p.s. Hey. Today, for everybody's eyes only, d.l. Bollo aka artist/ sensibility central-shaped dude Jonathan Mayhew lends us his eye for things and his understanding of the term 'like', and, hey, we win. Maybe you would like to enumerate re: what you feel like you've won in the comments arena so the chooser/ arranger will know and feel good about his having created this gift of a post. Sound like a good idea? Cool. Thank you, Bolloster. ** Misanthrope, The Undertaker left? He retired? No, really? That's terrible, not that I've watched WWE in yonks or anything and would know the difference if you hadn't told me that. Oh, shit, your car died! Holy fuck, G. How are you going to get to work and all that? Rental or what? Fuck! Tell me how you've managed to survive this rude interruption. ** Wolf, Wolfy! Oh, I think there are surely some d.l.s out there who don't love me at all and who are but spies in the house of love. You got seitan! Is it as good as Naturalia's? Bring some to Paris, and we'll have a blind taste test or something. Thank you for attending to my slaves' output. I would order them to appreciate the honor if I had any sway over them. March 14th is not forgotten nor unappreciated, I assure you. Excellent on the translation almost nailing, and on your Toefl conquering, which does not surprise me whatsoever, I think. Hugs back, a whole motherlode of them. ** David Ehrenstein, I loved him so much I gave him the symbolic place of honor at the head of the class. That Gaddis piece you linked to was written by a former and one of the original d.l.s of this very place, Mr, Justin Taylor, formerly known around here as Maximum Etc. Fun Morrissey interview, although his thoughts on the inherent peacefulness of homos was completely out to lunch in a charming way. ** Lizz Brady, Hi! Oh, wonderful about your sticking around. I really look forward to talking with you a lot in an ongoing way. Cool. And thank you so much about the Butoh post! ** Scunnard, Oh, yeah, I saw a pic or pix of that installation over at FB, and I couldn't figure what it was. I thought, Think beehive or something. Interesting. Pooped and useless sounds nice, as strange as that may sound. Place for the show to go? Gosh, so many, I guess. Give me more particulars or something. I'm good, yes, good. ** Sypha, I hope I can. Salvage, I mean. Maybe. Feels possible today. Bret was a big Didion-head. Might still be? Who knows. I'm glad you dug 'Slouching'. Whoa, can she write. ** Lee Deville, Well, well, well, hello there, pal It has been a while. What a pleasure. Interesting about the swing in your tastes. I wonder what it means. And big congrats on the business school acceptance! What is your thinking and plan re: learning about business. Are you thinking of starting something? Of course I'm glad that writing still has something of a hold on you. Anyway, Dusty, my man, good, as I said, to see you. Hang out. ** 5STRINGS, I can only imagine that the slaves would appreciate your designation of them as hot in their own complicated ways. Writing when you're scared of writing is when writing best happens. You can quote me on that. You did eat boys, didn't you? Everyone, 5STRINGS eats boys. ** _Black_Acrylic, Hi, Ben. My future looks very great at the moment, yes, thank you! You head up to Amsterdam on Monday? Wow, yeah, it is that time. Very excited to hear what you think and talk with you about it. How long are you there for? Are you planning to see other things too? Yes, please, work out your plan for the 'whatever form it may take'. I'm way down. Awesome about your piece getting a second life. I like the look of that storefront. Nice colors. ** Chilly Jay Chill, Thank you re: my slaves. I thought so too. It was an interestingly alt lit-ish group. I'll probably need to do said internet searching to refresh my memory re: the Terry Fox pieces that I saw and thought most highly or curiously about. And to be able to think about him and his stuff contextually. Some amount of detail-impairing haze there. But I will. ** Pilgarlic, Hi, man. Thank you for winnowing the most out of the passive(-aggressive) young fellas. I think I'll do the Neil thing. It depends on whether a Neil-moving friend wants to go. He does in theory. I'm not going to go alone, and he's the only Neil guy I know here. It's not festival seating, which is a big part of the drawback. I would guess the audience here would resemble the American audience quite closely with only French genetic differences. If I go, you will know all, man. ** Steevee, I don't know, of course, but I always assume that maybe 10% of the slaves actually act out their fantasies with the masters of their dreams, and that the ones who do are the ones who ask for nothing more difficult to achieve than getting fucked especially hard. ** Statictick, Hope those good few days last forever, naturally. Thank you about the envelopes, etc. And thank your mom. A mom-pleasing post. How often does that happen, I wonder? Not too. Interesting: I don't agree with you about the MBV and, theoretically, based on two tracks, not about the Bowie. Later, pal. ** John Veldhoen, Mr. John Veldhoen! Hello, and so very lovely to see you, my much missed and important friend! You weren't hard to put up with or whatever. Dude, perish that thought. It is inaccurate. You were a boon, you are a boon during your welcome current visit, and you will always be a boon, and that's just that, you hear me? What's up? Take a bunch of love! ** Rewritedept, Oh, it wasn't that bad. My head was and may still be all turned around. Getting 'hey ma' printed seems like a totally doable b'day present, so he would have to be a hell of a churl to say no, and he doesn't seem so churlish. My weekend plans? Let me think. Not get sick since I have that slight 'you're getting sick' feeling this morning, and I can not get sick right now due to too many things impending. What else. Meeting with a theater director who made a piece based on a chapter of my novel 'Closer' a few years ago because the play is being revived for a big Paris gig/showcase in May, and he wants to tell me stuff about that or ask me questions or something. Fuck with novel mess. Plus the usual unexpected stuff. ** Billy Lloyd, Maybe 'sans produits laitiers'? Oh, yes, 'Cycles', I think so, yes. Your musical idea has a lot of room to move in it, I think. I can't imagine that, if you address that theme, your originality will not invade and reinvent it. If you just concentrate on what it is exactly that draws you to use that theme and idea, it will happen. It does like that will work as a double-whammy. Nice. Totally, make those assignments your own work's slaves. I want to junk or do a salvage job on my novel-in-progress because it just doesn't work. My hopes and dreams were misguided and have not been fulfilled. Luckily, I have a new hope and dream, and, hopefully and dreamily, it will work a lot better. Iceage is a band, yeah. Danish, post-hardcore. Huge fave. They also have this side project/band Vår that, I don't know, you might like? Here's a song/video, if you want to find out. Anyway, I'm excited to see them, and I'm trying to meet them 'cos I hear they like my books, and I want to schmooze them into letting my friend Zac direct a video for Vår 'cos it would be a perfect match. Blah blah, yeah. So, no, not that animated movie, no. I did see the first 'Ice Age' movie on a plane, though. I hope your claustrophobia gets the hell out of your life this very second! ** Frank Jaffe, Hey Frank! Fingers crossed on that possible place you found. When will you know? Where is it? Oh, stuff in my house? Wow, hm, again, I guess ask Joel or just snoop around and see if anything exciting turns up. Joel has done such a major reorganization and cleaning since I was last there that I don't think I would even know where anything is anymore. Cool about the party and the Scott Heim meeting and everything. What was the party? Nice. ** Un Cœur Blanc, Hi! They kind of were, weren't they? That's interesting. That Jared visit plus strolling and library exploring does sound exciting and lovely! Very cool! I send you much love in return, dear friend. ** That's it. From now until I interrupt things around here yet again tomorrow, it's all about Bollo's stack, so have at it, thank you. À demain.