I way saying to Cobaltfram, I think I might have to gut it and start over on a different but related track, we'll see. ** Frank Jaffe, Frank!!! Wow, were you writing that from the guts of my own and beloved LA home? Trippy to imagine you typing that on one of our couches or the patio or something. So, LA seems like a happy ending? Or an ending for now? That, you know, makes me happy. How is the apartment hunt going? Is it really tough to find the right place? Or not? Skylight rules, and, yeah, I noticed that it ruled more even than before the last time I was there. Ah, sigh, Mexico City, slurp, sigh. Okay, if I hear of any LA job openings, I will of course report to you immediately. I mean, you never know. And LA fun tips ... I'll put my mind to it, although Joel probably has the same set of loves and tips as I do. But I will. Thank you so much for everything, and give my warmest howdy and hugs to Luke and Matt! ** Billy Lloyd, Hi, maestro. Paris has grown friendlier and friendlier to vegetarians in recents years, but vegan is still pretty foreign to them. The vegetarian places, of which there are increasingly many, usually have vegans in mind in parts of their menu. There's this great restaurant Soya that's half-vegan, half-vegetarian. I'll find you appropriate places when the time comes. Oh, d.l. stands for 'distinguished local'. Not for Dennis lovers, yikes, no, God, no, ha ha. Wrote-ish is good, wrote-ish is enough. Wrote-ish is a nice idea and word. A musical! Fantastic! What can you say about it, if anything? Nice! What am I doing at the moment? Trying to figure out how to not entirely throw my novel-in-progress away. Working on a public art project with a visual artist friend that I can't talk about really yet. Going to see Iceage on Monday. Taking two out of town trips next week, which is cool -- a quick-ish trip to Bruges to see/supervise a performance of 'Kindertotenlieder', one of Gisele Vienne's and my theater pieces, and my favorite of our theater pieces, and going to Switzerland next weekend -- both with my great friend Zac, so I'm very excited about that. So, I'm doing very all right for the most part. Day of excellence to you! ** Chris Cochrane, Hi, C. Oh, man. I'm sorry about the depression struggling. Yeah, ugh, body chemistry is such a bitch sometimes. At least there seems to be a fair amount of good IRL stuff going on, and no doubt it will tip the balance, right? It always does, I think, albeit in its sometimes own 'sweet' time. I'm mostly doing and feeling very good these days, thank you! ** Bill, Hi, Bill. Great that the gig went well. Was it documented or recorded or anything? Hopefully it was worth the sinus meltdown and the bleggy day after. You perkier today? ** Rewritedept, Oh, a space heater. Man, those things are dangerous. They seem like total pyromaniacs. I'm obviously so sorry to hear that the damage was worse than feared. And, yet, *sigh of relief*, the flash drive. Get through the transitional days this week, man, I hope the new, temporary house has some kind of mansion vibe. So, what are you planning to spend your birthday doing? Specialness would seem to be in order. My novel's on the autopsy table and maybe on the transplant list. Have as good a day as possible. Love from me. ** Okay. Due to the brevity of February, it probably feels like you're getting your monthly slave allotment early, but you aren't, if I'm going to be technical about it. And, with that rather superfluous idea and sentence, I will see you tomorrow.